
Biden's son Hunter was convicted of law-related crimes, and the family's honor was damaged, and Biden was "proud" of his son

author:Knowing the history and seeing the news

According to a report by Global Network, an unusual piece of news in Delaware, USA, shocked the political circle and public opinion field in the United States like a bombshell. U.S. President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty by a jury on all three charges for concealing drug use and illegally possessing a firearm. This is not only a legal trial, but also a drama of fierce collision between family honor and judicial justice.

Biden's son Hunter was convicted of law-related crimes, and the family's honor was damaged, and Biden was "proud" of his son

Hunter Biden, behind this name carries the expectations and attention of countless people. As the son of the President of the United States, his every move touches the nerves of the media and the public. This time, however, he became the protagonist in the dock in court, accused of concealing the fact of drug use, and for doing so, broke the law. This news undoubtedly cast a shadow over the Biden family, and also caused more curiosity and speculation about the president's family background.

After a careful trial, a Delaware jury found Hunter Biden guilty of all three charges. This result is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Hunter Biden and a severe punishment for his past actions. As the child of the current president of the United States, Hunter Biden's conviction undoubtedly created a precedent in American political history.

Biden's son Hunter was convicted of law-related crimes, and the family's honor was damaged, and Biden was "proud" of his son

However, in the face of his son's conviction, President Biden has shown remarkable calmness and determination. He said in a statement that he was proud of Hunter as a father. This statement undoubtedly shocked and puzzled the outside world. After all, in the eyes of most people, a convicted son is not something to be proud of. But President Biden's words let us see his deep affection and tolerance as a father.

Biden's son Hunter was convicted of law-related crimes, and the family's honor was damaged, and Biden was "proud" of his son

In his statement, President Biden further stated that he would respect the judicial process and accept the outcome. He stressed that as President of the United States, he has a responsibility to uphold the dignity and justice of the law. He will continue to serve the American people and contribute to the prosperity and stability of the country. This statement undoubtedly demonstrates President Biden's sense of responsibility and responsibility.

It is worth mentioning that President Biden has previously said that he will not pardon his son. This attitude also reflects his respect for the law and his pursuit of justice. On the same day that Hunter Biden was convicted, President Biden also spoke on gun safety. In this speech, however, he did not mention his son's conviction. This choice undoubtedly shows his wisdom and maturity as a statesman.

Biden's son Hunter was convicted of law-related crimes, and the family's honor was damaged, and Biden was "proud" of his son

Hunter Biden's conviction has undoubtedly had a significant impact on his personal and professional life. He could face up to 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine. In addition, he will face trial on tax offence charges. The gravity of these allegations speaks for itself, and the road ahead will be challenging and uncertain for Hunter Biden.

However, regardless of Hunter Biden's future, we should respect the outcome of the judicial process. Everyone is equal before the law, and whoever you are, if you break the law, you should be punished accordingly. This is also the cornerstone and guarantee for the normal functioning of our society.