
Safety Tips|Must See! High summer temperatures, tips to prevent heat stroke

author:Heze Luxi New District

In summer, heat stroke can easily occur under conditions such as high temperature, high humidity, and low wind speed. "Hot death" is no longer an adjective of unbearable heat, but a description of real events. In life, the following methods can be used to prevent heat stroke:

Limit going out


Safety Tips|Must See! High summer temperatures, tips to prevent heat stroke

The elderly, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases, especially those with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, should reduce going out as much as possible during the hot season. When you must go out, try to choose early morning and late afternoon to reduce the length of stay. If you go out at noon, you can continue outdoor activities after resting for a few minutes in cool indoor places such as banks and shopping malls from time to time.


Shelter from the sun


Safety Tips|Must See! High summer temperatures, tips to prevent heat stroke

Wear a parasol, hat and goggles, sunscreen, and limit time spent outdoors in direct sunlight.


Hydrate promptly


Safety Tips|Must See! High summer temperatures, tips to prevent heat stroke

When you go out in the summer, carry a sports drink or light salt water with you and replenish it in time. You can also drink cooling drinks to prevent heat stroke, such as hawthorn soup, chilled watermelon sauce, mung bean sour plum soup, etc.


Carry heatstroke medicine with you


Safety Tips|Must See! High summer temperatures, tips to prevent heat stroke

Such as Ren Dan, ten drops of water, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, wind oil essence, cool oil, etc., once heat stroke occurs, you can use the medicine to relieve the symptoms.


Heat stroke is very harmful, and there are good ways to prevent it

Preventing heat stroke starts with the details of life

Spend the summer in good health

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