
Girl with an umbrella handle

author:Bright Moon Tianya Sword

It rained a lot, the wind was urgent, the thunder was still loud, and the pedestrians were in a hurry in the wind and rain. Suddenly, I saw a child wearing a red scarf in front of me, holding an empty umbrella handle in his hand.

I quickly lowered the window and told her, "Kid, the umbrella cloth has been scraped off." ”

"I know. Thank you uncle! The child wiped a handful of rain from his eyes.

"Then you don't throw it away! It's going to be dangerous, haven't you learned the story of Franklin catching thunder? ”

The rain in early summer was still very cold, and the child said while shivering: "I have learned, but the teacher said, 'I have to bring an umbrella when it rains tomorrow', who knows that my umbrella can't help the wind." As he spoke, the corners of the child's mouth twitched. There are still tears after thinking about it, but the children's tears are always reduced in the wind and rain. "However, if I don't fight, other classmates will sue the teacher, 'saying that I didn't bring an umbrella,' and the teacher will definitely be unhappy."

It's my fault that I don't have an umbrella, and it's my fault that I don't have an umbrella. In fact, who of us has ever walked out of school, and who has ever treated us as adults? In the eyes of those teachers who are full of charms, we are always just children, but we have never been given the right to cry once. Like grass, it is born to feed sheep and live to purify the air. As soon as the shoes are thought, our faces come together and become their cheerful green ground.

"Get in the car, I'll pull you."

"Nope! Uncle. You're going to be late, and your boss will deduct your bonus for the entire month! ”

"No, my uncle is a freelancer." I didn't expect the child to know so much, probably like this is where her parents work.

"Really, uncle won't lie to me?" People who probably don't talk nonsense, although they are old, although they are stormy, they are inevitably a little embarrassed, and now they are finally captured by smart children.

"Really, where do you go to school?"

"Happiness Village."

"It just so happens that I'm thinking of finding a store in that area and opening a small supermarket or something. Come on! As long as the nonsense begins, the second sentence can be much smoother. [covers face]

"Uncle, you can't be a liar, right? My mother said, 'Don't let me ride in someone else's car,' and there was a ...... a few years ago." The child stopped talking.

"Do you know Mom's cell phone number?"


"This is my uncle's mobile phone, you use your uncle's mobile phone to call your mother, tell your mother my license plate number, and take a picture of your uncle by the way, and send it to your mother. Look good! I teased her a little, but I thought to myself, "Is it harder to do good than bad now?" If it's a small one, I don't believe it, and the uncle does good deeds and does half a job. ”

"Then, I'll send it to Dad, okay?"

"Okay! But why, little girl? ”

"I don't want to ...... and let new mothers ...... and meet ......, beautiful uncles." The child hung his head as if to himself.

After getting into the car, the child told me that her mother couldn't stand her father's ordinariness, so she took all the money from the family and left him and his younger brother to run away to the city with an uncle. My current mother has just gotten married, with two younger sisters.

The hemp rope is broken in the thin part, poor peasant children.

Girl with an umbrella handle
Girl with an umbrella handle
Girl with an umbrella handle