
My father and uncle were fellow travelers in this life, and when my uncle died, my father touched the coffin, and his reluctance was tearful

author:Happy heart

As far back as I can remember, my father and uncle didn't speak since they were young, and although they lived in a compound with doors to doors, they met like strangers, going their separate ways.

My grandmother gave birth to two sons, my father and my uncle, whom I had never seen before. At first, my grandmother lived in my house, but then my grandmother died, and my father and uncle never seemed to talk again, I don't know why.

My father and uncle were fellow travelers in this life, and when my uncle died, my father touched the coffin, and his reluctance was tearful

The picture comes from the Internet

We live in a courtyard house with a total of 14 houses, all left by my grandfather. We don't know anything about Grandpa's past, only that Grandpa was a leatherman.

An incident that occurred a few years later exacerbated the conflict between the father and the uncle, and the 14 houses in the courtyard must have been divided equally between the two sons, each with seven. But then the uncle sold the two houses privately, for a total of 3,000 yuan, which was only learned later. My father was very worried about this incident and felt that his uncle should not sell the house without permission, but this matter was later closed.

After a few more years, the square was demolished and divided into buildings, and my family was divided into three buildings, and my uncle's family was divided into two. At that time, my uncle asked my third grandfather to ask my father to give him 20 square meters, but my father refused to let him. My uncle's family has one son and four daughters, while my family has four sons and one daughter, and the more sons need housing. This separation deepened the conflict between the father and the uncle.

My father and uncle were fellow travelers in this life, and when my uncle died, my father touched the coffin, and his reluctance was tearful

The picture comes from the Internet

Life will go on, and my father and uncle are getting old year by year. Because we don't live together after dividing the building, we don't have any contact, but we still have contacts with my uncle's children, and we have to go to my uncle's house every Spring Festival to pay New Year's greetings. If my uncle is sick and hospitalized, we will visit him, and my uncle's children will come to my house to pay New Year's greetings to my parents during the Spring Festival.

My uncle had a serious illness when he was in his eighties, and we went to the hospital to visit him and told my father, maybe it had been many years, maybe it was because his blood was thicker than water, and my father said that he wanted to see my uncle for the first time.

After my uncle was discharged from the hospital, it was also just in time for the Spring Festival, and my younger brother drove my parents to my uncle's house. It was also the last time my father saw his uncle, who died of illness half a year later.

My father and uncle were fellow travelers in this life, and when my uncle died, my father touched the coffin, and his reluctance was tearful

The picture comes from the Internet

At that time, we told my father about my uncle's death, and he was 88 years old at the time, but he could walk, and he insisted on going to his uncle's house to see him off for the last time. In front of the coffin, the father stroked the coffin, walked from front to back, and from back to front, and circled around the coffin, and the reluctance was tearful.

My father left 5,000 yuan for my aunt and left, and on the day of my uncle's funeral, my sister and brother went to see my uncle off.

The next year, my mother also died, and my aunt asked my cousin to bring 5,000 yuan, but my father insisted that we return the money to my aunt.

My father and uncle were fellow travelers in this life, and when my uncle died, my father touched the coffin, and his reluctance was tearful

This is the story between the father and the uncle, the brotherhood, like blood thicker than water, solid as a rock, indelible!