
After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

author:How to live
After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

The fifth month of the lunar calendar is the most humid and hot month!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the fifth month of the lunar calendar is the noon moon, and the five elements belong to fire, and the yang energy at this time reaches the most vigorous, and the fire is extremely vigorous; The yang energy of the human body is dispersed, the internal organs are weak, the temperature rises rapidly, the rainy season is coming, the evil of dampness and heat is very heavy, and people will be very uncomfortable, especially those with weak spleen and stomach, and insufficient qi and blood!

Today I will share with you 3 foods, remember to eat more in the five poisonous months, which will help to drain dampness and heat, nourish the heart, and replenish the correct qi!

1. Eat more noodles and drink lotus soup often to nourish the heart and clear away heat

In May, the heart fire is already very vigorous, and the weather is hot, sweating a lot, and sweat is the "liquid of the heart", excessive sweating will consume the yin blood of the heart, resulting in a more vigorous heart fire, and then give birth to fire poison, so that you:

  • Upset, irritable, and temper-tantrums
  • Sores on the mouth and tongue
  • Dry stools, yellow urine
  • Chest tightness and palpitation
  • Poor sleep, dreams, waking up easily

During this time, we can eat more noodles and drink more lotus soup, which is especially nourishing the heart and clearing the fire.

The noodles are made from wheat flour

The "Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine" records that wheat: "cool in nature, sweet in taste, into the heart, spleen, kidney meridians, can nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst." ”

And it's hot, cook some noodles to eat, put some tomatoes, carrots, greens, etc., refreshing and appetizing, easy to digest, after eating noodles and then drink the noodle soup, by the way to replenish water, is excellent for the body!

The lotus family is a summer treasure and is suitable for both men and women

In May, the lotus leaves come out, the lotus flowers bloom in June, and the lotus canopy is picked in July.

First of all, let's talk about the lotus seeds known as the "fruit of the spleen", needless to say, the spleen and dampness are not to be said, and the folk legend that the lotus seeds are the man's wonderful * Y, the woman's fairy * D, in fact, this is based on evidence!

After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity
The "Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine" records that lotus seeds: "nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, and nourish the spleen." Astringent. Cure night sleep, dreams, spermatozoa, turbidity, dysentery, diarrhea, and the woman's collapse and leakage. ”

That is to say, spleen deficiency, unformed stool, diarrhea, sleeping dreams, sperm loss in men, and poor menstruation in girls are all suitable.

Let's talk about lotus leaves, which have a particularly strong ability to clear heat and relieve heat, and are specially born for summer.

The Chinese Pharmacopoeia records it: "Clear heat and relieve heat, raise hair and clear yang, cool blood and stop bleeding." It is used for heat and thirst, summer dampness and diarrhea, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, blood heat vomiting, and blood leakage in the stool. ”

When the summer humidity is too heavy, feeling dizzy, oily skin, bloating, poor appetite, upset and thirsty, unformed stools, and diarrhea, it is good to use some lotus leaves!

Boiled lotus leaf porridge, fragrant and sweet, most suitable for the spleen and stomach, refreshing and refreshing, you can also make lotus leaf rice, lotus leaf steamed chicken, fragrant but not greasy, eat but not sluggish!

After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

In summer, I also like lotus leaf tea, with some lotus seeds, seeds, barley, bergamot, etc., the dredging power is stronger, it can dredge the middle focus, let the clear qi go up to nourish the head, face, heart, lungs, etc., so that the dampness and heat of the liver and spleen are discharged from below!

Second, eating beans in summer is better than eating meat! People with tooth marks and thick tongue coating should eat more

At this time, many people's tongues are sticky and thick moss, which is not suitable for eating more fatty and sweet meat, and the spleen and stomach are not digested, which will produce phlegm and dampness to make your whole person damp and unpleasant:

  • The mouth is slimy and has a bad breath
  • There is often phlegm in the throat
  • Oily and acne-prone face
  • Hair is oily, hair is falling out, and the hairline is quietly going up
  • Stomach is prone to bloating and poor appetite

There is a folk proverb that says: "It is better to eat no meat than to eat no beans", you can eat less meat and more beans in summer, not only are you not afraid of eating less meat, but you can also strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.

Beans are a good "plant-based meat", rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, most of the beans have the function of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, phlegm and ventilation.

After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

In this poisonous May, you can use soybeans, black beans, mung beans, red beans, kidney beans, white lentils, green beans, peas, edamame, snow peas, broad beans, etc. instead of meat.

3. Eating ginseng is better than sleeping five watches!

"One summer without illness and three points of deficiency", the heat of summer is very consuming of qi and blood, and the qi and blood are leaked with sweating, plus the hot weather is not good for everyone's appetite, and the source of qi and blood is also cut off, so many people are easy to get tired in summer, sweating, fatigue, shortness of breath, lack of energy, especially people with spleen deficiency.

The spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and people with a bad spleen and stomach are more or less deficient. Usually we must reduce consumption, sleep well, sleep is the most nourishing qi and blood, the most nourishing internal organs, so the ancestors said: "Eating ginseng is better than sleeping five watches"!

The ancients divided the night time into five watches, starting from 19 o'clock in the evening, every two hours for a watch, the fifth watch is 5 o'clock in the morning, and sleeping in the fifth watch is sleeping from 19 o'clock in the evening to 5 o'clock in the morning.

After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

The ancients rested at sunrise and sunset, although we can't go to bed at 19 o'clock at night, but during this time, it is best not to arrange laborious things, relax and relax, chat with family and friends, take a walk, spend it easily and happily, and it is also a kind of nourishment for qi and blood.

Of course, it is more important to sleep at the point, go to bed when you feel sleepy, don't brace hard, hard bracing is very exhausting; Don't stay up more than 23 o'clock, because the time of 23 o'clock in the evening ~ 5 o'clock in the morning is a critical period for replenishing qi and blood, liver and kidneys, and cell self-repair!

If your body is more blocked, you can also push and rub the belly, the abdomen is the part of the body with the most meridians and the most densely distributed acupuncture points, pushing and rubbing the stomach can not only accelerate the return of qi and blood to the viscera, but also dredge the middle focus, so that the heart fire, kidney water can be communicated, and it is also good for sleep!

The method is very simple, the middle three fingers of the two hands are connected, and the midline of the heart fossa is pushed down to the pubic symphysis for a total of 21 times.

After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

If you are upset and irritable, and your hands and feet are hot, you can rub your palms with your hands to calm your heart, and receive your qi and blood energy into your kidneys, and the fire in your body will become vitality!

"The Secret of Jindan" is recorded as follows: "Every time you are lying down, you hold your bare feet in one hand and rub the springs in the other, as many as thousands, and as few as hundreds, so as to generate essence and strengthen yang, and benefit over time." ”
After the Dragon Boat Festival: During the most humid and hot season of the year, be sure to do 3 things, especially those with heavy humidity

Poison May, dissolve dampness and heat, nourish qi and blood, calm down and calm the body, cool the heart, and warm the viscera. May we all be healthy and happy.