
National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

author:Tessie Entertainment

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Wen I Tessie Entertainment

Edited by I. Tessie Entertainment

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed


The strength of the national football team has always been a pain in the hearts of the Chinese people, and in many important competitions, the best level is always not available, and the overall level of the national football team is always unable to improve, which always affects the hearts of the masses.

The strength of the national football team is difficult to play at the best level, which affects the hearts of fans all the time, and the male players of the national football team do not let the fans worry, especially the 37-year-old Zeng Cheng, I don't see how well the ball is played, in private life, there are frequent scandals, and the play is still weird bells and whistles!

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

The big melon is coming

On 6.14, Beijing time, a blogger named "Zeng Cheng escaped from hurting his girlfriend's main responsibility - scumbag", broke the news on the Internet with a violent, with text and pictures, directly exposing Zeng Cheng's private and irresponsible side, a large number of pictures and texts, which are overwhelming, and the amount of information is huge, which is difficult to digest for a while.

About Zeng Cheng's heroine who evaded the responsibility of hurting his girlfriend, it was revealed by the blogger that the family conditions are very good, and she is also the sister of the well-known fashion queen Cheng Xiaoyue, her parents are leaders of central enterprises, and her family is strong, she has a background and used to be a figure skater, and she has made small achievements in the sports world.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

But because of a training injury, resulting in the inability to continue figure skating, so forced to change careers to learn ballet, once after the heroine found out that she was pregnant, she did not talk to Zeng Cheng about material compensation, but I didn't expect Zeng Cheng to be able to look directly at the relationship between the two, and in the face of the mistakes made, even a man's responsibility can not be reflected at all.

According to the blogger, Zeng Cheng and the heroine have a big age difference, and they probably established a relationship in October last year, at first, the heroine was whimsical, thinking that she had met the long-lost Prince Charming, but through in-depth understanding and contact, it was gradually discovered that Zeng Cheng did not seem to be as beautiful as the heroine imagined, and beyond her imagination.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

What makes the heroine the most unacceptable is that Zeng Cheng lied repeatedly, and she cheated during the relationship between the two, broke off the connection with her ex-girlfriend, and kept her in the dark, because she has lived in a family with high family education since she was a child, so she didn't dare to talk to her relatives in the face of this kind of thing, and she was afraid of humiliating the family, so she has been taking it on herself.

What made the heroine sad was that she was admitted to the hospital because of an attack of bronchial asthma, and she called Zeng Cheng as soon as possible, but the man lied that he was on a business trip in the field, but after follow-up understanding, he found out that Zeng Cheng was actually in the same city as her, but he was living in his ex-girlfriend's house at the time, and it was inconvenient to show up.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

And the most devastating thing for the heroine is not Zeng Cheng and his ex-girlfriend pulling and pulling, it is about ten days after being hospitalized, she found that she was pregnant, and the development of the next thing is simply beyond everyone's imagination, according to normal thinking, Zeng Cheng should say goodbye to him if he is not responsible, but the heroine is still involved with him, and in exchange for injuries again and again.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

Post-pregnancy management

After the heroine learned that she was pregnant, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and her mood was mixed, and the only thing she could think of was to contact Zeng Cheng, the biological father of the child, but she never expected that Zeng Cheng directly asked the girl to choose the abortion, which is not responsible at all, and as an adult, you should know how much abortion hurts a girl's body.

That kind of pain is no less than experiencing a childbirth, and it is easy to let the heroine go to the abortion, which is enough to show how much Zeng Cheng doesn't cherish her and how ruthless she is, at first, the heroine is actually a little reluctant to have an abortion, after all, she feels that there is still room for relaxation in the relationship with Zeng Cheng, and this is a life.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

But when Zeng Cheng learned that the heroine was pregnant, the heroine also grabbed them twice at Zeng Cheng's ex-girlfriend's house, and the heroine's heart was broken.

The heroine is physically and mentally exhausted, and after the abortion, she thought everything was fine, but she didn't expect that because she didn't rest well after the abortion, there were all kinds of problems in her body, and she had to go to the hospital every three or five days.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

After four days of getting along, Zeng Cheng didn't say goodbye, and four months after contacting again, Zeng Cheng's behavior has made the heroine miserable, and in desperation, the heroine just wants to ask someone to find Zeng Cheng and then contact him well, so the heroine sent an uncle who knew Zeng Cheng to find Zeng Cheng, and expected the uncle to persuade Zeng Cheng to show the responsibility that a boyfriend should have.

From the blogger's narrative, in fact, I can feel that the heroine is also upside down, she has already caught Zeng Cheng cheating, why don't you cut him off, and she has already had an abortion, and she has nothing to do with him, so she just left him directly, looking for a new life, why do you have to let Zeng Cheng have the attitude to deal with this matter?

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

In the blogger's revelations, Zeng Cheng is not an easy character to be handled, and he will even beat him upside down, when the heroine's uncle came to negotiate with him, Zeng Cheng took the initiative in his heart, and most of them complained that the heroine was emotionally unstable, and he couldn't communicate well, anyway, he threw all the pots that could be thrown on the heroine's head.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

In the information that the blogger broke the news, there are a lot of chat records, and it seems that the heroine is prepared.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

Lots of chat history

It has been so long since the abortion incident happened, and the blogger came out to break the news, and netizens are also questioning the blogger's motives, and even began to guess her identity, many people feel that since the blogger is so clear about the specific development process and important time points of the whole thing, it is very likely that it is the heroine herself, maybe because of the family's face, so she can't disclose her identity normally.

In the long revelations, there are still a lot of chat records, probably the content of the heroine taking the initiative to contact Zeng Cheng, but almost no reply was received, a large green dialog box, I can't wait for a little news from Zeng Cheng, when Zeng Cheng disappeared, the heroine still didn't give up contacting Zeng Cheng, or kept contacting him, but waited for endless non-reply.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed

But at the stage when the two are in love, you can also find evidence that the two have been in love from the chat records, they will be like the common appearance of couples, say good morning in the morning, say good night in the evening, care about each other, worry, chat about gossip, talk about everything they can talk about, and of course some private topics.

Maybe Zeng Cheng just wanted to have a fresh game at the beginning, but anyone who is affectionate probably won't be unclear with his ex-girlfriend when he has a new relationship, if the heroine doesn't want to waste time on Zeng Cheng, don't overconsume herself, and draw a line with her as soon as possible.

National football scandal! Before the age of 37, Guomen was accused of playing with women's feelings, and a large number of private chat records were exposed


Judging from the blogger's revelations about Zeng Cheng, Zeng Cheng's image has been seriously affected, in fact, as early as March this year, someone briefly broke the news that Zeng Cheng was cheating, and it also caused his girlfriend to have a miscarriage, but it didn't make much splash at that time, and not many people cared.