
Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

author:Yujing Hunting History


Text丨Yu Jing Hunting History

Editor丨Yujing Hunting History

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

"The most expensive bed in life is the ICU bed."

Someone has joked before that although this is just a joke in everyone's mouth, it is a real example of what happened in real life.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

In the hospital, there are often some families with more difficult conditions who look at the door of the ICU and are discouraged, and some spend more than one million yuan for a few days.

Some people even shouted: Is the ICU "saving lives" or "making money"? The speed of the money printing machine can't keep up with it......

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

So why are ICUs so expensive?

The ICU costs an average of 6,000 yuan a day

ICUs are often responsible for receiving some critically ill patients, although they have more advanced treatment equipment, more sophisticated medical care, and a high cure rate, but they are also expensive.

According to a 2022 statistic, the average cost of ICU wards in many hospitals across the country is about 6,000 yuan a day, including some drugs, the operation of instruments and the nursing fees of medical staff.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

What is the concept of 6000 yuan?

According to the current salary level, the monthly salary in some places is mostly maintained at about 3,000-4,000, which means that the daily cost of some seriously ill patients in the ICU is almost worth one to two months' salary.

If the family conditions are not bad, the patient's family may not have any worries, but for some difficult families, they are likely to give up treatment because of the high cost of treatment; And some cases of becoming destitute after a few days of treatment are not uncommon.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

He was hospitalized in the ICU for 14 days and spent 2.34 million yuan

In 2023, Xiao Hua (pseudonym), a high school student in Shenzhen, suddenly felt unwell during class, and with the redness and swelling of his eyes and the constant shaking of his limbs, after examination by the hospital, he was finally confirmed to be an internal jugular vein occlusion and needed immediate surgery, otherwise his life would be in danger at any time.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

After undergoing two major surgeries, Xiaohua was transferred to the ICU ward for observation, during which he fell into a coma, and in order to better observe the progress of Xiaohua's condition, Xiaohua needed to be continuously housed in the ICU and cared for by specialized medical staff.

Fortunately, after about half a month of treatment, Xiaohua was finally out of danger, but the amount on the treatment bill was unbearable for Xiaohua's parents, and they spent 2.34 million yuan in the ICU for only 14 days!

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

After Xiaohua's experience was reported, many voices from the outside world questioned: "Is the hospital 'life-saving' or 'making money'?" ”

In 2019, the young man Zeng Wanhong suddenly fell to the ground and then fell unconscious, and after examination, he was diagnosed with brain congestion and was transferred to the ICU after a few hours of surgery.

But watching the cost of treatment on the account increase day by day, Zeng Wanhong's parents were in trouble for a while, which made their already difficult family even worse.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

During this period, Zeng Wanhong's parents wanted to give up, but they couldn't bear to see their son's situation, so they gritted their teeth and survived, spending about 250,000 yuan in the 18 days of hospitalization.

Some people also posted on the Internet that their family members lived in the ICU for more than a month, and the cost was as high as 1.06 million!

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

The high cost of hospital ICU has always been a hot topic in everyone's mouth, and many people have "complained":

"My current savings are not enough for me to treat in the ICU, and my wallet will bottom out in a few days, how can I not feel distressed?"

"Who knows, now I really don't dare to get sick, and I have worked hard for most of my life to accumulate savings, once I encounter a major illness and disaster, I will be gone."

Some people joked, "It's better to save money, otherwise you won't be able to be the master of your own life......"

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

ICUs are expensive for a reason

So why is the ICU treatment so expensive?

It is mainly because of the careful care of medical staff and the operation of advanced equipment.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

As we all know, most of the patients living in the ICU ward are some people whose lives are critical, and those who are seriously ill and need real-time monitoring, which is naturally indispensable for the intake of drugs and the operation of instruments.

Some drugs are often imported drugs, which have faster effects and are naturally more expensive than those in China.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

Most of the instruments used for treatment are also imported from abroad, and these high-precision instruments and equipment need to be maintained and maintained daily because they are in a high-intensity operation state every day, and the cost is relatively high.

More importantly, most of these patients are unable to take care of themselves, which requires medical staff to accompany and observe them 24 hours a day, and they are more experienced than ordinary caregivers, who can quickly respond to first aid measures in the event of an emergency, and invest more energy in patients.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

Although for many years, there have been doubts about the high cost of ICU treatment, believing that ICU is "exchanging life for money", it is undeniable that there are thousands of patients who have been carefully treated by ICU and turned from danger to safety and regained their lives, after all, the investment in manpower and material resources is higher.

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?

Moreover, the state has also been committed to reducing the cost of medical treatment for the people and alleviating the problem of difficulty in seeing a doctor, so we should also look at it rationally.

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1. "The money printing machine can't catch up with it!" "Spending 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?.--2024-05-28 20:20·

2. Documentary "Days and Nights in the ICU", CCTV, 2019.12.25

3. "Why are ICU fees so expensive". Intensive Care Medicine, Longhua District Central Hospital, Shenzhen 2018-12-05

Can't even catch up with the money printing machine? Spent 2.34 million in 14 days, is the ICU saving lives or making money?