
Come on! The nemesis knew that I had stolen his cubs

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

The afternoon sun shines on the crystal clear water of the pool.

A slender figure of a man walked through the blue water, and then his vigorous swimming style made everyone's eyes fixed on him.

Especially the girls in bikinis let out bursts of screams of surprise and excitement.

"I haven't seen Mu Shao swim for many years, he used to be our A big light!"

"I'm so lucky to be able to come to Mu Shao's villa to participate in the swimming party!"

"Mu Shao is still so cold, but he is getting more and more stylish, and he is still handsome!"

"With such a good figure, I don't know which woman will be cheaper!"


Ning Xiyu stood in front of the window of the attic of the villa and looked in the direction of the pool.

Her delicate figure loomed in the large windswept curtains.

"Old lady Mu lied to me, right? How can Mu Shenwei have a little bit of a phobia? Ning Xiyu's delicate face was like a layer of frost.

Mu Shenwei is not like before, as soon as he appeared in the pool, there were a large number of women watching him.

And now, people have invited a group of women to their home!

Signed an agreement with Mrs. Mu and became Mu Shenwei's special assistant for more than ten days, Ning Xi Yuben and Mu Shenwei were fine, but last night in the hotel room, something out of control happened.

Ning Xiyu couldn't help but support his soft waist, which was sore until now.

That bastard must have hated her so much, and he spilled out all the resentment he had been fighting with her in school for more than ten years!

Ning Xiyu suspected that last night's accident was the handiwork of Old Lady Mu, she felt involuntary through and through, and Mu Shenwei was not happy, he was on the road, and took the opportunity to vent his hatred!

Old lady Mu......

Ning Xiyu has a pair of good-looking thin eyebrows, but he is frowning very tightly, and Old Lady Mu can do whatever it takes for his eldest grandson, Mu Shenwei.

It seems that it is difficult for her to win against Old Lady Mu......


A screaming female voice came from the pool, interrupting Ning Xiyu's contemplation.

I saw that Mu Shenwei had come up from the pool and stood by the pool.

What Ning Xiyu saw was his back, a man of more than one meter and eight meters was handsome and handsome, his grandfather protected him tightly, and he should rarely participate in outdoor activities, so his skin was as white as jade, but there seemed to be a lot of indoor fitness, and his body was well-proportioned and strong.

Last night, her nails had pinched his sturdy back.

Ning Xiyu's soft face was very uselessly reddened slightly.

And the screams didn't mean to stop, and they were even more noisy, and the group of bikini beauties either took bath towels, or mineral water, or blew rainbow farts, and all ran towards Mu Shenwei.

"Oh, gynophobe!" Ning Xiyu snorted in disdain, turned around, leaned on the windowsill, out of sight.

On the other side of the pool, Mu Shenwei turned around indifferently and walked towards a parasol.

Under the parasol, a man immediately sat up from the reclining chair, neatly took off his sunglasses, and said jokingly: "Jiayu, go and save your brother Shenwei." ”

"I'm going to save those broken girls!" Zhang Jiayu opened his arms and ran over with a smile, "I'm here!" ”

Seeing Mu Shenwei, the group of girls still ignored people coldly, and didn't dare to approach rashly, he was notoriously ruthless.

Seeing Zhang Jiayu rushing over, he collectively ignored it, turned around and walked away.

This group of celebrities and daughters are very realistic, Mu Shenwei invited them to a swimming party, as if they had the opportunity to get close to the eldest young master of the Mu family, who would care about Zhang Jiayu?

Zhang Jiayu is a son-in-law like a hanger, whenever he goes to look for him, he is there.

"Hey, what am I doing?" Zhang Jiayu shouted yes, but instead of being angry, he laughed, and went back to Mu Shenwei with "hahaha".

Chen Mingxiu shook his sunglasses casually and teased Mu Shenwei with a dark face: "I invited so many girls to come, why don't you ignore them?" ”

Chen Mingxiu is Mu Shenwei's good brother and his attending doctor, Mu Shenwei really has a phobia of women, which is quite serious.

So the daughters of the celebrities approached Mu Shenwei, and Chen Mingxiu immediately intervened.

Mu Shenwei had a handsome face and didn't speak.

Song Lize, who was still lazily lying on the reclining chair, raised his eyebrows meaningfully and said: "Shen Wei is to let them see the tooth marks on his shoulders and the scratches on his back, declaring that he has a master, don't think about him anymore!" ”

"Huh?" Zhang Jiayu immediately approached, stared at Mu Shenwei's shoulder, and then glanced at his back, "Hahaha" laughed so arrogantly.

"Careless, I don't even dare to think about it! I always thought that Brother Shen Wei was a senior monk! But now he has a little assistant, hahaha! ”

Mu Shenwei ignored Zhang Jiayu, and did not blame Song Lize, but looked at Chen Mingxiu coldly and said, "You did it for my grandfather?" ”

"How is that possible?" Chen Mingxiu defended, "I am always the one who stands by your side, even if your grandfather and your family ask for it, I will not betray you, I have professional ethics!" If I want to heal you, I will cure you clearly, how can you use means? ”

Mu Shenwei didn't believe it or not, he pulled a large white bath towel on the reclining chair and left.

Zhang Jiayu had a gossipy look on his face: "Brother Shuxiu, did Brother Shen Wei and the little assistant really have something indescribable happen last night?" So is his phobia of women better? Will Brother Shen Wei be able to enjoy benefits every night in the future? Haha, I thought Ning Xi's language was clear and cold, but I didn't expect it to be a little wild cat scratching people in the room! ”

Song Lize suppressed his voice and said, "Jiayu, you be quiet, do you want everyone to know that Shen Wei suffers from female phobia?" ”

Chen Mingxiu didn't answer Zhang Jiayu a single question, and said pitifully: "I was wronged!" He has wronged me! ”

The pool became quiet, Ning Xiyu stared at her toes in a daze, she didn't look back, she was not interested in knowing which woman Mu Shenwei chose to favor.

Suddenly darkened in front of him, Ning Xiyu was excited, raised his head, and met Mu Shen's only pair of deep eyes, and his hands, propped on the window frame beside her, knocked her.

To be honest, Mu Shenwei's face is handsome, he probably just wiped his hair casually with a bath towel, messy, revealing his forehead.

Sexy and domineering, he blends together without disobedience.

At such a close distance, Ning Xiyu could clearly see the skin lines of his chest that rose and fell just right, as well as the tooth marks that could not be ignored, near the neck socket on his left shoulder.

The culprit turned his face, resisted his approaching body temperature, and said indifferently: "Take your hands off!" ”

Mu Shenwei's voice was very low, and the magnetism became more and more obvious, so he inadvertently took the sultry: "This is my territory, where my hand loves to be placed, I will put it!" ”

Ning Xiyu replied expressionlessly: "Then you let me go away, and you can hold on here until your hands are numb." ”

Mu Shenwei got closer, almost touching Ning Xiyu, lowered his head and said in her ear: "It's late, put my hand up, how can you say that you will let go?" ”

was sprayed on his sensitive ears by the hot breath that Mu Shenwei exhaled when he spoke, numb, and Ning Xiyu froze.

She didn't dare to move, afraid that she would struggle and fall through the window.

She didn't want to die.

When Mu Shenwei's phobia of women is cured, her contract with Mrs. Mu will be terminated, and she will have more good times in the future.

"Well," he said in a low voice, "your ears are easy to turn red, and when you're shy, you were in bed last night, and now you peek at me swimming." ”

Ning Xiyu replied coldly: "You are so confident that I can see you swimming in the back of my head?" ”

"Oh, that's my mistake," Mu Shenwei seemed to be very reflective, "Miss Ning is just nostalgic and loves to stay in the attic because we are here...... Slept. ”

Ning Xiyu even turned his cheeks red, gritted his teeth and said, "You want to make a face!" Don't talk about things when you're a kid! ”

Ning Xiyu used to be a guest of the Mu family before she was seven or eight years old, and her mother brought her to the Mu family to play.

A group of children played hide and seek, and she and Mu Shenwei coincidentally chose under the table in the attic.

It may be that the place is too secluded and no one finds them, because they are all strong, and they don't go out, so they are bored and fall asleep.

When she woke up, she found herself nested in Mu Shenwei's arms, and Mu Shenwei also woke up, and the two of them stared at each other with wide eyes for a while.

She apologized, but Mu Shenwei didn't respond, left the bottom of the table with a straight face, and left.

Later, in school, Mu Shenwei has always been against her, and everything has to crush her head.

Ning Xiyu was not convinced, and he would never let him, Mu Shen couldn't afford to play first, hum!

Looking at Ning Xiyu's red face with an angry look, the corners of Mu Shenwei's mouth hooked, and he said jokingly: "Why don't you go swimming?" I'm afraid it can't compare to ......."

"You even have to compare your swimming to me?" Ning Xiyu sneered, "I'm a woman, is that all you have?" ”

Mu Shenwei's magnetic voice sounded low: "I mean, are you afraid that you can't compare to the figure of the group of women below?" Don't worry, I've seen it, your figure is very good, don't have low self-esteem. ”

Ning Xiyu sneered: "There are quite a few women who have been seen by you. ”

"Well, but you're the only one who sees the light!"

Ning Xiyu is about to explode, what should she do if she wants to strangle someone?

Mu Shenwei paused, his two inky black sword eyebrows frowned tightly, and a dark memory from a few years ago poured into his mind, which made him sick to his stomach.

At the same time that Mu Shenwei put down his hand, Ning Xiyu's mobile phone rang.

Ning Xiyu didn't notice the slight change in Mu Shenwei's expression, thinking that her mobile phone rang, and he let go.

Ning Xiyu glanced at the caller ID and immediately answered the phone.

Over there, Old Lady Mu asked, and her tone was quite kind: "Miss Ning, is Shen Wei by your side?" I just called his phone and he didn't answer. ”

"Mr. Mu is here." Ning Xiyu handed the phone to Mu Shenwei, "Old lady Mu is looking for you." ”

Mu Shenwei took the phone, his voice did not fluctuate, and said, "Grandpa." ”

"Shen Wei," Mrs. Mu was happy, "I heard that you held a swimming party, and invited a lot of girls, grandpa rushed back from S City, and now he is in the study." Do you have a favorite girl, bring her over to show grandpa? ”

"I don't have a favorite girl," Mu Shenwei said nonchalantly, "I'll go to the study to find grandpa." ”

"Okay, come here."

Hanging up the phone, Mu Shenwei said, "You follow me to the room." ”

Ning Xiyu is not very willing, she is a special assistant, work relationship, why do you want to go to Mu Shenwei's room? She didn't want it to happen again.

Mu Shenwei left a sentence: "I'll go with me to see my grandfather later, I have something to say." "Gone.

Ningxi can only keep up.

When he arrived at the room, Mu Shenwei went in, but he didn't see Ning Xiyu come in.

He leaned out again and saw Ning Xiyu standing by the door with a faint expression.

"What are you doing?" Mu Shenwei was joking with impatience, the two of them had met honestly, what kind of score did she pose? Besides, his room is very large, with a special functional area, he asked her to go in and sit and wait, could it be that he still changed clothes in front of her?

Ning Xiyu said flatly: "I'm waiting for you here." ”

"Whatever." Mu Shenwei had a cold face and closed the door.

The workaholic man, who does things neatly, goes in in swim trunks, and when he comes out in ten minutes, he has already washed his hair and taken a shower and cleaned up, and he looks like an elite in a white shirt and black trousers.

When I arrived at Old Lady Mu's study, a housekeeper was waiting outside the door and greeted him respectfully: "Big young master!" ”

Mu Shenwei said "um", without any more expressions, he knew that it was the housekeeper who reported to his grandfather, otherwise his grandfather would not have rushed back from S City in a hurry.

The housekeeper followed his grandfather when he was young, one servant was unfaithful to the other masters, and the housekeeper was his grandfather's man.

When the housekeeper greeted "Miss Ning", it was a business-like tone.

The housekeeper opened the door of the study, and the old lady Mu was sitting on the side of the tea table, and when he looked up, he saw a girl behind the tall grandson, and he was suddenly excited, and shouted with a smile: "Shen Wei! ”

The eldest grandson still brought a girl to see him!

However, soon, when Mu Shenwei came over, Old Lady Mu saw that it was Ning Xiyu who was following, and he asked tentatively: "Shenwei...... Bring Miss Ning to ......"

"Well," Mu Shenwei said calmly, "Miss Ning is quite good at making tea, let her make tea for grandpa." ”

"Sit." Old Lady Mu's heart rose and fell for a while, and finally it was suspended, and none of them landed.

Listening to the list of the housekeeper's report, there are a lot of celebrity daughters, and the eldest grandson has no favorite? So why is he throwing a swimming party?

There is no topic for workaholics, and chatting with grandpa is also about work.

Ning Xiyu did not participate in their conversation, only making tea on the side.

Old lady Mu paid attention to Ning Xiyu in her spare time, and she was still pleasing to the eye when she made tea.

Ningxiyu's mother was born in a scholarly family, gentle and elegant, and her daughter who taught her is also knowledgeable and courteous.

It's a pity that when Ning Xiyu was ten years old, after her mother died, her temper became more and more twisted.

Drinking tea and chatting here, it was quite quiet for a while, but the housekeeper came in and reported: "Old lady Mu, Ke Yuting, the little lady of the Ke family, wants to see you." ”

And on the other side of the door, there was a girl in a white chiffon skirt, sweet and cute, she shouted with a clever smile: "Grandpa Mu! ”

Old lady Mu beckoned with a smile and said, "It's Xiaoting, come in." ”

"Disturb Grandpa Mu and Brother Shen Wei for tea!" Ke Yuting walked briskly to the tea table and sat beside Mu Shenwei obediently.

Ning Xi remained silent and continued to make tea. She was looking at the pool from the attic window just now, and she saw this Miss Ke Yuting, who walked in a cute style, and was very recognizable in a group of sexy celebrity daughters.

I just don't know if I fell into Mu Shenwei's eyes.

Ning Xiyu poured tea for Ke Yuting without discrimination.

Condescending just now, she took in the more than a dozen celebrity daughters, and knew that Ke Yuting was not as simple and cute as she looked.

But how many people who survive in a wealthy family have no scheming? Mu Shenwei and the Mu family are just selected.

She is still full of expectations for Ke Yuting, if Ke Yuting can help Mu Shenwei eliminate her phobia, her contract with Mrs. Mu will be invalidated, and she can fly away.

Ke Yuting pinched the delicate purple sand teacup, smelled it, took a sip, and said happily: "Grandpa Mu's tea is delicious, sweet and fragrant, and has a long aftertaste." My grandfather likes to drink the tea given by Grandpa Mu the most, and I also have a lot of it! ”

Mrs. Mu was coaxed happily and said: "Xiaoting also likes to drink tea, it's so rare, it just happened that Shenwei invited Xiaoting to come to the party, and Xiaoting and Grandpa Mu drank two more cups of tea." ”

The cold Mu Shenwei said at this moment: "It's Song Lize's invitation list." ”

Old lady Mu laughed twice and said, "Fortunately, Aze invited Xiaoting to come, which made it a little more fun for Grandpa Mu to drink tea." ”

Ke Yuting took a deep breath, kept a sweet smile, and said, "It's my honor to have tea with Grandpa Mu!" ”

Ning Xiyu continued to make tea, a little regretful, Mu Shenwei didn't take a fancy to Ke Yuting, and hinted that his grandfather should not match him with the little lady of the Ke family.

Alas, her plans to fly away had to be put on hold.

Ke Yuting still coaxed the old lady Mu to laugh and talk happily, but her afterglow swept over Ning Xiyu.

In the pool, how could Ke Yuting not notice the bite marks on Mu Shenwei's left shoulder, as well as the marks of nails on her back?

Mu Shenwei's skin is so white, something is wrong, and it is clearly revealed.

Everyone knows what Mu Shenwei did last night, and they are also guessing who got his favor.

Now it seems that it is this Ning Xiyu next to him!

Ke Yuting noticed that although Ning Xiyu was wearing a high-necked shirt and buttoned the top button, it couldn't completely cover the strawberry mark on her neck.

Although Ke Yuting was jealous, she didn't take Ning Xiyu seriously.

A person who was kicked out by the Ning family, what qualifications does he have to be the eldest and youngest grandmother of the Mu family?

Ning Xiyu is just a tool for Mu Shenwei to solve his physical needs before he picks his wife, and he is given the title of special assistant who hides people's ears.

"Brother Shen Wei often drinks tea with grandpa," Ke Yuting almost laid the groundwork, and pulled the topic to Mu Shenwei, "I'll pour tea for Brother Shen Wei and Grandpa Mu, I also learned the tea ceremony!" ”

"Good, good!" Old lady Mu still has to give face to old friends, Ke Yuting is Old Lady Ke's favorite granddaughter.

Ningxi's language is casual, and Ke Yuting will take the job if she wants to.

Ke Yuting went to get the small teapot of purple sand, and when Qianqianyu's finger touched the handle of the teapot, she suddenly exclaimed "ah": "It's so hot!" ”

Then he leaned and fell to Mu Shenwei.

Mu Shenwei subconsciously stretched out his hand to push, Ke Yuting was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Mu Shenwei's face was very tense, his lips suddenly turned gray, and the whole person couldn't help but tremble slightly.

He suddenly got up and walked to the door of the study, but before he could go out, he bent over and vomited in pain.

Ning Xiyu woke up, this is what Old Lady Mu said, Mu Shenwei suffers from female phobia?

Ke Yuting hasn't dealt with him yet, right? Just on his arm, and he reacted so strongly?

Ning Xiyu didn't know what to do, she was a woman, and she couldn't help Shen Wei.

"Shenwei!" Old lady Mu walked over quickly, and the housekeeper also came in when he heard the sound.

"Shen Wei, did you eat the wrong thing? Or do you get cold while swimming? Old lady Mu covered up Mu Shenwei's illness in front of Ke Yuting.

"I'm fine." Mu Shen only slowed down and was able to stand up straight, but his face was still very pale, and the whole person looked weak.

Mu Shenwei didn't need the housekeeper to help him, frowned deeply, and left the study.

Old lady Mu motioned for the housekeeper to follow, and he hurriedly called Chen Mingxiu and said anxiously: "Mingxiu, Shenwei vomited, you hurry up and go to his room to see what's going on." ”

"I'm sorry, Xiaoting," Old Lady Mu turned to say, "Shen Wei is not feeling well, Grandpa Mu won't accompany you to drink tea, help Grandpa Mu bring a message to your grandfather, saying that I will go to him for tea when I am free." ”

"Okay, Grandpa Mu." Ke Yuting was pushed down by Mu Shenwei, but she still got up by herself, she felt aggrieved, but the situation was like this, she had to continue to be a good girl, said goodbye and left.

"Then I'm going out too." Ning Xiyu owes herself to Old Lady Mu.

Old lady Mu said, "Miss Ning, wait a minute! ”

Old lady Mu asked the maid to clean up Mu Shenwei's vomit, and then sat back at the tea table with Ning Xiyu.

"You have seen it, Miss Ning," Old Lady Mu said thoughtfully, "Shen Wei's phobia of women is such a condition, he can't accept contact with women. ”

Ning Xiyu pondered and said, "Old lady Mu, I'm not a doctor, in fact, I can't help Mu Shenwei. ”

"But you're the only one who's ever had an intimate relationship with Shen Wei, and twice."

So Mrs. Mu revealed that the accident between her and Mu Shenwei last night was his plan.

Ning Xiyu tried to explain to Old Lady Mu: "But both times it was because of the effect of the drug, Mu Shenwei did that, I am not his panacea." ”

"Okay, Miss Ning," Old Lady Mu looked frank, "Shen Wei was poisoned by the Mu family's old enemy before, and it took two years to find a way to detoxify, but I needed a virgin as a medicine guide, and I originally arranged a woman for Shen Wei."

"It wasn't until I happened to see you abroad, and a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses you gave birth to, which looked exactly the same as Shen Wei when he was a child, and I traced it down, and I knew that you replaced that woman!

"Now Shen Wei doesn't know the truth of that night, but you calculated and stole Shen Wei's seed, this is the truth, Miss Ning? And I didn't have a phobia of women before, and it was after spending a night with you that I had a psychological disorder!

"You gave Shen Wei a bad experience that night, aren't you responsible, Miss Ning?"

Ning Xiyu: "......" was speechless, she suspected that Mrs. Mu was dumping the pot, but she couldn't refute it.

Old lady Mu said again: "I don't want the blood of the Mu family to flow out, and I don't want to be able to touch a woman in my life, and I can't continue the bloodline." Miss Ning, we can only choose one of the two, so I hope you will actively cooperate with the doctor so that Shen Wei can return to normal as soon as possible, and I can let you leave with the child. Otherwise, you let Shen Wei recognize his two children! ”

Ning Xiyu was caught by Old Lady Mu's weakness, and she couldn't get rid of it now: "But Old Lady Mu, like last night's incident, don't happen again, okay?" Forcing Mu Shenwei to do what he hates, doesn't it cause more damage to his psyche? ”

"The so-called not breaking or standing, many ways can only be gambled," said Mrs. Mu, "Maybe useful ideas have to be tried, in short, Shen Wei is like this, is conservative treatment still useful?" I'm willing to try it! ”

Ning Xiyu took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and tried to persuade Old Lady Mu: "So this method is useless, and it will not improve Mu Shenwei at all." ”

"I think it's good," Mrs. Mu disagreed, "Shen Wei he held a swimming party, and invited so many girls, he wouldn't have done this before, he took a big step bravely!" ”

Ning Xi's voice was depressed and speechless, didn't Mu Shenwei know what was going on with him? He also undressed and swam to show a group of beautiful women, what does he mean?

Because he has never had a girlfriend, he has been questioned about his orientation, so he shows it to others, but he is actually very good?

Oh, this ridiculous and arrogant self-esteem of men!

But Ning Xiyu thought about it again, it's good for Mu Shenwei to take a big step, so many beauties know that he can do it, so they can't pounce on him?

She's just around the corner when she's gone!

Come on, bikini beauties!

"Miss Ning," Old Lady Mu said in a negotiating tone, "The two babies are almost three years old and are going to kindergarten, isn't it okay to take care of them all at such a young age?" Why don't you bring them back to China, it's easy to take care of, and you can see them often. I promise that there is a spirit of contract, and if you don't agree, I won't let Shen Wei know about their existence. ”

"Don't bother," Ning Xiyu said, "The children are used to life abroad, and they have my friends to take care of them, so there is no problem." ”

Ning Xiyu would not be confused by Old Lady Mu's kind eyebrows and kind eyes at this time, she knew what he looked like when he was ruthless.

Ning Xiyu doesn't want to make extraneous branches, the babies are still abroad, and after letting Mu Shenwei return to normal as soon as possible, she will immediately pick up the children and find a more hidden place to live quietly.

At this time, the butler came back to talk.

"Is Shen Wei any better?" Old Lady Mu asked with concern.

The butler stood respectfully and said, "The eldest young master is a little better, but he is still very weak, and he wants to sleep." ”

"Okay, then let Shen Wei sleep well," Old Lady Mu instructed, "Tell the kitchen to prepare Shen Wei's favorite dishes, nutritious, Shen Wei can start eating when he gets up." ”

The housekeeper ordered: "Yes, Old Lady Mu." And what about the guests at the swimming party? ”

"Let Aze invite them back."

"Yes, Old Lady Mu." The butler left the study.

Ning Xiyu also said goodbye, and Old Lady Mu gave permission.

When he walked out of the study, Ning Xiyu secretly reminded himself that he should be energetic in the future, take more precautions, and don't be drugged by Old Lady Mu anymore and send it to Mu Shenwei.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Mu Shenwei came down from upstairs, and Mrs. Mu was waiting on the sofa in the hall.

"Is Shen Wei better?" Old lady Mu asked.

Mu Shenwei said "um", cowardly.

"I'm hungry, the restaurant is ready for dinner."

Mu Shenwei said "um" again and went to the restaurant with his grandfather.

This is the old house of the Mu family, Mu Shenwei's two aunts are married, and the two uncles don't come back often, in order to go to the company, they have another villa in the main city.

Old lady Mu slowly retired from the Mu family's business empire, and he lived in the old mansion.

Therefore, the Mu family's restaurant is very large, and at the long dining table, there are only two people, Mrs. Mu and Mu Shenwei.

Mu Shenwei had more than a dozen dishes in front of him, all of which he usually liked to eat, but he didn't have much appetite at the moment.

Old lady Mu saw it, and coaxed her tone: "Shen Wei has anything else to eat, let the kitchen do it immediately." ”

"What about Ningxi?" Mu Shenwei only asked.

Old lady Mu's heart chuckled, the eldest grandson is letting Ning Xiyu come to the table to eat together?

Actually, it's not impossible, as long as the eldest grandson's appetite can improve.

Old lady Mu instructed the housekeeper: "Go and call Miss Ning." ”

"Yes, Old Lady Mu." The butler hurried away.

Ning Xiyu came, Mu Shenwei's eyes glanced at her, and said lightly: "Last time you cooked noodles for supper, cook me another bowl." ”

"Hmm." Ning Xiyu responded and went to the kitchen with the steward.

Old lady Mu: "......" eldest grandson called Ning Xiyu, is it cooking noodles?

In about ten minutes, Ning Xiyu brought the noodles to Mu Shenwei.

She was about to retreat, but Mu Shen looked unwavering and said, "Sit down and eat, there are many dishes, don't eat and waste." ”


"Sit down, Miss Ning," Old Lady Mu interrupted Ning Xi's words and said, "Shen Wei can't eat these dishes, you can help eat a little." ”

The steward pulled out a chair for Ning Xiyu, and Ning Xiyu said, "Thank you." "Sit down.

A simple bowl of tomato egg noodles, Mu Shenwei ate quite well, and Mrs. Mu was relieved to see that her eldest grandson was eating.

Ning Xiyu has always had little to say in the Mu family, and she eats dinner quietly.

Old Lady Mu looked at the two young people who were eating with their heads bowed and thought for a moment.

Shen Wei, sullen, I want Ning Xiyu to eat with you, but I have to find an excuse to cook noodles, how do girls know your mind?

Old Lady Mu said quietly: "Shenwei, why don't you rest for two days, find a place to spend your vacation, and let Miss Ning take care of you." ”

Ning Xiyu was alarmed, and Old Lady Mu tried every means to let her and Mu Shenwei be alone.

She understands the old lady Mu's plan, even if Mu Shenwei is forced by the effect of drugs, but after all, she has skin-to-skin contact with women, and once a man's desire is satisfied, it is difficult to curb it.

There was a need, the psyche succumbed to the body, and his phobia slowly disappeared.

However, she will become Mu Shenwei's healing tool!

On the contrary, it was Mu Shenwei who relieved Ning Xiyu's crisis, he said: "You don't have to rest, there are many things in the company, and I have to go back to the company for a meeting tomorrow morning." ”

"Oh, that's right," Old Lady Mu made another sacrifice, "The resort area that the Ning family sold us has been abandoned for a long time, should you go to investigate and investigate, what is it better to operate?"

"Miss Ning is familiar with that piece of land, why don't you take Shenwei to have a look.

"My suggestion is to bulldoze the resort and engage in industry, and now the sales of high-end agricultural and sideline products are also quite considerable!"

Ningxi Yu naturally doesn't want the resort to be bulldozed, it was a gift from her grandparents to her mother when she married into the Ning family, and it was also full of many good memories with her mother on the way she grew up.

How could her scumbag father be useless, the Ning Group deteriorated, and the resort was sold to the Mu family by him.

Ningxiyu wants to keep the resort, even if it has changed hands, but it is always a thought to let it continue.

Ning Xiyu felt that she was really spineless at the moment, she said: "I am familiar with the resort, if Mr. Mu has time, go and investigate." ”

Mu Shenwei said "um" and didn't speak again.

Mrs. Mu was happy to see it: "Shen Wei is not in a hurry, it is good to go on vacation while working, the most important thing is to take care of your body." ”

Ning Xiyu's heart tightened, she was now most afraid of the old lady Mu Shenwei's body.

After going to the resort, she must be on guard day and night, forty-eight hours a day.

After dinner, Ning Xiyu was going back, and Old Lady Mu instructed the housekeeper to send a car to see her off.

Mu Shenwei had just fallen asleep, and it was still early to rest, so he went to the attic.

Old lady Mu was sitting on the sofa in the hall drinking tea, and when she saw the housekeeper coming in, she looked worried and asked, "What's wrong with Miss Ning?" ”

"Miss Ning has gone back," said the butler, "but in the afternoon something happened. ”

"Oh? About the deep? What's up? ”

The housekeeper pondered and reported, "When the eldest young master was swimming in the pool, Miss Ning went to the attic. ”

"Oh?" Old Lady Mu was surprised, "How can Miss Ning get in?" ”

"It seems that the eldest young master forgot to close the door."

"And then?"

"The eldest young master saw Miss Ning standing by the window, and he went up to look for her."

"Didn't Shen Wei quarrel with Miss Ning? Didn't kick her out? ”

You must know that when Shen Wei was a child, after his parents died, the attic became a forbidden place for others, and no one could enter it, even cleaning and cleaning were done by Shen Wei himself.

"Probably not," the housekeeper didn't see what happened after the eldest young master went to find Miss Ning, "Old lady Mu, you're back, I'll pick you up at the gate." ”

However, Mrs. Mu quickly called the eldest grandson and Ning Xiyu, and when they came to see him in the study, the two of them were in a calm mood.

Therefore, Shen Wei does not blame Ning Xiyu for entering the attic!

The housekeeper asked hesitantly, "Old lady Mu, do you want to tell Miss Ning that you are not allowed to enter the attic again?" ”

"Let her be," Old Lady Mu's heart was still very shaken, "That's Shenwei's place, if he doesn't let Ning Xiyu in, he will naturally drive her out." ”

"Yes, Old Lady Mu." The steward owes a debt.

Old lady Mu exhaled a long breath, but she was still depressed.

When he confirmed that Ning Xiyu had secretly changed the pillar and gave birth to his eldest grandson's child, he was so angry at the time.

What's even more odious is that Ning Xiyu borrowed her son to take the position, and she didn't have the heart to be the grandmother of the Mu family, she was very simple just to steal Shenwei's seed and give birth to her child!

How could Old Lady Mu not see that his eldest grandson always competed with Ning Xiyu when he was studying, just to attract her attention, which was both naïve and simple.

He planted it then, and to this day, he still plants and even grows roots!

Alas, this may be the fate of Shenwei.

Old Lady Mu instructed in a dark voice: "Increase the bodyguards, keep an eye on Ning Xiyu and the two babies!" ”

"Yes, Old Lady Mu." The steward commanded.

"Also," Old Lady Mu said again, "call Ming Xiu, Aze and Xiao Yu immediately and I'll wait for them in the study." ”

The housekeeper retreated, and he knew that Miss Ning's entry into the attic was very important.

If Old Lady Mu knew that Ning Xiyu had entered the attic when he was a child, he would have been even more irritable.

How could the young master of the Mu family, who has been cold since childhood, play hide and seek with a group of children?

At this time, in the attic, Mu Shenwei was sitting on the wooden chair behind the table where he and Ning Xiyu were hiding.

When he was eight years old, he became closed and silent because of the unexpected death of his parents.

When he entered the attic, a girl burst in.

Her eyes were bright and she looked excited.

She hid under the table and beckoned to him: "Come here, this place is very hidden, you won't be found!" ”

The devil sent the gods, he actually listened to her words and squatted under the table with her.

Then I smelled the sweet fragrance of her body, and saw her face that seemed to be blown and broken, and her eyes were the best, as if they had melted into the stars.

She said, "I'll hide in front of you, and if someone finds someone under the table, I'll rush out and protect you, and if you keep hiding, you won't be caught!" ”

But no one came, and no one came, and she fell asleep in a daze, and leaned back against him, and he let her nest in his arms.

She was warm, soft, and so comfortable to hold, and he fell asleep, not in a long time without such a heavy sleep.

But when she woke up, she said, "I'm sorry, did I numb you?" I won't next time! ”

He was very frustrated, and he wanted to have a next time, so he left depressed.

"Heh, Ningxi language!" Mu Shenwei muttered, after the Ning family changed four years ago, Ning Xiyu was kicked out of the Ning family, he didn't expect Ning Xiyu to disappear suddenly.

Then, he suddenly appeared again and was arranged by his grandfather to be his special assistant.

It was also designed by my grandfather, and something shameful happened!

"Ningxi language...... Mu Shenwei muttered to himself in a low voice, "If I said to you four years ago, I like you for many years, would you be willing to accept me?" I said I need a girl to make a medicine, will you help me? ”

It's just that I did a dirty thing that night with a woman who can't even see her face clearly, it's disgusting!

If you knew, you would laugh at me for the rest of your life, right?

Ningxi ......


In the morning, Mu Shenwei went to the company for a meeting first, and Ning Xiyu was waiting for him in the office.

Mu Shen has more than one special assistant, and she is not talking to the project discussed this morning.

Ning Xiyu sat behind the desk, because he was about to go to the resort, he couldn't help but think of the bad things about the Ning family, and his mind was messed up.

It is estimated that at the end of the meeting, Ning Xiyu thought of his own safety again.

For the sake of the eldest grandson, Mrs. Mu is afraid that she will still calculate her, what if she can't prevent it?

The first time she and Mu Shenwei hit with one blow, and they were pregnant with twins.

After an accident the night before, she immediately took emergency contraception the next morning.

But the resort is now deserted, there is a depression around, and there is definitely no pharmacy.

Should I prepare birth control pills? Ning Xiyu thought.

Mu Shenwei listened to his grandfather's words, working and vacationing, staying in a hotel near the resort, about three or four days, maybe a week at most, many situations she couldn't predict.

It's better to be prepared, although she has her eyes on Mu Shenwei's genes and secretly gave birth to his child, but now it is not suitable to get pregnant.

Old lady Mu stared at it, it was difficult for her to escape with her two babies, and she was afraid that she would not be able to run anymore with a big belly.

Ning Xiyu pulled her suitcase and went downstairs first.

At the door of the lobby, when he saw Mu Shenwei's driver, he greeted him and asked, "Miss Ning, are you about to leave?" ”

Ning Xiyu handed the suitcase to the driver and said, "Please help me put it in the trunk, I have something to do and go out and come back soon." ”

"Okay, Miss Ning." The driver agreed.

Ning Xiyu quickened her pace, walked to the nearby commercial area, found a pharmacy, and bought a box of contraceptive pills.

Walking out of the pharmacy, I was about to rush back to the company building, but I saw a familiar car parked on the side of the road, and the driver stood by the door and greeted politely: "Miss Ning!" ”

Mu Shenwei is here? Ning Xiyu walked over, and sure enough, he saw this big man sitting in the back seat.

Ning Xiyu was a little weak-hearted, Mu Shenwei wouldn't guess what she came to the pharmacy to buy, right?

"Miss Ning, please get in the car." The chauffeur is attentive.

Ning Xiyu got into the car, and the person next to him spoke quietly: "Miss Ning is looking forward to this vacation!" ”

Ning Xi said with a straight face and a calm look: "Well, go and see how dilapidated the once beautiful resort area is, so that I can know how depressed my scumbag dad is, which makes me happy and happy." ”

"I'm also very happy," Mu Shenwei said in a low voice, "You're very satisfied with my performance, and you're ready for the next few days." However, it is better for men to take measures, and taking birth control pills has some effect on the body, this ...... Put it away. ”

Mu Shenwei turned his right hand and handed over a box to Ning Xiyu.

Ning Xiyu lowered his eyes, glanced at the words on the box, and his cheeks turned red.

Nima ......

"You think too much," Ning Xiyu turned his face to the car window and said indifferently, "My medicine is for myself, and you are not the only man in this world, what if there is my old friend in the resort?" You better put away your box yourself, and we'll be fine. ”

"Don't worry," Mu Shenwei said coldly, "The resort has been empty for two or three years, and your old friend has no bones, I guarantee that there is only one living man by your side." ”

The driver in the driver's seat in front and Assistant Lin in the passenger seat trembled in the strong and cold air pressure, they kept their distance from Miss Ning, did they have a way to live?

Mu Shenwei threw the box in front of the assistant in the passenger seat, and said, "When I get to the hotel, put it in my room, and Miss Ning's room also puts a few boxes, and we are not sure which room to spend the night in." ”

"Good...... Okay, Mr. Mu. "Assistant Lin is hesitant.

Mu Shen raised his eyebrows: "Do you have questions?" ”

Assistant Lin was so frightened that he wanted to cry: "I'm ...... The quantity to prepare seems to ...... As if it weren't enough. ”

"Why don't you hurry up and stock up? There is a pharmacy next door, and Miss Ning has just bought contraceptive pills in it. ”

Ningxi language: "......" Nima!

Assistant Lin opened the car door, ran into the pharmacy with a rolling belt, and when he came out, he carried several large bags and put them in the trunk.

Ning Xiyu was powerless to complain, Mu Shenwei was planning to die of exhaustion?

Along the way, Ning Xiyu closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, she didn't say a word to Mu Shenwei now.

A four-hour drive to the hotel.

There were three handsome young men sitting on the sofa in the waiting area of the lobby, and when they saw Mu Shenwei coming in, they immediately stood up to greet them.


"Mr. Mu!"

"Brother Shenwei!"

The three of them spoke at the same time, smiling, especially Zhang Jiayu, who was smiling exaggeratedly, he was in a good mood when he came out on vacation, and he also had the financial support of Mrs. Mu.

Mu Shenwei's gaze swept over these few, his face expressionless. He used to treat them as brothers, but now this couple is suspected of treachery, and he may have been bought by his grandfather.

Ning Xiyu recognized these three, and when she saw Chen Mingxiu, she immediately built a firewall in her heart, he was Mu Shenwei's exclusive doctor, and there would be nothing good to come here, I am afraid that it is an extension of Old Lady Mu's means.

Song Lize's background is not very good, he is the illegitimate son of Mr. Song Jiada, and he is in an embarrassing situation in the Song family, he was Mu Shenwei's junior brother when he was in college, and he followed Mu Shenwei at that time.

Song Lize is really Mu Shenwei's special assistant, Ning Xiyu knows that Old Lady Mu gave her the identity of a special assistant, but it is just to treat Mu Shenwei, Old Lady Mu does not trust her, so naturally she will not let her meddle in the trade secrets of the Mu Group.

And Zhang Jiayu is the most leisurely, working in the public relations department of Mu Group, and actually doing the work of Mu Shenwei's life assistant. Old lady Mu was heartbroken for her eldest grandson, who had autistic tendencies since childhood, and put Zhang Jiayu by his side to make him happy.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Shenwei asked knowingly, the expression on his face was very mocking.

Zhang Jiayu said "haha" twice and said: "Come and accompany Brother Shen Wei on vacation, my three-day strategy, five-day strategy, and seven-day strategy have been planned, Brother Shen Wei will take a look?" ”

Mu Shenwei said ruthlessly: "No need, I plan to stay for four days, it is not in your strategy." I don't want to see you for the past four days within 10 meters of me. ”

Zhang Jiayu laughed twice again and said, "I have ordered lunch for Brother Shen Wei and Miss Ning, at table No. 3 by the window." Brother Ming Xiu and Brother Li Ze and I ate at the dining table eleven meters away, and Brother Shen Wei had any needs, even though he told us. ”

"Eleven meters" stimulated Mu Shenwei, his face was tense, and Ning Xiyu turned his face aside with a smile.

Not to mention, Zhang Jiayu's funny comparison is really funny.

"Come over for dinner, Miss Ning." Mu Shenwei is weird in yin and yang, do you know how to laugh in Ningxiyu? Why didn't you give me a good face?

Ning Xiyu walked with Mu Shenwei to the booth, it was almost two o'clock, and he was really hungry.

Immediately, one dish after another was served, and Ning Xiyu found that Mu Shenwei's favorite dishes and her favorite dishes were available, and couldn't help but say: "Zhang Jiayu looks unreliable, but his ability to do things is quite strong." ”

Mu Shenwei ignored Ning Xiyu, and silently decided in his heart to increase the distance between Zhang Jiayu and him to twenty meters.

"Don't you drink soup?" Mu Shenwei saw Ning Xiyu on the opposite side take out a bottle of mineral water from his satchel.

Mu Shenwei remembered that Ning Xiyu loved to drink soup.

Ning Xiyu gulped a few gulps of water and said, "I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past, do you want to call that little lady of the Ke family now and ask her to come over, maybe it's still too late." ”

"Isn't it you?" Mu Shenwei joked, he also felt that he couldn't help but have a relationship with Ning Xi in the hotel the night before yesterday because of the soup.

So Ning Xiyu brought his own drinking water, because he didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

Mu Shenwei's heart was very unhappy, and he deliberately said: "Aren't you very comfortable that night?" ”

"Are you refreshed?" Ning Xiyu sneered, "Can you be comfortable doing this kind of thing with a person who has no feelings?" ”

Mu Shenwei's hand holding the soup spoon paused, his eyes were dark, as if he was hiding a storm.

Oh, "with someone who has no feelings"!

Ning Xiyu has no feelings for him!

Ning Xiyu tilted his head slightly and looked out the window. That night four years ago, she knew that Mu Shenwei needed a medicine lead, and there was no difference between a strange woman and her, but she really wanted a child.

The funny thing is that the opposite sex she is most familiar with is Mu Shenwei, who has been a sworn enemy for more than ten years.

The Mu family will not accept a woman with a bad reputation, and she does not want to get married in her life. But it's good to be able to give birth to a child who is very good, and he must be smart and good-looking.

Fate finally favored her, and that night she was not only pregnant, but also a dragon and phoenix fetus, and she was grateful and named them Ning En and Ning Hui.

Mu Shenwei should always have his life, Ning Xiyu said sincerely: "Mr. Mu, you don't want to use your grandfather's method to treat, right?" In fact, this is a psychological problem, the important thing is to find the root cause, you go to your own heart, and then slowly reconcile with yourself. Think about it, why do you have such a strong resistance? ”

Mu Shenwei would never have told Ning Xiyu about the dirty thing he had done with a strange woman on the night four years ago.

Perhaps this was the root cause of his gynophobia, which made him nauseous, and whenever the women who had a picture of him touched him, his stress response would be intense, dizzy, cold, shivering, vomiting, and his whole body would be weak.

He was so arrogant, he hated the feeling of being controlled, it was still his most private thing, and he was so inferior in order to live.

Although this happened to him and Ning Xiyu under the control of the drug, he did not resist because he accepted Ning Xiyu in his heart.

It's just that he can't judge if he loses the drug to instigate him, will he also have a phobia attack when he touches Ning Xiyu?

Mu Shenwei is such a proud person, he will not reveal his weakness in front of others, not to mention that the opposite is Ningxi language.

Mu Shenwei's mocking tone: "The root lies in you, you've been fighting with me for more than ten years, don't you hate men?" You...... Ever had a boyfriend? ”

Ning Xiyu didn't expect Mu Shenwei to give this answer, he said it quite reasonably.

It turned out to be her fault.

"Is that all you want to win me?" Ning Xiyu said sincerely, "Let's rock-paper-scissors, I'll let you win, I'll make the cloth, if you win, let go of your knot, okay?" ”

Mu Shenwei looked at Ning Xiyu with mocking eyes, so naïve.

"What do you mean by that?" Ning Xiyu said, "Just say that you don't play, don't play if you're afraid of losing." ”

"Come on." Mu Shenwei raised his right hand, this inextinguishable desire to win.

"I'll shout," Ning Xiyu said, "rock, scissors, paper!" ”

Ning Xiyu honestly came out of the cloth, but Mu Shenwei came out of the stone.

Mu Shenwei: "Heh! ”

"What are you?" Ning Xiyu blamed, "I said that I was out of the cloth, why don't you believe me?" ”

Mu Shenwei: "Heh! ”

"Okay, okay," Ning Xiyu figured it out, and Mu Shen only wanted to believe her before he called the ghost, "Let's play another game, and I'll still be out of the cloth." ”

Mu Shenwei had a calm face and didn't want to play.

"One more game, just one game, to ensure that you win, remember that I am out of the cloth."

Ning Xiyu pinched his right fist and shook it, and Mu Shenwei reluctantly raised his right hand again.

Ningxi language: "Rock, scissors, paper!" Ah! ”

Ning Xiyu looked at his scissors, and then at Mu Shenwei's cloth: "Why don't you continue to produce stones?" ”

It's hard to guess what a man thinks!

"One more game, the last game, guarantee that you win, I'll make the cloth, really out of the cloth!"

Ning Xiyu clenched his right fist and looked at Mu Shenwei's eyes to be as sincere and sincere.

Mu Shenwei had a black face, stood up, and left.

Ning Xiyu: "......" looked at the back of this big man and was shocked.

He, he, he...... Angry? Is this angry? I've only lost two rounds of rock-paper-scissors!

But seriously, if there is a son, there must be a father, Mu Shenwei's angry expression is exactly the same as Xiao En.

is usually cold and cold, but she will be angry, at this time, Mu Shenwei and Xiao En are not domineering, which makes her feel so cute.

Ning Xiyu thought about Xiao En, and couldn't help laughing, the big and the small ones were cute.

At the table eleven meters away, Zhang Jiayu, Chen Mingxiu and Song Lize watched Mu Shenwei and Ning Xiyu eating and playing children's games, which was quite harmonious, but how could Mu Shenwei be angry when he said he was angry?

"Brother Shenwei, don't be so unaffordable!" Zhang Jiayu couldn't cry or laugh, "Look back at Miss Ning, hey!" ”

Miss Ning smiled so beautifully, like a light full of love, you will definitely be moved!

Ning Xiyu was also full, she returned to her room, sat on the sofa and sent a message to Mu Shenwei: [When will you leave? 】

After waiting for a while, Mu Shenwei did not reply.

Could it be that he is still angry?

Ning Xiyu called.

The other party hung up directly.

Scold! Quite a temper!

In fact, Ning Xiyu has a way to cure this situation, every time Xiao En is angry, she kisses his little tender face, if it doesn't work, then kiss it twice.

Xiao En will make a disgusted gesture to wipe the saliva from his face, but this is coaxing.

But if Ning Xiyu wants to kiss Shen Wei's face, it is impossible, and he hates her so much, maybe he will be thrown to the Pacific Ocean to feed the sharks.

Ning Xiyu knew that Mu Shenwei's room was next to her, so she went to ring the doorbell.

The door opened, and seeing Mu Shenwei who was still black-faced, Ning Xiyu ignored it and only asked, "Can I go to see the resort?" ”

So anxious to see the bones of your good old friend? Mu Shenwei said indifferently: "I want to take a nap." ”

Ning Xiyu suggested: "You can sleep in the car for a while. ”

Mu Shenwei didn't accept it: "I'm very particular about the sleeping environment, unlike someone who is so piggy." ”

You just say my name, Mu Shenwei! Ning Xiyu endured her temper and asked, "How long are you going to sleep?" ”

"Wake up naturally, I'm not in a hurry, anyway, I'm on vacation, good afternoon."

Mu Shenwei closed the door, and the door almost hit the tip of Ning Xiyu's nose, and she hurriedly took a step back.

"Huh!" Ning Xi is speechless, Mu Shenwei is such a big person, is it so angry to lose two small games?

So Ning Xiyu figured out why he suffered from a phobia of women, she recalled that from elementary school to college, the vicious fights between her and Mu Shenwei were enough for Mu Shenwei because she hated women all over the world.

Ning Xiyu went back to the room, Mu Shenwei deliberately didn't go to the resort, could she still carry him?

And Chen Mingxiu, Song Lize and Zhang Jiayu also waited in their rooms because of Mu Shenwei's residence.

Mu Shenwei's so-called natural awakening, naturally it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and she hadn't woken up yet, Ning Xiyu understood Mu Shenwei's temperament, she didn't call him, but went out by herself.

When Ning Xiyu arrived at the hotel lobby, he met the driver.

"Is Miss Ning going out?" The driver asked, "What about Mr. Mu?" ”

"He was not feeling well and was sleeping, so I went out to do the investigation work by myself first." Ning Xiyu said calmly.

"I'll send Miss Ning."

"No, Mr. Mu may need to use the car, you wait for him."

The driver didn't understand whether Mr. Mu was seriously ill or not, and if he had to be sent to the hospital urgently, he listened to Ningxi and continued to stay in the hotel.

Ningxiyu took a taxi to the original Ning's resort, which was really deserted, and the surrounding facilities were gone, and it used to take more than an hour's drive.

When the time comes, the further forward it is, the more desolate it becomes, even if he has not returned to China for four years and has not been to the resort, but in the memory of Ning Xiyu, he still has a very clear view of the past.

Why? Ning Xiyu's eyes looked out the window in a daze, the investment of hundreds of millions of yuan was now worthless, and there was only a piece of land left.

"Here we go," said the driver, "where are you going to stop?" ”

"Let's go to the original Waterfall Hotel." Ning Xi said lightly.

"The hotel is about to collapse," the driver reminded as he drove, "After the resort closed, the water of the waterfall has not been treated, and the foundation of the hotel has been blistered, so you better not go near the hotel." ”

"Thank you, master," Ning Xiyu said, "I won't go to the hotel, I'll take a look on the hillside behind." ”

The car was parked at an intersection on the mountain, it was difficult to call a car here, Ningxi chartered a car, and made an appointment with the driver to wait.

In the past, the resort had a hiking program, and the trail was trimmed for ease of walking.

But after the resort area is abandoned, even the hotel building is in danger of toppling, and who will maintain the already natural mountain road?

Barren grass and vines are everywhere, Ning Xiyu walked up carefully, there has not been much rain recently, it may be because of the change in the direction of the waterfall, and the humidity of the yellow mud land here is much greater than before.

The further up you go, the louder you hear the sound of running water.

Ning Xiyu remembers that when she was nine years old, she planted an osmanthus tree with her mother by the grove near Liushui, and once fantasized about building a moon garden, so she planted the osmanthus tree first.

After her mother died when she was ten years old, she still came to see the tree from time to time, until she graduated from college, and in more than ten years, the osmanthus tree grew tall, and the sweet fragrance was full of flowers during the flowering season, and the sweet fragrance drifted far away.

After the children were born, she thought about continuing her and her mother's dream by giving her a moon garden to her good girl.

Somehow, the water turns, and the grove looks like it has been submerged, and the trees are soaked in the water and scattered.

It was not the flowering season of the osmanthus tree, and Ning Xiyu didn't smell the fragrance of flowers, but when he looked at it from afar, he didn't see the osmanthus tree.

Is it that the roots of the tree rot and the tree dies after being blistered for a long time? Ning Xiyu was stunned, and a little unwilling, if he found the tree and transplanted it, would it still survive?

In order to facilitate the mountain road, Ning Xiyu wore sports pants, at this time she pulled up the trouser legs, took off her shoes and socks, and slowly walked over the large and small pebbles, towards the former grove.

The pebbles are slippery, the soil is loose, and Ningxi walks carefully.

The current was deeper than she had imagined, reaching her knees, and her pants were wet.

Ning Xiyu couldn't care about so much, and the trees died a lot, but she determined the place where the osmanthus tree was planted, but there were no trees.

Even if it's dead, there should be traces.

"Is it misremembered?" Ning Xiyu didn't want such a result, as if she didn't have any thoughts, she would rather that she remembered it wrong.

Ning Xiyu continued to move forward, but she didn't expect that there was a sudden drop in the riverbed in front of her, and as soon as her feet stepped on the air, the whole person did not enter the water.

Ning Xiyu fluttered vigorously, but the water was very fast, and she was carried away by the flowing water.

At this moment, Ning Xiyu knew that he regretted, not regretting coming to the osmanthus tree, but regretting not learning to swim.

Because Mu Shenwei likes to swim, she often appears in the school's heated swimming pool, causing groups of girls to watch her. Ning Xiyu definitely didn't go, and by the way, he was very resistant to the sport of swimming.

Ning Xiyu kept choking on water, and knew that she would go to the mouth of the waterfall any further, and she would fall down and have no way to survive at all.

I'm very glad that Mrs. Mu found out that she gave birth to Xiao En and Huihui, for the sake of Mu Shenwei being the father of the children, after her death, Mrs. Mu will not ignore Xiao En and Huihui.

When Ning Xiyu was desperately saying goodbye to this world, a big hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the water.

The head was finally revealed, and Ning Xiyu gasped for breath, but the whole person still felt like there was nowhere to put it, and his hands and feet were pulling.

She heard Mu Shenwei's voice, which was very stern.

"Don't move, don't move! I'll save you! ”

Ning Xiyu suddenly wanted to cry, Mu Shenwei was such a good swimmer, she seemed to be able to live!

At this time, it is time to listen to the professionals, Ning Xiyu stopped struggling, and Mu Shenwei didn't let her head sink into the water again.

"Mr. Mu! Miss Ning! ”

Someone shouted, Ning Xiyu's eyes were blinded by the water flowing from her hair, but she knew that it was Mu Shenwei's bodyguard who came.

Someone took over and grabbed her, and Ning Xiyu felt that she was going against the current, heading towards the shore.

Finally two bodyguards took her to the riverbank.

Before I could figure out what the situation was, I suddenly heard several bodyguards shouting in horror: "Mr. Mu! Mr. Mu! ”

Ning Xiyu immediately looked over, and saw that Mu Shenwei, like her just now, suddenly didn't enter the water and was washed away by the current.

No...... It shouldn't be like this! Ning Xiyu was terrified, Mu Shenwei's swimming skills were better than these bodyguards, the bodyguards could swim ashore with her, Mu Shenwei shouldn't be washed away by the water!

The bodyguards immediately jumped into the water to pursue Shen Wei.

They knew Mu Shenwei's swimming level very well, and in order to save Ning Xiyu, they didn't pay attention to Mu Shenwei, but they didn't expect an accident!

Ning Xiyu's body, which was soaked throughout, couldn't help but tremble, and her lips were closed but she couldn't make a sound.

It wasn't until he watched Mu Shenwei, who was struggling, being rushed to the mouth of the waterfall and being carried down the vertical waterfall by the current, that Ning Xiyu roared hysterically: "Mu Shenwei-"

Ning Xiyu trembled more and more, and tears welled up.

Is it because of gyophobia? Because he held her hand, such a touch made him sick, he couldn't control his body, and he couldn't swim!

The bodyguards shouldn't know that Mu Shenwei suffers from female phobia, and they all trust his swimming skills too much, so they didn't expect to protect him.

The bodyguards swam back to shore and quickly divided labor and cooperated to search and rescue Mu Shenwei.

Ning Xiyu sat in the pebblestones, her brain was blank, she really didn't want Mu Shenwei to die, she didn't want him to have anything to do.

But she couldn't do anything, and no matter what she had experienced before, she was not as desperate as she was now.

Ning Xiyu cried, crying until she was weak and weak.

"Miss Ning." Someone called, and then a blanket was placed on her body, and she was hugged horizontally, and in her blurred vision, she seemed to see Zhang Jiayu's face.

She really wanted to ask him, how is Mu Shenwei?

But not a word came out, and she was completely unconscious.


When Ning Xiyu woke up suddenly, he couldn't tell whether it was in reality or a nightmare.

She collapsed on the bed, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Miss Ning, you're awake." It was a woman's voice, she was standing next to the bed, wearing black clothes and black pants, with a ball on her head, dressed as a bodyguard.

Ning Xiyu still remembers that Mu Shenwei has no female bodyguards.

"What about Mu Shenwei?" Ning Xiyu's voice was hoarse.

"Mr. Mu is in the next ward." The woman said.

He ...... Still...... Are you okay? ”

"Dr. Chen said that Mr. Mu is asleep."

Asleep? Are you sure it's not him who's unconscious?

Ning Xiyu lifted the thin quilt and wanted to get up.

The bodyguard hurriedly said, "Miss Ning, you wait, I'll call the doctor to come and check you." ”

"No, I'm fine." Ning Xiyu put on the slippers of the hospital and walked to the door, "I'll go see Mu Shenwei." ”

The bodyguard was very embarrassed: "Mr. Mu hasn't woken up yet." ”

"I'll just take a look and don't bother him."

Ning Xiyu had to see Mu Shenwei with her own eyes to feel at ease, she was so panicked before, no matter how she fought with Mu Shenwei, she didn't want to owe Mu Shen the only life!

Mu Shenwei did save her, resentment is resentment, but kindness should also be returned.

The bodyguard followed Ning Xiyu out, and he didn't know how to persuade her.

Fortunately, at the door of Mu Shenwei's ward, I saw Chen Mingxiu.

"Doctor Chen!" The bodyguard hurriedly called someone and asked Chen Mingxiu to persuade Ning Xiyu.

"Is Mu Shenwei awake, Doctor Chen?" Ning Xiyu hurriedly asked.

"I woke up before, but I felt tired and slept again." Chen Mingxiu was worried.

Ning Xiyu understood that this was a later reaction to female phobia, and she had seen Mu Shenwei go back to her room tiredly after vomiting and trembling because of Ke Yuting's touch, and still looked like she was still in a state of sorrow.

Ning Xiyu sighed secretly, Mu Shenwei fell from the waterfall and was fine, but it was a phobia of women that had a serious impact on him.

"Can I go in and see him?" Ning Xiyu asked softly, "I won't disturb him, just take a look." ”

Chen Mingxiu frowned and thought about it, and said, "Then please Miss Ning to look at it for a while, I'll go to the doctor's office and call me if there's something." ”

"Okay." Ning Xiyu entered Mu Shenwei's ward and closed the door.

The tall, muscular man was motionless at this moment, as weak as if he were trapped in a hospital bed.

Ning Xiyu walked over and sat on the escort chair next to him, he was asleep, so she could look at him so blatantly.

When she was in kindergarten, she knew that there was Mu Shenwei, and other people's children would always be on the lips of parents and teachers.

Because of their different personalities, they are not in the same circle, and she and Mu Shenwei do not have much intersection.

She went to Mu's house several times to play, but it was because of the parties held by Mu Shenwei's cousin.

It wasn't until that time after playing hide and seek and hiding under the table in the attic with Mu Shenwei that she deeply felt the sense of oppression that Mu Shenwei brought her.

He had never participated in cultural and sports competitions before, but then he became active, and Mu Shenwei suddenly broke into her territory, as long as she participated in the competition, there must be him.

So Mu Shenwei's brainless fans came to her, asking her not to always block Mu Shenwei's way, saying that Young Master Mu finally participated in people-friendly activities, don't ruin his fun!

Why don't you tell Mu Shenwei not to ruin her fun? She was very angry, just to compete with Mu Shen.

So from elementary school to university, the whole school knows that she and Mu Shen are incompatible.

She and Mu Shenwei's names seemed to be tied together, but they rarely spoke, and it wasn't until they were in the university and the student union that they communicated in a businesslike manner, but that's all.

The handsome face in front of her, in fact, she has watched the changes little by little since she was a child, from childish and cold, to mature and deep. Even his brainless fans are not as closely snooped as she is.

Looking back now, Mu Shenwei occupied her childhood and early adolescence, and after a four-year hiatus, she still fell into the pit of Mu Shenwei.

When she faced Mu Shenwei, she was a little lost in a trance, as if she was Mu Shenwei in her life.

Ho! Ning Xi let out a heavy breath of turbidity, and it seemed that disgusting a person was more impressive than liking a person.

While Ning Xiyu was thinking, Mu Shenwei suddenly opened her eyes, startling her.

But Mu Shenwei didn't say anything, so he stared at her fixedly.

Ning Xi didn't understand what was wrong with Mu Shenwei, he was ...... Okay? Falling from such a high waterfall will cause you to have a concussion or amnesia, right?

He...... Do you still recognize her?

"Ningxi language!" Mu Shenwei opened his mouth in disgust, "Don't look at me with idiot eyes." ”

"Oh, oh......" Ning Xiyu didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed, "You still recognize me." ”

"Don't worry," Mu Shenwei said coldly, "Even if I burn the people of the world to ashes, I can easily pinch out your handful." ”

Actually, so am I! Ning Xiyu was relieved: "It's still the original recipe, it's still the original taste, it's okay for you to be fine." It scared me before, if you have any three long and two short, I am afraid that I will be arrested and lose my life. ”

"I'm very happy," Mu Shenwei teased, "you're going to be martyred with me." ”

"You're thinking too much!" Ning Xi said with a straight face, "But I still have to thank you for saving your life, you say, how do you want me to repay you, I can do my best." ”

Mu Shenwei said disdainfully: "No need, you have nothing sincere to me." ”

"Eh," Ning Xiyu said, "I also have a sincere heart, okay?" I said to repay you, and you just told me about it. ”

"No, I don't have anything missing."

Ning Xiyu suspected that Mu Shen was only deliberate, so that she had always owed him, and if she wanted to go against him again in the future, she would not be happy in her conscience.

Ning Xiyu said, "Okay, if you don't need it." But I will praise you for being a good person who is brave and courageous. ”

Mu Shenwei felt the green tendons on his head jump, Ningxi language! I don't want you to send me a good person card!

Mu Shenwei woke up, and Ning Xiyu called Chen Mingxiu.

Chen Mingxiu was still in the doctor's office, and at this time, there were Chen Mingxiu's father, Chen Gang, and Mu Shenwei's grandfather, Mrs. Mu.

In addition to discussing Mu Shenwei's condition just now, they actually turned on the surveillance video to watch the situation in the ward.

So I saw Ning Xiyu sitting on the escort chair and staring blankly at the sleeping Mu Shenwei, and after Mu Shenwei woke up, he quarreled with Ning Xiyu.

Chen Mingxiu answered Ning Xiyu's phone, and she said that Mu Shenwei woke up.

Chen Mingxiu replied: "I'll go over now." ”

Ning Xiyu waited for Chen Mingxiu to enter the ward, and she went out, thinking that Chen Mingxiu was going to examine Mu Shenwei.

However, followed by Chen Mingxiu, he also came out.

In the aisle, Ning Xiyu asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with Mu Shenwei?" Didn't you check on him? ”

"I've checked it before," Chen Mingxiu said, "Shen Wei said that he was still tired, and he slept again." ”

In fact, Mu Shen was only dodging, he knew that something had happened to him, and his grandfather must have come over, and he hadn't figured out how to explain to his grandfather that he was desperate to save Ning Xiyu.

There were four bodyguards there at the time, and it was not his turn to fight for himself.

But he was really anxious, and he didn't want Ning Xiyu to be in danger for a second longer.

Ning Xiyu was surprised, is Mu Shenwei's phobia of women so serious in the future? He's still weak, huh?

Chen Mingxiu asked, "Miss Ning, do you want to do a physical examination?" ”

"No," Ning Xiyu said, "I'm fine, uh, Dr. Chen, can I say a few words to you?" ”


"To my hospital room?"


Chen Mingxiu entered the ward with Ning Xiyu, he knew that Ning Xiyu wanted to tell him about Mu Shenwei, so he checked the examination data that the nurse put on the bedside table, and connected to the computer video in the doctor's office, so that his father and Mrs. Mu could see it.

Ning Xiyu said: "Doctor Chen, I know that you have been following and treating Mu Shenwei's phobia, a few days ago in the hotel, it was you who put medicine in the soup that Mu Shenwei and I drank, right?" ”

"No," Chen Mingxiu said honestly, "besides me, there is also my father who is treating Shen Wei's phobia, which is the treatment idea proposed by my father. ”

"Can I meet your father?" Ning Xiyu requested, "If the meeting disturbs him, give me ten minutes or so, can you call him?" ”

"I'll give you a call and ask." Chen Mingxiu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

On the other side of the office, Chen Gang and Mrs. Mu both saw the situation in the ward.

Chen Gang held his mobile phone and looked at Old Lady Mu.

Old lady Mu nodded deeply, and Chen Gang answered the phone and said that he had passed.

After Chen Gang entered the ward, Chen Mingxiu withdrew.

The two sat on the two single sofas by the window, and Ning Xiyu asked straight to the point: "Doctor Chen, are you sure that your method can cure Mu Shenwei's phobia?" ”

Chen Gang said honestly: "I don't dare to pack tickets, it can only be said to be a direction to try."

"In the four years since Shen Wei's illness, Ming Xiu and I have used many methods to treat it, but with little effect. Shen Wei's willpower is too strong, and it is difficult to change his preconceived notions.

"Ming Xiu is Shen Wei's hair small, and he also understands the relationship between you and Shen Wei, you are a girl who can stimulate Shen Wei's nerves, although it is not a positive stimulus, but it is always touched.

"It's slightly better to have a touch than to have no waves, so I proposed this idea to Mrs. Mu, and Mrs. Mu agreed to give it a try."

"If Doctor Chen thinks so," Ning Xiyu said seriously, "I'm willing to cooperate, what do you need me to do, tell me." ”

"Oh?" Chen Gang reminded, "Miss Ning should know that if you want to make contact with Shen Wei, it's not just as simple as holding hands and hugging. ”

"Well, I know that Dr. Chen's idea has been practiced before."

Although Ning Xiyu spoke calmly, Chen Gang was still embarrassed, in order to treat the eldest young master of the Mu family, he did pit other girls.

Chen Gang also said openly: "The effect I hope to achieve in the future is that there is no drug effect, and Shen Wei can also smoothly have skin to skin with the opposite sex, Miss Ning really thinks about it, does she cooperate with the treatment?" ”

"Well," Ning Xiyu also said frankly, "I have signed an agreement with Old Lady Mu, and I hope to complete my task in this regard as soon as possible." Moreover, Mu Shenwei saved me, life and death are trivial matters, and I should repay him. ”

Ning Xiyu has indeed thought it through, no matter what Mu Shenwei says, she is a person who has left a strong mark on her life.

Regarding the two babies, Mrs. Mu didn't tell anyone else, even if she took the baby to live in seclusion in the future, she owed Mu Shenwei two children.

It should be regarded as a kind of repayment, a kind of gratitude, so that Mu Shenwei can return to normal, get married and have children in the future, and live his life well.

Chen Gang paused and asked, "Miss Ning, are you ...... Is it possible to fall in love with Shen Wei. ”

"Don't worry, I won't have emotional entanglements with him, I have never planned to get married in my life, and I won't pester him because of this."

Yu Ningxiyu, she thought that Chen Gang was testing her for Old Lady Mu, and the young grandmother of the Mu family would never choose someone like her.

In her vision, there is no man better than Mu Shenwei, but unfortunately he is her opponent, the best she has ever seen, and she is too lazy to accept it if she is lower than this.

Coupled with her scumbag father, she is really down, so that she avoids marriage.

Ning Xiyu's expression was indifferent, which made Chen Gang sigh secretly in his heart, but he was worried about what to do if Mu Shenwei became emotional about Ning Xiyu.

Chen Gang said: "Okay, let's make an appointment and talk in detail, is it convenient for Miss Ning to add a contact information?" ”

Ning Xiyu and Chen Gang left each other's phone numbers and added WeChat.

And over there in the doctor's office, in addition to Mrs. Mu, Mu Shenwei's eldest aunt Mu Wensi also came, just in time to watch Ning Xiyu and Dr. Chen talking in the computer video.

The more Mu Wensi listened, the more he exploded, what kind of attitude did Ning Xiyu have, it seemed that he couldn't look down on the eldest young master of their Mu family!

"Dad," Mu Wensi clasped his hands to his chest, stared at Ning Xiyu in the video, and asked, "What agreement did you sign with Ning Xiyu?" If she helps to heal Shen Wei, you will give her the piece of land in the resort? ”

Old lady Mu did not answer positively: "If you can only do it well, you can pay more." ”

"So it's not just that land? She opened her mouth wide! There is more than one woman in Ningxi in this world, so can't others help Shen Wei heal? ”

Since the death of Mu Shenwei's parents, Mu Wensi, as an aunt, feels sorry for her eldest nephew, she takes care of Mu Shenwei a lot, playing the role of a mother, of course, she doesn't want Mu Shenwei to be aggrieved, and she works with a girl who has been against him for more than ten years, and she has to live together.

Old Lady Mu knew that his eldest daughter had a hot temper, so he said in a calm tone: "Doctor Chen has thought about it and thinks that Ningxi is the most suitable. ”

"But she doesn't have any heart for Shen Wei," Mu Wensi huffed, "You also heard what Ning Xiyu said just now, she doesn't have any thoughts about Shen Wei!" ”

Old Lady Mu smiled and said, "Then do you think Miss Ning is thinking about Shenwei?" ”

Mu Wensi: "......" was choked.

Well, what can be solved with money, is not a problem. Mu Wensi confessed: "I have to remind Shen Wei, don't fall into the pit of Ning Xiyu, she just takes a dose of medicine, don't think too much." ”

"You just follow Shen Wei," Old Lady Mu said gently, "Shen Wei is twenty-five or sixteen years old, and he still treats him as a child, and takes care of everything." ”

"You have to take care of it," Mu Wensi frowned, "There has been a girl in front of his eyes for more than ten years, I'm afraid he hates all girls, I don't care, how can he marry a wife?" ”

Old lady Mu smiled and didn't speak again, isn't he also worried? But you only have your own feelings, have your own thoughts, and let it be.

Shen Wei and Miss Ning are each other's childhood and each other's youth, and they don't really have a deep hatred, maybe this is their entangled fate?

Ning Xiyu told Chen Gang that she wanted to be discharged from the hospital, and Chen Gang asked her son Chen Mingxiu to help her go through the formalities.

At six o'clock in the evening, Mrs. Mu and Mu Wensi went to visit Mu Shenwei in the ward.

Mu Shenwei said that he would be discharged from the hospital, and the two family members were also left to him.

Mu Shenwei didn't see Ning Xiyu again until he got in the car, and he didn't ask anyone else how she was.

Mu Shenwei's vacation + work trip was canceled, and the resort area was fenced off and guarded by additional security guards.

However, the next day, Mu Shenwei went back to work in the company, but he didn't see Ning Xiyu for a day, and no one reported her movements.

Mu Shen forbears.

Another day, I still didn't see Ning Xiyu.

Mu Shen endures it again.

One more day, Mu Shenwei's irritability couldn't help it, it wouldn't be because he saved Ning Xiyu, his grandfather didn't want Ning Xiyu to stay by his side anymore, so he fired her!

Four years after this woman disappeared, she finally appeared!

Mu Shenwei sat on the leather chair behind the desk, his face was gloomy, he was holding his mobile phone in his hand, and he called Ning Xiyu first with condescension.

It worked, but no one answered.

Mu Shen is about to be irritable.

At this moment, the door of the office was slowly pushed open, and half of his body leaned in.

The woman who annoyed him looked innocent and asked, "Are you looking for me?" ”

"Don't you want to work?" Mu Shenwei took advantage of this irritability to complain.

So the door was all opened, and the shadow walked in, Mu Shenwei's voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes stared at Ning Xiyu strangely.

I haven't seen you for two days, how did it become ...... What the hell does this look like?

With long hair and a big burgundy wavy curl, her makeup is bright and bewitching, and she is obviously also wearing a shirt and a suit skirt, but the shirt is slightly wide, not her size, but the skirt is narrow and short, just wrapping her hips, revealing two white and straight legs, and a pair of silver high heels seem to pull her height higher.

The whole person looks ...... Mu Shenwei just wanted to give her three words - goblin!

One more word, huh!

Ning Xiyu walked to the desk and did not sit down, but leaned in the direction of Mu Shenwei and leaned lightly on the edge of the desk.

This seductive look made Mu Shenwei's Adam's apple slide unconsciously.

"What have you been doing these two days?" Mu Shenwei kept a straight face, hiding the unnaturalness of his expression.

Ning Xiyu spoke slowly, and his tone was sultry: "After experiencing life and death, with new understandings, people should be happy in time." ”

So Xingle went? Mu Shenwei teased: "But it's really timely, have you found the bones of your good old friend?" ”

Ning Xiyu's right hand was propped up on the table, leaning over slightly, like a sexy leopard girl.

"What's the point of bones? Isn't there a living man in front of you? Do you want to have fun together? ”

Mu Shenwei's face was very tense, Qingjun's face felt hot, yes, he wouldn't blush, right? In front of Ning Xiyu, it was too embarrassing.

Mu Shen said solemnly: "The life and death I have experienced is different from your perception, I have to work hard to leave more valuable things for my family." ”

"Oh!" Ning Xiyu suddenly realized, "Your family thinks that the most valuable thing you can leave should be the Mu family's incense, so are you going to leave the incense?" ”

Mu Shenwei gritted his teeth and endured his temper, this little goblin flirted again, even if he vomited to death from a phobia attack, he would press her on the desk and have fun with her in time.

"Hey, Mu Shenwei," Ning Xiyu suppressed her voice, very charming, "Save your life, don't you really want me to repay you?" ”

Mu Shenwei's body tensed, staring at Ning Xiyu: "What do you want?" ”

"What do you want, it is determined by the appearance, the handsome cannot be repaid, only the body promises, the not handsome, will be repaid as a cow and a horse in the next life. I think ......" Ning Xiyu looked at Mu Shenwei's face, "You are the handsome kind, hehe." ”

Mu Shenwei's heart jumped suddenly, and he deliberately kept a straight face: "You plan to marry me?" ”

"You're thinking too much!" Ning Xi smiled "hehe", "I only covet your body......"

"Smack!" Mu Shenwei suddenly pressed a button on the internal phone.

Song Lize's voice came immediately: "Mr. Mu, you ...... Looking for me? ”

"Come right here." Mu Shenwei ordered, his face was dark and black.

Ning Xiyu stood up straight, but still leaned against the edge of the table, with a lazy beauty.

Song Lize knocked on the open door before he walked in and stood in front of his desk.

His afterglow glanced at Ning Xiyu and immediately moved away, afraid that his eyes would be gouged out by Mr. Mu.

What is Miss Ning doing? Two days to change sex? It's hard for a man to hold on to wearing such a sexy outfit!

"What do you have to say?" Song Lize lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law. He guessed that Mr. Mu was seduced by Miss Ning, but because of his illness, he couldn't touch it, and he was looking for someone to teach him a lesson.

Mu Shenwei said with a straight face: "What about the preliminary information of the resort? Tidy up for Miss Ning. ”

Ningxiyu's eyes moved, is the Mu Group really going to start developing the resort?

"Okay." Song Lize agreed, walked out quickly, and came back immediately, but empty-handed, just replied, "I put the materials on Miss Ning's desk." ”

In the next second, the air seemed to be frozen, and Song Lize froze in this cold aura.

Mu Shenwei said in a deep voice: "Move here, let Ning Xiyu watch in the negotiation area, if I have any questions, feel free to ask her!" ”

"Good ......" Song Lize didn't say anything, he had already rushed out, after all, he was wrong, the single dog didn't understand this kind of physical and mental exhaustion, woo!

Song Lize held the half-meter-high information, put it on the coffee table in the negotiation area, and asked Mu Shenwei tremblingly: "Is there anything else, Mr. Mu?" ”

"It's gone."

Song Lize disappeared as if he had received amnesty.

Ning Xiyu asked a little uneasily, "How do you plan to develop the land in the resort?" ”

Mu Shenwei said lightly: "Didn't Mu Dong say it? Now the profitability of planting organic crops is quite high, and the land is soaked like that, so it is good to plant some lotus roots. ”

Ning Xiyu felt even worse, she let out a heavy breath, walked to the negotiation area, and sat down, wanting to see if there was any explanation on the information as to why the water had changed direction.

Mu Shenwei didn't necessarily have to ask Ning Xiyu any questions, but Ning Xiyu was forced to move his desk to the negotiation area of Mu Shenwei's office one morning.

When Mu Shenwei looked at the document, Yu Guang couldn't help but pass over Ning Xiyu's side.

Is this woman really going to the ghost gate and going through a round, and her aesthetics have changed?

In the future, you will dress so fancy every day to seduce men?

No way! It is necessary to hold a staff meeting to standardize the dress of employees when they go to work, or directly customize the company's unified employee uniform, and strengthen the construction of corporate culture.

Half an hour later, Mu Shenwei's secretary sent the plan for customizing the uniform of employees drafted by Mr. Mu to the chairman's office.

Old lady Mu looked at this plan with great interest, and laughed "hahaha" so much.

He knew that Ning Xiyu had discussed Mu Shenwei's treatment plan with Chen Gang, and he also heard that Ning Xiyu had come wearing a very attractive uniform today, and he would go to his eldest grandson's office as soon as he came.

He is a defeated grandson, he doesn't want Ning Xiyu to wear such a sexy outfit, so he doesn't tell her directly, he will spend tens of millions of dollars to customize uniform uniforms for employees!

Shen Wei must be in a hurry, so let him get angry, and if he has emotions, he will try his best to chase girls.

Old lady Mu felt that Chen Gang analyzed, and Ning Xiyu brought Shen Wei a touching negative emotion, but he thought that it was positive, and his eldest grandson was already in love with the eldest lady of the Ning family.

Feeling that the prospect is considerable, Mrs. Mu happily wrote a comment on the plan - "do not agree to customize a unified staff uniform, each has its own joy, each has its own creativity, encourage the diversity of employees' thinking, promote innovation and enterprising, and is also a positive corporate culture." ”

When Mu Shenwei got the annotated plan, his face sank, and his gaze couldn't help but drift in the direction of Ning Xiyu.

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
