
60-year-old lady, figure it out, when I'm really old, I'll do it

author:Lively sea breeze Ooa

I was born in 1964 and is 60 years old this year. After another 10 years and 8 years, it will be really old and can't climb. I also thought about it, and when I was really old, I would do this:

First, don't look for a wife

I have always thought about this question and implemented it throughout. Because, my wife has passed away more than 20 years ago, and I have been single until now.

When I was young, I ran around for life; In order to raise the child, I am afraid that if I go out of the family and enter the family, the child will be wronged. In a flash, she became a half-old. Now, it has long become a sunset, and it is the old lady who is too old to be a year, and every year is not as good as a year. What to look for? I didn't look for it when I was young, but now that I'm old, it's better to stop living by myself!

60-year-old lady, figure it out, when I'm really old, I'll do it

Love is a luxury, and remarriage is like the best of luxury. It's not that there are no good ones, but you have to meet the right person, you have to be good enough, and fate will favor you.

Second, resolutely do not go to nursing homes

I thought about it, as long as I can take care of myself completely, I will not go to a nursing home. No matter how good the nursing home is, I am reluctant to go to other places in my heart.

Because, too high-end nursing home, my wallet does not allow it. I have a pension of more than 2,000 yuan, and I can't afford to live. If you live in an ordinary nursing home, you also have to sell your house to afford the cost of the nursing home.

So in my lifetime, I don't want to leave my warm nest and go to a strange place to end my life. I feel that going to an ordinary old nursing home is spending money to buy sin. If you are not familiar with life, you are afraid to think about it.

Third, don't hire a babysitter

I have a problem, that is, I don't like an outsider, I hang around at home all day long, and I feel that my personal privacy is gone. But if you can do it yourself, do it yourself, don't hire a babysitter!

Fourth, don't live under the same roof with your children

When they are old, they do not go to their children's homes, nor do they live under the same roof with their children. Don't cause trouble to the children, don't make it difficult for the children.

The child was born and raised by himself. But the other half of the children is not what we gave birth to, and we raised.

Even if the children are filial to us, but, the other half, how dare we expect it! Instead of living together and living all day long, it's better to live separately and be okay!

Fifth, ask for part-time work

If you're really old and can't work, then hire a part-time worker. When the time comes, clean up your home, and cook yourself two meals by the way. If that doesn't work, then order takeout.

Now that I have my phone in my hand, as long as there is money in it, I can go up and swipe it, and the takeaway will come. If you want to eat something, you can have it, and you don't need to brush the dishes and wash the dishes, you can come to a plate if you want to, which is convenient and ruthless!

60-year-old lady, figure it out, when I'm really old, I'll do it

Sixth, treat minor illnesses and give up major illnesses

is so old, to face up to their aging, it is the coming of disease. Do small illnesses and small treatments, major illnesses and big treatments, and give up if you really can't do it!

But resolutely do not enter|CU, resolutely not intubated to sustain life. Later, there are no talents. The money saved might as well be left to the children, so that they can walk with dignity and happiness.

60-year-old lady, figure it out, when I'm really old, I'll do it

Seventh, keep things simple

I have already told my children about this matter, that day is really coming, do not wear linen and filial piety, do not make a big deal, and the funeral is simple.

When you are alive, a bowl of water in front of your bed is better than 10,000 tons of paper ash after death. When you are alive, it is a blessing for your children to take good care of yourself.

After death, the funeral was solemn, the scene was large, and the suona sounded again, it was only the eyes of the living.

As for the ashes? Children can deal with it however they want, it doesn't matter to them! People are dead, it's a hundred, why do you want to do so much!

Everyone is a passer-by in the red dust, naked when they come, a wisp of light smoke when they leave, just drift away with the wind, and fend for themselves!

60-year-old lady, figure it out, when I'm really old, I'll do it