
The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

author:A car classic

In recent years, off-road culture has gradually become a hot way of life, and more and more people are going out to enjoy nature. However, it is worth mentioning that off-road is risky, and the safety of the vehicle is an important prerequisite for enjoying wild fun. As an off-road family that has been deeply involved in off-road for more than 60 years, BAIC has always adhered to safety, and the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition, which was recently launched, is one of the leading representatives.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

On June 17th, BAIC "Desperate Heroes - Blade Heroes Who Can't Be Killed" tasting meeting was held in Beijing Langyuan Vintage, after a number of extreme tests, two new BJ40 Blade Hero test vehicles that are still structurally complete, well-preserved and can be driven as usual were exhibited at the event, and the R&D engineers from BAIC shared with the media reporters and guests the innovation and upgrading and in-depth thinking of BAIC in the field of off-road safety.

"Fight" the off-road people who can't be defeated

Off-road people are happy to challenge themselves and push their limits, but if safety is not guaranteed, all fun will not be possible. BAIC Motor always puts the safety of users first, builds the vehicle into a mobile fortress, and provides users with the most solid and powerful protection, so that they can attack higher difficulties without worries, so that off-road people and off-road spirit will not be crushed by danger.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

In the previous three tests, such as the 1-ton heavy knife smashing the roof at a height of 10 meters, the side impact on the body, and the falling and rolling of the vehicle at a height of 18 meters, the driving space of the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition was relatively intact.

Thanks to the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition, which is the first embedded roll cage in China with hydraulic expansion technology, it has better structural performance and higher safety than traditional plates, and can provide more comprehensive and thoughtful protection for the occupants in the tumbling state. The first 13 stiffness ring cage body in China, with the structure of two vertical and eight horizontal integrated girders + integral rear axle, greatly enhances the overall rigidity of the vehicle, maximizes the dispersion of force, increases the absorption energy, and effectively resists the deformation of the normal torsion of the body.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

In terms of escape after the accident, BAIC Motor is also thoughtful. The all-new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition door has a built-in 1.4mm thick hot-formed impact beam to minimize the possibility of collision deformation, so that it can be opened normally after an accident. The three-section detachable sunroof design can enjoy the fun of open-top off-road in normal times, and in extreme situations, it will also become another quick escape channel in addition to the door.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

With such thoughtful and powerful protection, it's not hard to imagine a sense of security when driving the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition. Collisions, falling rocks, rolls and other possible accidents cannot become the pressure to break the off-road people, no matter how difficult the challenge is, you can laugh at everything and move forward bravely.

"Kill" the off-road vehicle that does not die

On top of this, the vehicle has been comprehensively strengthened to ensure the integrity of the body in danger as much as possible, and can accompany off-road people to advance and retreat together no matter what kind of danger they encounter. Even after a 226-metre drop from the desert apex and 26 rolls during the Badain Jaran test, the all-new BJ40 Blade Hero was still able to start and go.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

To be able to do this, first of all, thanks to the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition, which adopts a non-load-bearing body with girders, strong impact resistance and bump resistance, and is equipped with double protective chassis guards, which provides strong protection for the engine, gearbox, transfer case and other equipment inside the vehicle.

At the same time, the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition upgrades the materials of key parts such as the cabin beam frame, as well as the strengthening of the various connecting parts of the body, which is enough to ensure the integrity of the body in most dangerous situations.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough
The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

The protection of people on off-road roads is only a hard bottom line, while the protection of vehicles is a higher level of requirements. The ultra-high quality of the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition truly achieves "where you can drive from where you can drive out", bringing off-road people more confidence with the ultimate safety and hard gas.

Intensive research quality, well-known

As an off-road family, BAIC has been specializing in off-road for more than 60 years, in addition to the safety considerations of users and vehicles, it also has feelings and responsibilities for off-road, constantly pursues quality improvement, and refreshes and creates a new benchmark for off-road in China.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

BAIC Motor has always adhered to strict car manufacturing standards, resulting in a vehicle reliability that is much higher than the general standard of 7%, and at the same time, it also has to undergo high standards of environmental adaptability tests such as high temperature, severe cold, and saline-alkali corrosion to ensure that the vehicle can be fully qualified for various extreme dangers, and bring more confidence to off-road players to challenge the limit.

In addition to vehicle research and development, BAIC Motor has also established a safety line of defense in the surrounding ecology of after-sales and off-road travel. It has as many as 44 service guarantee stations, which basically cover the most popular off-road self-driving routes in China, which greatly improves the user's car experience.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

The strength of the 4th consecutive champion of the Tower Rally is a strong certification of BAIC's quality. In this year's race, the all-new BJ40 achieved the first automatic transmission to finish the race, and BAIC Motor also became the first manufacturer in the history of the ring tower to complete the T1 and T2 groups. At the same time, the use of non-professional drivers to finish the race in the new BJ40 proves that even amateurs can challenge the top level of racing with the new BJ40.

In the face of many extreme dangers, it can bring a full sense of security to drivers and passengers with protection without dead ends, which is BAIC's insistence on putting user safety first. No matter what kind of cruel and desperate situation, to ensure that the vehicle can drive normally is the performance of BAIC's continuous upgrading of product quality control in recent years, and it is also the confidence and confidence to bring off-road people out and home safely.

The new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition is safe and tough enough

As the saying goes, "what can't kill me will only make me stronger", the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition, which is completely not afraid of a number of extreme tests, is enough to be called the "Blade Hero who can't be killed", as the fist product of the off-road family, with far more safety than the same level of models, bringing ultra-cost-effective choices to off-road players. With the new BJ40 Blade Edition, the world is as big as it gets, and every player can start an off-road life full of challenges and fun.

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