
Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching

Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching

Burn the football

2024-06-13 02:12Posted in Sichuan Sports Creators

Messi has been in excellent form for Inter Miami this season, scoring 14 goals in 15 appearances, and in an interview with EPSN, Messi confirmed that Inter Miami will be the last club of his career, where he will play until his retirement. And the 36-year-old Messi said that he is getting closer and closer to the day of retirement.

Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching

Messi refused to play in Saudi Arabia after leaving Europe, accepting Beckham's invitation to come to Miami, saying: "I've been playing and enjoying the feeling of training and playing. Leaving European football was a difficult step for me, but being a world champion helped me a lot and allowed me to see things differently. ”

Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching

'I'm not ready to retire yet, but I know it's going to happen sooner or later, I know it's getting closer and closer to retirement, and I'm going to try to enjoy every day, both on the pitch and in my daily life at Inter Miami because I think Inter Miami will be the last club I'll play for.'

Messi's words were tearful, and it was expected that he would return to his parent club Newells Boys or Barcelona after a brief spell for Inter Miami. The 36-year-old's contract with Inter Miami expires at the end of 2025 and will be the last player contract he will fulfill.

Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching

As for Messi's future, he has previously revealed that he will return to the club after retiring and take on the position of global ambassador. For Barcelona, Messi has always had a special feeling.

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  • Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching
  • Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching
  • Confirm it in person! The 36-year-old Messi announced an important decision to retire from Inter Miami, and the time is approaching

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