
Really? Drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, and the off-road "rookie" counterattacked the old gun

author:Science and technology talks

What is the magic that makes 4 off-road and influencers so excited on social platforms at the same time? That's right, it's the all-new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber, which has the title of "China's No. 1 Climbing Car". Recently, the well-known off-road veteran Li Yibin and the beautiful Internet celebrity Nie Xiaoyu made a bet on the old palm ditch Haohan Slope in Zhangjiakou to see if Nie Xiaoyu could succeed in off-road here for the first time, and as a result, Nie Xiaoyu drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber overnight, and also had the upper hand when talking about cars and Xiaoyu PK with off-road expert Brother Monkey and talking about cars. The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, which is exclusively created for off-road "hardcore players" who pursue the ultimate challenge, can really give off-road enthusiasts a full of BUFF, and also give new vitality to the old off-road holy land of Laozhanggou Haohan Slope.

Really? Drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, and the off-road "rookie" counterattacked the old gun

As long as the car doesn't coax people, it won't coax

Before the start of the climb, Li Yibin threw out an interesting topic: "There is no cowardice, only cowardice", is it right, and whether the driving technique or the performance of the car is more important in extreme off-road. The reason why there is this topic is because compared with Li Yibin, who has been famous in the off-road circle for a long time, Nie Xiaoyu, who came to Laozhanggou Haohanpo for the first time, is a pure off-road newcomer.

Really? Drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, and the off-road "rookie" counterattacked the old gun

Just as mountaineers yearn for Mount Everest, Laozhanggou Haohan Slope is also the pinnacle pursued by every off-road person. There is a well-known "steep, difficult, dangerous", not only the slope angle reaches 38 degrees, the general off-road vehicle dare not think, and the slope is composed of talc and cross shaft, the road fork at the foot of the mountain is also covered with gravel and multiple inclined grooves, the vehicle performance, driver skills, and psychological quality are a great test. For a long time, it is not uncommon to overturn cars when challenging the Laozhanggou Haohan Slope, many vehicles have stumbled here, and some have even caused heavy casualties. Although the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition climber is fully armed in off-road performance, everyone still sweats for Nie Xiaoyu, after all, it is the top difficulty.

Really? Drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, and the off-road "rookie" counterattacked the old gun

After the challenge began, it was obvious that the off-road veteran Li Yibin climbed the hill with great ease, basically "playing" to the top slowly, on the one hand, because of his skills and experience, according to his own words, and on the other hand, because the new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber is very energetic after low-speed four-wheel drive and locking. However, after all, his skills are too good to fully explain the off-road skills of the new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber.

Really? Drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, and the off-road "rookie" counterattacked the old gun

When it was Nie Xiaoyu's turn, the suspense came. Unexpectedly, she stepped on the accelerator on the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, climbed down the 30-degree slope to the top in one go, and was worried about winning the bet easily, maybe even she didn't expect it, so she jumped up happily as soon as she got out of the car.

The two finally had a discussion. Nie Xiaoyu believes that he was still a little nervous at the beginning, but the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition climber gave him enough confidence, especially after driving, the car's 4.0 high-speed speed ratio brake, fast and accurate off-road switching ability, and self-developed 12-speed creep mode, is a good hand at slow climbing, any off-road terrain can improve the fault tolerance rate, and clear the customs at one time. And Li Yibin saw the bonus brought by the new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber to Nie Xiaoyu, and directly sighed, as long as the car is not cowardly, there is no intimidation!

The climbing performance is comparable to that of a plug-in

Because Nie Xiaoyu had an unexpectedly outstanding performance when driving the new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber to climb the Han Slope, when Che Xiaoyu and Brother Monkey said that Che was going to PK with her, they were obviously a lot more serious.

The reason why the all-new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber can make "novices" full of "old guns" BUFF is because of its comprehensive improvement of core off-road performance and configuration upgrades. It uses 4.0 large speed ratio brake + time-sharing four-wheel drive + three locks, approach angle 38 °, departure angle 36 °, wading depth 800mm, compared with the same level models on the market more explosive and passable, in fact, many time-sharing four-wheel drive off-road vehicles climbing angles are about 28 to 33 degrees, can easily climb 38 degrees of Haohan slope, the power can be seen. In addition, the all-new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber has also undergone professional off-road chassis tuning and auxiliary off-road function upgrades, with 12-speed creep mode at 1~12km/h full speed and constant speed, and the use of AT tires and metal guards.

Really? Drove the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber, and the off-road "rookie" counterattacked the old gun

Such off-road climbing ability, it is indeed difficult not to make people burst with confidence, combat power value off the table, especially for novices, the efficient and stable performance of the car, can minimize the difference in people's technical experience and state fluctuations. The result also verified this point of view again, in the later challenges, Nie Xiaoyu did not fall behind in the contest with Brother Monkey and said the car, and also defeated Xiaoyu who said the car in an upset.

He believes that the original factory standard equipment of the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition Climber is equipped with AT tires and rear axle differential lock, which can burst out of 10250 Nm of maximum torque at the wheel end, especially with this set of 4.0 high-speed ratio brakes, the low-speed power is completely free of pressure, and the climbing performance is full, comparable to the plug-in. With the new BJ40 Blade Hero Climber as an external support, the instability of human control is reduced, and it is not difficult to understand why Nie Xiaoyu can "counterattack" among so many great gods.

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