
【Nanlang Anti-Drug】Colorful lanterns reflect the Dragon Boat Festival and spread the anti-drug to thousands of families

author:Zhenshan Social Work Service Society

In order to strengthen the understanding of anti-drug knowledge among villagers, especially young people, and improve their understanding of the dangers of drugs. On June 2, the Nanlang Street Narcotics Control Office and the Haoyong Village Party and Mass Service Center held a unique "Lantern Reflection Dragon Boat Festival, Anti-drug Spread to Ten Thousand Families" law popularization campaign.

【Nanlang Anti-Drug】Colorful lanterns reflect the Dragon Boat Festival and spread the anti-drug to thousands of families

The activity began with the making of small lanterns in the shape of rice dumplings. At the event site, parents and children sat together and taught the children how to fold and paste cardboard to make small and delicate zongzi-shaped lanterns. The children's faces were filled with innocent smiles, and the parents patiently guided the whole scene, which was full of warmth and joy. In the process of making the lanterns, the anti-drug social workers lost no time in distributing anti-drug publicity materials to parent-child families, displaying simulated drug models, popularizing anti-drug knowledge, and especially reminding children to be vigilant against new drugs disguised as daily necessities to avoid accidental ingestion and misuse. Through this entertaining and educational approach, anti-drug propaganda has become more vivid and effective.

【Nanlang Anti-Drug】Colorful lanterns reflect the Dragon Boat Festival and spread the anti-drug to thousands of families

Through this activity, it not only enhanced the enthusiasm of the villagers to participate in the anti-drug work, but also effectively enhanced everyone's understanding of "staying away from drugs and cherishing life". The activity has been widely praised and highly praised by the villagers.

【Nanlang Anti-Drug】Colorful lanterns reflect the Dragon Boat Festival and spread the anti-drug to thousands of families
【Nanlang Anti-Drug】Colorful lanterns reflect the Dragon Boat Festival and spread the anti-drug to thousands of families
【Nanlang Anti-Drug】Colorful lanterns reflect the Dragon Boat Festival and spread the anti-drug to thousands of families