
It's a big deal! The flight was delayed due to the woman's pet boarding, and the official report has been detained, and the security check may be responsible

author:Confused brother tells stories

Flight MU5599 from Shanghai to Jinan was delayed for an hour after a honey glider escaped. Guo Moumou, who was boarding the plane with a pet, was administratively detained for this. The incident not only sparked anger among passengers, but also led to a re-examination of air transport safety regulations.

On June 10, an incident occurred on China Eastern Airlines flight MU5599 from Shanghai to Jinan. A 34-year-old woman, Guo Moumou, boarded the plane with her pet sugar glider, but during the flight, the small animal suddenly escaped, causing the entire cabin to fall into chaos. Flight attendants and passengers were busy searching for the missing Sugar Glider, and the flight was delayed for more than an hour.

It's a big deal! The flight was delayed due to the woman's pet boarding, and the official report has been detained, and the security check may be responsible

Passengers reacted differently to the delays. Some passengers expressed their anger, believing that Guo's behavior was very irresponsible and affected everyone's itinerary. One passenger said: "We all checked in according to the regulations, how can she be so headstrong and take her pet on board and not care?" Another passenger said helplessly: "Although this incident was unexpected, it was really unlucky, and everyone was delayed." ”

We want to ask this woman: Did you know that there are strict rules for bringing pets on planes? Airlines don't say you can take whatever you want, especially with this particular critter.

It's a big deal! The flight was delayed due to the woman's pet boarding, and the official report has been detained, and the security check may be responsible

The sugar glider is not a cat or dog, it is a nocturnal animal, it is very sensitive to environmental changes, and suddenly exposed to such a closed space as an airplane, not to mention other passengers, it is also a great harm to itself.

As a passenger, you must be aware of the airline's regulations and know what items can and cannot be brought on board. Her actions not only reflect her personal disregard for public rules, but also irresponsibility towards other passengers. Such behavior not only disrupts the normal operation of the flight, but also threatens the safety and interests of other passengers.

It's a big deal! The flight was delayed due to the woman's pet boarding, and the official report has been detained, and the security check may be responsible

Awareness of social rules remains weak. Many people think they can ignore the rules and act recklessly for their own convenience. Public rules exist precisely to safeguard the safety and interests of the majority of people.

The fact that a small animal like a honeyglider can be mixed through the security check and brought on the plane is definitely a big mistake in the security check. Is it because of the negligence of the staff, or is it the failure of the equipment? As soon as this incident came out, it not only greatly reduced people's trust in airport security, but also damaged the image of the airline.

It's a big deal! The flight was delayed due to the woman's pet boarding, and the official report has been detained, and the security check may be responsible

The official report has indicated that the woman was detained, but the question is, what about the security department? Are they to blame for this? Isn't it time to investigate why such a loophole is occurring? Such an incident cannot be solved by a simple punishment, but requires a thorough reflection and rectification.

User Comments:

@小明爱旅行: I really didn't expect that a honey glider could make such a big noise, and the flight was delayed for more than an hour, which is really speechless.

@旅途中的风景: Guo's behavior is indeed inappropriate, but I hope that airlines can also strengthen inspections to avoid similar incidents.

It's a big deal! The flight was delayed due to the woman's pet boarding, and the official report has been detained, and the security check may be responsible

@猫咪爱好者: I understand the feeling of traveling with pets, but you should really follow the rules, and this incident is a wake-up call for everyone.

@航空达人: Honey gliders are small pets, but they are not suitable for taking on planes, so it is better to check them in advance.

Write at the end

This honey glider boarding incident has exposed many problems such as passenger quality and security loopholes. What we need is a safer and more orderly public environment. This requires not only strict management by the relevant departments, but also the joint efforts of every citizen.

Here, I would like to ask you: What do you think about this incident? What do you think can be done to improve the security system? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss. Let's work together for a better social environment!