
Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

author:Haha Academy
Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated
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Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

On an ordinary day in 2010, the rehearsal hall of Happy Twist was bustling. The company has just made a seemingly ordinary but significant decision: to pair two actors together.

No one knows how this decision will change the trajectory of the lives of two people.

Shen Teng, the man who was nicknamed the "lazy genius" by his colleagues, was bored with Erlang's legs crossed, and the playing cards in his hand were flying up and down. His deep eyes seemed to say, "It's been another boring day."

However, fate quietly turned its gears at this moment.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

At the same time, Ma Li was standing in the other corner of the rehearsal hall with great ambition. Her well-dressed appearance reveals a lot of anticipation for the future.

The moment the director announced that they would be partners, the entire rehearsal hall fell silent. Shen Teng raised his head lazily, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes; Ma Li's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously.

This moment seems to indicate something.

However, no one expected that this seemingly ordinary encounter would trigger a series of complex emotional entanglements. As time passed, a puzzling phenomenon gradually surfaced: the two women who were also standing next to Shen Teng, one was highly sought after, and the other was controversial.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

In this way, a story full of suspense begins, and the answer may be hidden in their story.

Shen Teng's story begins in 1979 in the northeast, where he grew up in a wealthy family and lived a carefree life since he was a child. This environment has fostered a laid-back and casual personality, a lack of interest in learning, and a greater interest in having fun with friends.

However, the gears of fate quietly turned in 1999, and at the suggestion of his sister, he was unexpectedly admitted to the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, and the trajectory of his life changed.

In contrast, Ma Li's upbringing was full of drama. Born in 1983, she originally lived in a wealthy family. However, the SARS epidemic in 2003 was like a heavy blow, knocking her family to the bottom.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

In the face of sudden changes, Ma Li had to face up to the reality and resolutely stepped into the entertainment industry, hoping to change the family's predicament through her own efforts.

In 2010, the hands of fate pushed Shen Teng and Ma Li together. On the stage of Happy Twist, the two worked together for the first time, but they unexpectedly sparked amazing sparks.

At first, they weren't regular partners, and each had other people to work with. But when they were arranged together, a wonderful chemistry was immediately created.

In 2013, they joined hands for the first time on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and brought the sketch "Today's Happiness 2". Hao Jian played by Shen Teng, a lobby manager who is in a hurry to please the leader, and Ma Dongmei played by Ma Li, a female leader who is sometimes fierce and sometimes charming, left a deep impression on the audience.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

Their performances were humorous and serious, and they just rightly grasped the scale and won unanimous praise from the audience.

Since then, they have appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for many years, bringing classic works such as "Help or Not" and "Do What You Like". Each performance sparked heated discussions, and the audience began to compare them to "Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan's 2." Version 0".

Their tacit cooperation, one moving forward bravely and the other following closely behind, complement each other and are full of praise.

The rise of Shen Teng and Ma Li is not only a display of personal talent, but also an ingenious arrangement of fate. From unknown little people to high-profile stars, they have written a legend with their efforts and talents.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

However, just as their careers were thriving, a woman named Wang Qi quietly entered the public eye, adding a subtle tension to this seemingly perfect partnership.

Just when Shen Teng and Ma Li's careers were in full swing, a woman named Wang Qi quietly stepped into the public eye. It turned out that she was Shen Teng's real lover, and their relationship had lasted for 12 years.

Shen Teng and Wang Qi's fate can be traced back to their college days. At that time, Shen Teng was a school grass of military arts, with a personable demeanor, which attracted the attention of many girls. And Wang Qi is a freshman who has just entered the school, with a little youth and stubbornness.

Their first encounter was not pleasant, with Shen Teng showing obvious displeasure with Wang Qi's tardiness, while Wang Qi was angry at being criticized. Who would have thought that such an opening would be the prelude to a long-term relationship.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

A dance in 2003 was a turning point in their relationship. Wang Qi's energetic tap dance completely captured Shen Teng's heart. After that night, Shen Teng tossed and turned, and the figure of Wang Qi dancing kept coming to mind.

In the end, he plucked up the courage to confess to Wang Qi, and the two officially established a relationship.

However, the road to their relationship was not all smooth sailing. In 2007, 28-year-old Shen Teng was living happily and couldn't see any hope. Every day, he would go into the company, play with other actors, and complain about life.

In contrast, Wang Qi actively embraces reality and works hard in the entertainment industry. She became a regular on all kinds of crews and took every role seriously. Disappointed, Wang Qi proposed to break up.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

This breakup hit Shen Teng hard, and for the first time, he truly experienced the pain described in Jacky Cheung's "Heart Like a Knife". In order to save this relationship, Shen Teng spent half a year weaving a bracelet by himself.

This sincere heart finally touched Wang Qi, and the two reconciled.

However, an incident in 2015 brought Wang Qi back into the public spotlight. At that time, Shen Teng participated in the program "Happy Comedian" and had a kiss scene with Ma Li.

After the show, the host invited Wang Qi to the stage and proposed to let Shen Teng kiss Wang Qi. Unexpectedly, Wang Qi cleverly avoided it and joked that Shen Teng's mouth might be a little dirty.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

This move sparked strong dissatisfaction among netizens, with many accusing Wang Qi of being stingy and having no emotional intelligence.

Despite the controversy, Wang Qi has always silently supported Shen Teng. She took care of Shen Teng's daily life and became his strong backing. In Shen Teng's view, Wang Qi is the lover who has been waiting for him for twelve years, and the light that will always be on when he is tired.

This little-known relationship has added a layer of complexity to the relationship between Shen Teng and Ma Li. It not only reveals another side of Shen Teng's private life, but also triggers a lot of thinking about the artist's emotional life.

The relationship between Shen Teng, Ma Li and Wang Qi has sparked countless speculations and discussions, forming a complex triangular relationship. This seemingly simple partnership has become confusing because of Wang Qi's existence.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

Many viewers and fans firmly support Shen Teng and Ma Li together. They believe that the tacit understanding and chemistry of the pair on stage cannot be replicated. Every time they perform on the same stage, there will be a heated discussion on the Internet.

People can't help but associate their stage presence with real life, giving a special meaning to their every look, every movement. Some fans even created the title of "Shen Ma CP", looking forward to them coming from the screen to reality.

However, there are also many people who sympathize with Wang Qi's situation. As Shen Teng's girlfriend for many years, she had to endure doubts and criticism from all sides. Some people say that she is not worthy of Shen Teng, and some people say that she hinders the development of Shen Teng and Ma Li's relationship.

These voices undoubtedly brought great trouble to Wang Qi. Some rational viewers believe that Shen Teng's personal choice should be respected and should not interfere too much in the artist's private life.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

Faced with this complex situation, Shen Teng had to carefully balance the relationship between all parties. He began to consciously reduce his cooperation with Ma Li, trying to avoid causing unnecessary speculation.

In public, he repeatedly expressed his love for Wang Qi in an attempt to calm the doubts of the outside world. However, every time he and Ma Li shared the stage again, those speculations and discussions would come back.

This delicate balance tests the intelligence and emotional intelligence of three people. Shen Teng needs to find a balance between career and relationship, Ma Li has to carefully juggle cooperation and boundaries, and Wang Qi has to stay sane amid trust and doubt.

This triangular relationship not only affects their personal lives, but also deeply affects their career development.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

Despite the disturbances from the outside world, Shen Teng, Ma Li and Wang Qi all seem to be struggling to maintain this delicate balance. Their stories also make people think deeply: how to balance career and relationship in the spotlight? How to respond to public expectations and doubts? There may not be a standard answer to these questions, but their experiences certainly provide us with a unique perspective.

Despite the much talk about the relationship between Shen Teng and Ma Li, their artistic collaboration has never really been interrupted. Instead, they proved the power of art to transcend worldly suspicions.

In 2020, an unexpected news came: Ma Li, who was seven months pregnant, would participate in Shen Teng's tailor-made sketch "Going Through the Motions" for her. This decision surprised many and also gave people a glimpse of their dedication to art.

Shen Teng's well-designed script not only shows Ma Li's talent, but also reflects his respect and care for his partner. When Ma Li stood on the stage with a big belly, the audience saw not only an excellent comedian, but also a professional who dedicated himself to art.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

In 2021, they will share the stage again in the movie "My Hometown and Me". In the sea of golden sunflowers, Shen Teng wore a cute cartoon goose coat and accompanied Ma Li, leaving an unforgettable picture.

This scene can't help but be reminiscent of their classic scene in "Charlotte's Troubles", as if "Ma Dongmei and Charlotte's sunflower appointment" has finally come true.

This scene is not only warm and touching, but also shows their tacit understanding and friendship over the years.

In the 2022 Spring Festival Gala, Shen Teng and Ma Li joined hands again and brought the audience the sketch "Not Yet". In this work, Ma Li plays Shen Teng's wife, and the interaction between the two is natural and smooth, and there are endless jokes.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

As soon as this sketch was broadcast, it immediately sparked heated discussions and appeared on the hot search lists of major social media. The audience sighed that as long as it is a work made by the "Shenma Combination", it must be a masterpiece.

Looking back on their cooperation process, it has been nine years since they debuted at the Spring Festival Gala in 2013. In these nine years, they have experienced countless hardships in rehearsals together, and they have also tasted the joy of success.

Every cooperation is a test of their professionalism and a testimony to their friendship.

Their stories teach us that true art transcends personal grudges. When they stand on stage, all the gossip disappears, leaving only pure comedic charm.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

Shen Teng and Ma Li have proved through their actions that a professional attitude and love for art are the keys to maintaining a long-term relationship.

In many interviews, Shen Teng often reveals a heartfelt sense of gratitude. He has said many times that he is a lucky man. This luck is not only reflected in his career achievements, but also in the fact that there are two special women around him: Wang Qi and Ma Li.

Wang Qi is the lover who has accompanied Shen Teng through twelve years of ups and downs. In Shen Teng's eyes, she is like the lamp that is always on in life, always warming him when he is tired.

While Shen Teng was immersed in his work, Wang Qi silently took care of his daily life. Although her dedication is unknown, it is an important force to support Shen Teng's progress.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

For Shen Teng, Wang Qi is not only a lover, but also a supporter and companion in life.

And Ma Li is Shen Teng's comrade-in-arms and confidant in his career. She is not only the best partner who can stimulate Shen Teng's potential, but also the partner who can have a wonderful chemistry with him.

On stage, Ma Li can always accurately capture Shen Teng's improvisation and make the most appropriate response. In life, she is also a trusted friend of Shen Teng, able to understand his sense of humor and share his joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

For Shen Teng, Wang Qi and Ma Li are indispensable in his life. They enriched Shen Teng's life in their own unique ways, making him successful in love and career.

Why is the gap between the two women beside Shen Teng so big, one likes it very much, and the other is hated

Wang Qi gave him a warm family harbor, while Ma Li injected a steady stream of creativity into his career.

This kind of luck is not only in having, but also in knowing how to cherish it. Shen Teng knows how rare it is to be able to have two confidants like this at the same time. He tried to balance his relationship with them, living up to both Wang Qi's deep friendship and his precious friendship with Ma Li.

Shen Teng's experience tells us that happiness in life lies not only in achievements, but also in being able to meet people who truly understand themselves. Whether it is a lover who accompanies you or a partner who works hand in hand, it is a treasure in life.

Perhaps, this is true happiness and success – finding a soulmate in life and career, and knowing how to cherish this rare fate.

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