
The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?

author:Heze Luxi New District

The heat is coming,

How to prevent heat stroke?

The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?

The yellow warning for high temperature sounds,

End the summer coolness,

The heat began to grind.

High Temperature Stirring Taiku,

Once the force continues to exert force,

The heat is unstoppable,

Our heatstroke prevention and cooling homework,

Be good.

These conditions are prone to heat stroke

The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?
The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?

Summer time


Too much sun exposure is prone to heat stroke

What causes heat stroke? Hot! Therefore, in hot and humid weather, you should try to minimize going out.

There are two temperatures to keep in mind here: the elderly should try to avoid going out when the outdoor temperature exceeds 32°C; Young people should also try to avoid working outdoors or exercising vigorously when the outdoor temperature exceeds 35°C.

If you really need to go out, you should also avoid the hot hours between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.


The more ice you eat, the more likely you are to get heat stroke

Eating chilled food is indeed very antipyretic, but too much cold food and cold drinks in a short period of time will affect the digestive system first, and the human body will be unbalanced due to the rapid drop in local temperature, which will then affect the normal function of various systems in the body, which will easily lead to heat stroke.


The large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is easy to heat stroke

When you go from a room that is too cool to the outdoors in the scorching sun, the body's thermoregulation center will "fail", and it is very easy to suffer from heat stroke.

Therefore, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is not too large, and the temperature of the air conditioner should be set at about 26°C-27°C, and the temperature difference between it and the outdoor is between 5°C-10°C.

How to prevent heat stroke

The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?

Summer time

The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?


Limit going out

The elderly, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases, especially those with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, should reduce going out as much as possible during the hot season.

When you must go out, try to choose early morning and late afternoon to reduce the length of stay. If you go out at noon, you can continue outdoor activities after resting for a few minutes in cool indoor places such as banks and shopping malls from time to time.


Shelter from the sun

Wear a parasol, hat and goggles, sunscreen, and limit time spent outdoors in direct sunlight.


Hydrate promptly

When you go out in the summer, carry a sports drink or light salt water with you and replenish it in time. You can also drink cooling drinks to prevent heat stroke, such as hawthorn soup, chilled watermelon sauce, mung bean sour plum soup, etc.


Carry heatstroke medicine with you

For example, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, wind oil essence, cooling oil, etc., once heat stroke occurs, you can use the medicine you bring to relieve the symptoms.


Pay attention to healthy diet and hygiene

In summer, the diet should be light and easy to digest, high in vitamins, high in protein, low in fat, and be careful not to eat too greasy. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and don't get drunk or drunk.


Get regular health check-ups

Those with chronic diseases, those who are recovering from serious illnesses and are infirm should enhance their awareness of protection and should not engage in high-temperature work.

What to do if you get heat stroke

The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?
The high temperature is coming, how to prevent heat stroke?

Summer time

Once you or someone else suffers from heat stroke, call the 120 emergency number first, and then do what you can on the spot.


Stop activities, quickly get out of the high temperature and high humidity environment, transfer the patient to a ventilated and cool place, and remove the patient's clothing as soon as possible.

If possible, the patient can be moved to an air-conditioned room, with a room temperature of 16 to 20 degrees Celsius, lying down, and elevating the lower limbs by 15 to 30 cm.


Rapid measurement of body temperature, preferably core temperature, usually using rectal temperature to reflect core temperature.

If the core temperature cannot be measured on site, the body surface temperature (axillary temperature or ear temperature) can also be measured as a reference. If the axillary or ear temperature is not high, heat stroke cannot be ruled out, and temperature should be measured every 10 minutes or monitored continuously.


Use cold water or diluted alcohol to wipe the patient's body and fan continuously, or use cold water-soaked towels, ice packs, and ice cubes to be placed on the patient's head, neck, armpits, or thighs, groin, and other major arteries to help the patient dissipate heat.


Rapid rehydration. If the person suffering from heat stroke is awake and has no nausea and vomiting, he can be fed light salt water or sports drink, or he can take ten drops of water, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water and other traditional Chinese medicine.

If conditions permit, rapid intravenous infusion can be made on site, and normal saline or Ringer's solution is preferred, and it is better to use 4 degrees Celsius, which not only has a cooling effect, but also can appropriately expand the capacity. However, it is advisable to start the infusion slowly to avoid adverse reactions such as arrhythmia.