
5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

author:Yujing Hunting History


Text丨Yu Jing Hunting History

Editor丨Yujing Hunting History

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

"The ship ran aground, it couldn't be driven away, and there was no way to repair it......"

In 1999, the Philippines wanted to "invade" the South China Sea on the mainland, so they "beached" a broken warship named "Sierra Madre" near Ren'ai Jiao.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

Now, 25 years later, the wrecked ship is rusty and has become a major source of pollution in the waters around Second Thomas Shoal! Some experts say that this broken warship is like a "cancer", and the toxins released by it may affect human health, so how "poisonous" is it?

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

The Philippine side "enclosed the land and laughed at itself"

Since the Philippine side illegally "beached" the broken warship on Ren'ai Jiao, it has been willing to provide it like a "treasure" every day, trespassing on Ren'ai Jiao many times, illegally transporting supplies to the broken ship, and even vainly hoping to make the broken ship dock there "permanently" by reinforcing the hull.

It was as if they imagined that as long as the wrecked ship was there, this sea area would belong to them. But the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, even if the Philippine side exhausts the abacus, it will be empty in the end.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

In order to make this warship stop at Ren'ai Jiao for a "long time", the Philippine side also specially sent some soldiers to live on the broken ship, leaving 9-12 soldiers all year round, but judging from the life pictures released by the Philippine side, the conditions on the ship are very simple, there are rusty traces everywhere, and there is a lack of necessary daily living facilities.

Since there are people living on the ship, then there will be domestic garbage, and these soldiers will always produce a lot of waste water every day for food, clothing and housing, such as kitchen waste, bath water and excrement water, etc., how do they deal with it?

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

That's right, they all went into the sea!

5,000 tons of manure into the sea! Polluting the oceans

According to the world's marine regulations, wastewater or sewage must meet certain environmental protection requirements and standards, and be confirmed to be harmless to the ocean before it can enter the sea, but there is no sewage purification equipment on the broken ship, so in order to save trouble, the Philippine personnel simply thought of a "once and for all" solution, that is, to discharge into the ocean.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

According to a video posted by the domestic Yuyuan Tantian account, the Philippine side's hull that has been broken no longer has many dilapidated pipes sticking out, which are the pipes they use to discharge sewage and wastewater.

According to statistics, according to the daily discharge of fecal water by normal people, in the past 25 years, the people on the broken ship have discharged at least about 5,000 tons of sewage and wastewater, polluting the surrounding ocean dirty and smelly.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

But that's not all, what makes the surrounding ocean even more polluted is the various anti-corrosion coatings they use to reinforce the hulls of their ships. The hull of a boat is often soaked in water and is sure to rust if it is not maintained and managed.

In many videos released by the Philippine side, they can often be seen carrying some blue vats to the ship, which is a kind of engine oil produced in the United States, which is mainly used to coat the hull of the ship to prevent rust.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

These oils contain many heavy metals and toxic substances, and after entering the ocean, they not only pollute the water quality of the ocean, but also poison some fish and shrimp and other organisms, which are eaten by them.

As we all know, Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea is also a particularly rich area of fisheries, and if these poisonous fish and shrimp are caught and served on the table, it will also have a harmful effect on the body's cells and immune function.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

Discarded beverage bottles and packaging bags can often be seen on the sea, and it is not difficult to see from the text on them that most of them are produced in the Philippines.

A small wrecked ship has become one of the biggest sources of pollution near Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea, and the images of sewage discharged from their boat are shocking.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

Western "environmentalists" lost their voices

The South China Sea is a sea area rich in fishery and oil and gas resources on the mainland, in order to protect the ecological environment of the ocean, every year we have to carry out a wide range of garbage cleaning and patrol in the South China Sea, although there is a certain self-purification ability, but for those man-made harmful substances, the ocean is difficult to digest, and it will also affect the development of fisheries, endangering human health.

However, for the sake of its own ambitions, the Philippines has blatantly violated marine regulations at the cost of marine pollution. But at this time, some environmentalists in the West who shouted every day that they wanted to "protect the environment" collectively lost their voices......

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

In the past, in terms of environmental protection, those unscrupulous Western media and politicians with ulterior motives smeared and spread rumors about our environmental protection cause for no reason in order to cater to the preferences of the United States, but now, the Philippines has broken ships and discharged sewage in the South China Sea, and Japan has openly discharged nuclear sewage into the sea, but they have chosen to ignore and pretend to be deaf and dumb here, and their "double standards" are vividly and vividly embodied.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

It is urgent to protect the ocean and tow away the wrecked ship

The Philippine side's actions have seriously affected the ecological balance of the ocean, and the South China Sea is the territorial waters of the mainland, and we will never allow them to wantonly destroy it, and our own ocean must be protected.

At present, while maintaining the security and stability of the South China Sea, the law enforcement personnel of our coast guard have also carried out regular patrols in the South China Sea to clean up the garbage on the sea surface in a timely manner.

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

However, if we want to leave a cleaner ocean for our children and grandchildren, it is imperative to tow away the broken ship of the Philippine side! We have been seeking a reasonable way to cut off the Philippine supply of broken ships, and have also issued corresponding laws and regulations to punish the Philippine side for its provocative behavior.

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1. Three-dimensional restoration: 200 seconds to understand how toxic the Philippine "beached" warship is.--2024-06-15 08:52·

2. Where did the Philippines' illegal "beaching" warships come from? Expert: It was sent by the United States 47 years ago, and it has been lying in Chinese territory for 24 years in the name of "repairing ships".--2023-10-24 16:57·Jimu News

5,000 tons of fecal water polluted Ren'ai Jiao, and it is urgent to tow away the beached boat and leave the clean sea to future generations

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