
Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-06-13 11:21Posted on the official account of Guangdong E-commerce News

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Douyin restricts illegal accounts from bringing goods

In the context of the explosive growth of short video users, the quality of content on the platform is often uneven.

On the one hand, Douyin has benefited from the rapid growth of its user base, but on the other hand, it has also had to deal with the endless problem of low-quality videos.

Recently, Douyin launched a new mechanism, the "Creation Improvement Training Camp", which forces creators to participate in training for creators who are involved in content violations, cause negative feedback from users, or have a large number of off-site contributions.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Source: Douyin Life Service

In the bootcamp, creators learn how to avoid violations, such as understanding the rules of false advertising and making sure that the claims match the reality.

The platform will monitor the performance of creators for 14 days, and during this time, limit the range of products they can bring until the restrictions are lifted when the standards set by the platform are met.

Looking back recently, Douyin has repeatedly proposed rectification measures to resist low-quality content.

On May 9, Douyin launched a special rectification action against the "homogeneous online water army". This action is aimed at online trolls who publish similar or duplicate content and manipulate interaction data to promote, hype, and discredit specific targets.

On May 11, Douyin released the "Douyin Life Service Low-quality Content Evaluation Specification", which clearly stipulates the criteria for judging low-quality content. For low-quality content creators, the platform will take measures such as reducing exposure, influencing levels, deducting credit scores, and restricting traffic; Conversely, high-quality content will be supported by more resources.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

The videos posted by the three creators are more than 90% similar

At the end of May, Douyin implemented a hotspot content verification mechanism, requiring the identity of the parties involved in hotspot events. The introduction of this mechanism is mainly aimed at those violations of "unscrupulous means to stir up social hotspots" and "self-directed and self-staged fraud", aiming to draw a clear line between real content and posed content, and purify cyberspace.

Previously, Douyin also issued an announcement on cracking down on content related to "teaching 'bottomless blog traffic' skills", saying that it would crack down on content and accounts that teach how to attract traffic through extreme, vulgar or illegal means from the source

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Source: Douyin Security Center

With the release of a series of regulations, many big influencers with millions of followers have been banned recently.

For example, Tao, a million-fan Internet celebrity doctor, was banned for posting fake posing videos.

In the video, Tao claimed that he was involved in the first aid of a patient who suddenly burst his cerebral blood vessel after drinking, singing, and taking a bath with friends. However, a follow-up investigation revealed that this so-called "emergency incident" was completely written and directed by Tao.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Source: Douyin

In the end, "Lao Tao told the truth" was banned by Douyin indefinitely.

With the rapid growth of the number of users on short video platforms, people crave freshness, emotional sustenance and spiritual comfort in the fast-paced life.

However, in the current cyberspace, a large amount of content is like fast food, pursuing immediate consumption and short-term pleasure, while ignoring the nutritional value.

From cracking down on online trolls and low-quality content, to hotspot verification mechanisms and strict content authenticity review, Douyin is a sword against online chaos.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

The traffic chaos must be rectified

In the Internet era, clicks, views, and user activity have become the "wealth password".

A lot of people go out of their way to get people to see their content. They are more concerned with how to make the content engaging quickly, rather than whether the content itself is good or meaningful.

Extreme utilitarianism ignores the quality and accountability of the content.

Many influencers use exaggerated posing to attract attention, which not only reduces the overall quality of online content, but also makes everyone's entertainment tend to be shallow and superficial.

For example, in February this year, the Internet celebrity "Thurman Cat Cup", which has tens of millions of followers, posted a video claiming that he had picked up two winter vacation homework books from Chinese first-grade students in Paris, France, and shouted in the video to find a student named "Qin Lang of Class 8 of the first grade".

The video quickly fermented on the Internet and became a hot topic.

Some people even called themselves "Uncle Qin Lang" to participate in the discussion on a live broadcast.

However, subsequent investigation revealed that the entire incident was actually planned and fabricated by "Thurman Cat Cup" and his colleague Xue. In order to attract fans and drain traffic, they wrote their own video scripts and bought winter vacation homework books online.

Due to the spread of false information, "Thurman Cat Cup" has been banned on major platforms, including but not limited to mainstream social media such as Douyin, Weibo, and Kuaishou.

Mao Cup himself also publicly apologized and admitted his wrongdoing.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Source: Douyin

In addition to these "scripts", what is even more hateful is that the popularity of some "grassroots" Internet celebrities is not based on talent or content innovation, but only takes advantage of the sincere hearts of the audience to win sympathy and attention through packaging, hype and even fabrication of tragic stories, so as to realize traffic monetization.

This kind of bait of good is the real evil.

One of the most striking cases is the incident about "Liangshan Mengyang".

"Liangshan Mengyang" is an Internet celebrity with millions of followers, and she has created the image of a poor rural girl who has lost her parents and dropped out of school to take care of her younger siblings alone, which has won the sympathy and support of a large number of netizens.

She claimed to be selling high-quality local agricultural products from Daliangshan, but in fact, the origin of these goods was suspicious, and the "Liangshan Mengyang" team was suspected of false advertising.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Screenshot of Liangshan Mengyang's live broadcast

After an investigation by the police and the court, her "poor girl" persona was a well-planned hoax. In fact, Liangshan Mengyang's parents are still alive, and she was also found to be in and out of high-end places from time to time.

Shaping the character design is just to sell miserably to increase fan stickiness and product sales.

In March this year, the Zhaojue County People's Court made a first-instance judgment in this case.

Tang, the person in charge of the company, was sentenced to 1 year and 2 months and fined 100,000 yuan; "Liangshan Mengyang" was sentenced to 11 months in prison and fined 80,000 yuan; "Liangshan Aze" was sentenced to 9 months in prison and fined 40,000 yuan; Other participants were also sentenced.

In addition, there are other similar cases, such as "Liangshan Qubu", "Zhao Ling'er" and other Internet celebrities, who have also been exposed to use the fake personas of "Daliangshan Original Ecology" to carry out live broadcasts and sell non-local and low-quality products.

In this environment, the influencer economy has become a breeding ground for unfair competition and bad habits.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

High-quality content is the long-term guarantee of a platform

Nowadays, as the Internet moves towards the stock era, users' attention has become a scarce resource. By attracting and maintaining the attention of users, a platform can create exposure opportunities for products or services on the platform.

According to the "Research Report on the Development of Online Audiovisual in China (2024)", more than 70% of online users directly purchase goods while watching short videos or live broadcasts.

With the growing popularity of short video and live streaming platforms, they have become an important part of the e-commerce market.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Source: Research Report on China's Online Audiovisual Development (2024)

Without the ability to consistently produce high-quality content, or unable to maintain enough freshness and topicality, no amount of popularity is just a flash in the pan.

In order to stand out in the red sea of content, major platforms have increased their investment in original content, encouraged innovation, and improved the quality of content.

For example, recently, Douyin launched the boutique short drama "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" in which Stephen Chow, the king of comedy, personally participated, introducing heavyweight star resources to improve the quality of content.

Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

Source: Douyin

Different from the rough production that may exist in some inferior short dramas, "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" presents a high quality close to that of a movie in terms of visual effects, editing rhythm, sound effects, and soundtrack, which greatly improves the viewing experience.

The play focuses on the "pig killing plate", a hot topic of fraud that has attracted social attention in recent years, and the entertainment of comedy has practical significance. More than a week after it was launched, the short drama has exceeded 160 million views.

E-commerce platforms are also continuing to increase their investment in content.

Taobao announced at the 2024 Taobao Content E-commerce Festival that it will add 10 billion yuan in cash and 100 billion yuan in traffic resources to provide huge financial and traffic support for ecological partners such as content creators, anchors, talents, MCN institutions, brands and merchants.

Taobao proposed that in 2024, the combination of content and e-commerce will change from "addition" to "multiplication". Through this program, Taobao hopes to support more creators and brands.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous investment and support of major platforms for high-quality content, the future of cyberspace will be clearer and healthier. This will be a positive development for both content creators and users at large.

Author | Liu Feng

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  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold
  • Douyin has struck hard, and millions of fans and Internet celebrities have to be cold

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