
"Andrology holy medicine" dodder silk collocation, liver and kidney tonic tonics, yin and yang tone, spleen and dampness

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wu Nan

There is a taste of medicine, both can nourish yin and warm yang, yin and yang in the same tone, warm but not dry, known as the "andrology medicine" it is dodder seed, today I will teach you the matching ideas, liver and kidney with the same supplement, yin and yang with the same tone, but also can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, I hope to help everyone.

"Andrology holy medicine" dodder silk collocation, liver and kidney tonic tonics, yin and yang tone, spleen and dampness

First of all, we can match a raw place, if you usually have weakness in the legs and feet, dizziness, dry eyes, hot flashes and night sweats in the afternoon and evening, and the problem of five heart irritations, then at this time, you can refer to this collocation to complement yin and yang, nourish yin and clear heat.

"Andrology holy medicine" dodder silk collocation, liver and kidney tonic tonics, yin and yang tone, spleen and dampness

If you say, you are not good at andrology, the time is less than two minutes, and it is accompanied by soreness in the waist and knees, frequent urination and urgency, usually it is easy to feel tired, panting, scorched and cold, and even have the problem of blurred vision. Then it can be matched with a eucommia, there are many people, the knees are often uncomfortable, cold and stinging, the waist is also cold and uncomfortable, more afraid of cold than ordinary people, and even have to wear socks to sleep at night, stick out the tongue to see, and find that the tongue is pale and white, or the tongue is thin and white, and the tongue is moist, which is more common than kidney yang deficiency, we can match a eucommia, cinnamon to warm and nourish the kidney yang, nourish the liver and kidney.

"Andrology holy medicine" dodder silk collocation, liver and kidney tonic tonics, yin and yang tone, spleen and dampness

Finally, you can match a Poria cocos and Atractylodes, if you have kidney deficiency, the medication is also symptomatic, but the kidney tonic has no effect, usually there are more fatigue and fatigue, loss of appetite, stomach distension and indigestion and other problems, stick out the tongue to see, find that the tongue coating is thick and greasy, this is more common and the spleen and stomach are weak, the dampness is heavy, the spleen is transported, and the spleen deficiency can not absorb the medicinal properties, so there is no effective situation, at this time we can use this idea to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, nourish the kidney and nourish the kidney.

"Andrology holy medicine" dodder silk collocation, liver and kidney tonic tonics, yin and yang tone, spleen and dampness

Okay, that's all for today's content about dodder seeds, we'll see you next time!