
Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"You have to be careful, drinking water may be more important than you think." Dr. Li looked at Lao Zhang's test sheet and said earnestly.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, Lao Zhang and a few old friends got together to drink and eat zongzi.

Lao Zhang is a retired employee of a state-owned enterprise, over 60 years old, and is usually in good health, but today he suddenly fainted after drinking two glasses of wine, which shocked everyone present.

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

He was rushed to the hospital for examination, and it turned out that he had health problems.

The topic started with the delicacy of zongzi, and the friends gradually discussed Lao Zhang's fainting incident.

Everyone speculated that it was the problem of alcohol, but Dr. Li said, "It's not just the problem of alcohol, but also your usual drinking habits. ”

Lao Wang became interested: "Drinking water can also determine lifespan?" ”

Dr. Lee smiles, "Studies have found that reducing water intake in moderation may be beneficial for longevity. ”

Lao Liu asked suspiciously: "This is different from the 'drink more water' we usually hear?" ”

Dr. Lee explains: "Actually, it depends on the specific situation of the water drink.

For the elderly, drinking too much water may increase the burden on the heart and kidneys, affecting health. ”

He continued: "I have a patient, Lao Li, 70 years old this year, who usually pays great attention to his water intake, and drinks more than the recommended amount of water every day.

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

As a result, he recently had frequent symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath, and the examination found that his heart was overburdened.

Later, I advised him to reduce the amount of water he intake, and his situation improved. ”

Lao Zhang nodded, feeling that this suggestion was very reasonable: "Then how should we drink water?" ”

Dr. Li laughs, "It depends on the individual's physique and health condition.

In general, 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day is appropriate, but this varies from person to person. ”

Lao Zhao interjected: "How to understand that drinking 1/4 less water can live for 10 more years?" ”

"This is an extrapolation based on some research data," Dr Lee said. Studies have shown that reducing water intake in moderation can help prolong life by reducing the burden on the heart and kidneys, reducing the risk of edema and electrolyte imbalances in the body. ”

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

He said: "I have a patient, Lao Wang, who is 75 years old this year, who usually drinks moderate water and is in good physical condition. In the most recent physical examination, all his indicators were very normal, and the doctors said that he could live to be 90 years old. ”

Lao Zhang thoughtfully: "It seems that I still have to pay attention to the control of water intake." ”

Dr. Li nodded: "Yes, the health of the elderly needs comprehensive attention, and diet, exercise, psychology and lifestyle habits are all important. ”

Lao Liu sighed: "It seems that maintaining health is really a science." ”

"Not only that, but the health of the elderly needs to be paid attention to, in addition to drinking water, they should also pay attention to diet, exercise, psychology and lifestyle habits. ”

As he spoke, he told another case: "I have a patient, Lao Zhao, 78 years old this year, who usually likes to drink a lot of water and thinks it can detoxify.

As a result, frequent toilet visits, poor sleep quality, and exhaustion of the body.

Later, I advised him to reduce the amount of water he intake, and his situation improved. ”

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

Lao Zhang listened to it and felt that he benefited a lot: "It seems that I want to comprehensively adjust my lifestyle from now on." ”

Dr. Li laughs, "Yes, health management requires comprehensive conditioning, and diet, exercise, psychology and lifestyle habits are all important. ”

The party was coming to an end, and everyone felt that it was very rewarding. Lao Zhang's health problems also seem to have found a way to solve. He decided to do what Dr. Lee told him from tomorrow and see how it goes.

When bidding farewell to his friends, Lao Zhang sighed in his heart that health really needs to be taken care of, and the adjustment of water intake is also very important.

Lao Zhang's story makes people wonder: if an elderly person has reduced his water intake in moderation but still feels unwell, what other ways can he improve his health?

In fact, if the elderly want to improve their health, they can try the following methods:

First, adjust your diet. The elderly should eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and reduce the intake of high-fat and high-salt foods, which not only helps digestion, but also reduces the burden on the kidneys.

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

Second, keep exercising in moderation. Exercise can boost metabolism, enhance physical fitness, and improve heart and kidney function. Seniors can choose exercises that suit them, such as walking, tai chi, swimming, etc., for 30 minutes each time, at least 5 times a week.

Also, pay attention to salt intake. Excessive salt intake can increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to high blood pressure and decreased kidney function. Older people should reduce their salt intake to no more than 6 grams per day.

Also maintain a good mental state. Excessive psychological stress will affect various body functions and increase the burden on the heart and kidneys. Older people should learn to relieve stress by listening to music, reading books, chatting with friends, and so on.

Finally, regular check-ups and follow-ups. The elderly should have regular physical examinations, keep abreast of their physical condition, and adjust their water intake and other lifestyle habits according to the doctor's recommendations.

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?

In summary, the health management of the elderly needs to pay comprehensive attention to water intake, diet, exercise, salt intake and psychological state, etc., and only comprehensive conditioning can truly improve health status and maintain health and longevity.

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[1] Dai Shangzheng. Research Progress on the Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Autophagy, Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine, 2024-06-05

Does water intake determine longevity? The study found that if you drink 1/4 less than usual, you may live 10 years longer?