
How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Can hair see longevity? It's really new! Uncle Li said as he pushed open the door of the consultation room.

Uncle Li is 60 years old this year, and he heard two neighbor aunts chattering at the door early that morning, saying that how long people can live, and their hair can be seen, which makes Uncle Li itch in his heart, thinking that although his hair is a little less, it will not affect his lifespan, right? So he decided to come to Dr. Zhang, an old doctor with many years of experience, and wanted to hear what the profession had to say.

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Dr. Zhang greeted him with a smile, looked at Uncle Li's anxious appearance, and nodded. Dr. Zhang first invited Uncle Li to sit down, brought a cup of hot tea, and then began to explain in detail. "Uncle Li, are you here for hair?" Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Actually, hair can indeed reflect some information about a person's physical condition and lifespan. ”

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Dr. Zhang put down his teacup and continued, "There is indeed a certain correlation between the health of hair and the longevity of people. We have to understand that hair grows from hair follicles, which are part of the skin and are affected by the supply of blood and nutrients. The health of hair follicles is directly related to the growth of hair. ”

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Dr. Zhang paused, pointed to his hair, and continued, "Those who have a shorter lifespan tend to have some significant hair features, such as premature graying of hair, thinning hair, and even severe hair loss. These are all outward manifestations of the body's internal health condition. ”

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

People with prematurely graying hair have an average lifespan of 6-8 years shorter than those with normal graying hair. Graying hair is associated with a decrease in melanocytes in the body, which in turn is associated with a disorder of the body's immune system and endocrine system. Disorders in these systems are usually caused by chronic stress, malnutrition, or chronic illness.

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Hair thinning and hair loss are also a significant marker, and those who start severe hair loss at a young age (20-30 years old) have a 30% higher risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes than those with normal hair.

Because hair loss is related to hormone levels in the body, especially androgen secretion. Excessive androgen production can lead to hair loss and can also affect the health of the cardiovascular system.

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Not only that, but the shine and toughness of your hair are also important indicators of your health. People with shorter lifespans often find that their hair is dull and prone to breakage.

This is because their bodies may be deficient in adequate nutrients, especially protein, B vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are not only necessary for hair growth, but are also key to maintaining other vital functions in the body.

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Dr. Zhang told Uncle Li that hair is actually a mirror of physical health. Pay attention not only to the external care of the hair, but also to the inner health. Maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, exercising moderately, and reducing stress are all important factors in maintaining hair and good health.

Uncle Li nodded, although he hadn't paid much attention to these before, but Dr. Zhang's explanation made him suddenly realize. He decided that he must pay more attention to his health in the future, not only for his hair, but also for his body.

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair

Dr. Zhang also reminded Uncle Li that if he finds that he suddenly loses a lot of hair, or has an abnormal scalp, he must go to the hospital for examination in time. Because it can be a sign of some underlying diseases, early detection and early treatment are very important for health.

What are your thoughts on hair health? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

How long can a person live to know by looking at their hair? Doctor: People with a short lifespan will have these characteristics in their hair