
National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

author:North beggars talk about balls

Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach?

Let me ask you a question, what role will the coach of the table tennis team play?

National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

Maybe many friends will say, aren't you talking nonsense? Of course, the coach is there to coach the players. So I'm asking this topic a little more clearly, a good national table tennis coach will meet on the sidelines during the game

What is the role?

There are two answers, one is to analyze the situation, and the other is to provide emotional value.

National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

This is not what I said, it was said by Yan An, a famous national table tennis player.

According to Yan An, the national table tennis coach can help you analyze the changes in the situation on the court when the players are not performing well, and when the players encounter difficulties, they can cheer you on, don't give up, and help the players get through the difficult stage.

National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with Yan An's statement. Let's not talk about the usual training and guidance, let's just say that during the game, the off-field coach can point out that the tactics are really limited. Sometimes we watch the game, and occasionally we hear some arrangements from the coach on the sidelines, and more often, they say encouraging words, such as, "You just play like this", "Don't panic, he's not your opponent" and so on. Very few coaches can continue to talk about tactics and give accurate opinions.

National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

It's not that our coaches are not high, but the level of our national table tennis players is too high. When playing against opponents who are weaker than you, if you don't play well, most of the time there is a problem with your mentality, so it is better to be able to point out the problem with a pinpoint, and if you can't point it out, then you have to play a role in providing emotional value for the players. Relieve his stress, let his emotions become stable, and get back to his normal state.

National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

Yan An's comments on the role of national table tennis coaches are thought-provoking, and I can't help but think of Qiu Yike and Sun Yingsha. Do you say that Qiu Yike, a former national table tennis celebrity, was born a master tactician? Not necessarily. But he must be a, at least a top psychological master in the national table tennis team. He knows how to get along with the players. Qiu Yike once said that when he first came into contact with Sun Yingsha, he had been communicating with Sasha. This process must be to talk about table tennis, everything. Sasha also likes to say that Qiu Yike is also a talker, but Qiu Yike inadvertently told her what was right and what was wrong in the chat with Sasha. In the process of subtle transformation, Sasha has learned a lot of things, and this way of coaching is much better and more effective than simply reprimanding and reasoning.

When the master and apprentice first got together, there were also conflicts, and Sasha also contradicted Qiu Yike, but after that, Sasha always sent a message to Qiu Yike to apologize, saying that she was right about things and not about people, and slowly, the master and apprentice got to know each other, and now they have a deep relationship. There is such a master in front of Sasha, who understands Sasha's every move and understands Sasha's thoughts, so Sun Yingsha has today's achievements, and Qiu Yike is absolutely indispensable.

National table tennis star Qiu Yike, why can he be Sun Yingsha's coach? Yan An's comments are thought-provoking

This is a typical case of a master-apprentice co-production. Qiu Yi can use his great wisdom to help Sun Yingsha step by step towards the road to glory.

Finally, in the Paris Olympics, if the rules allow, it is strongly recommended that Qiu Yike serve as Sasha's off-the-field guidance, not that Ma Lin's level is not good, but that Qiu Yike understands Sasha better, and in such a critical event, there can be no mistakes.

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