
Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

author:Character story exploration

At four or five o'clock in the morning on April 11, 1949, it was still dark.

Inside the detention center, it's so quiet, even if you drop a needle on the ground, I'm afraid you can hear a "ding" sound.

Fan Jiman hurriedly got dressed, and suddenly he covered his stomach and screamed in pain: "Oops, my stomach hurts so much!" He covered both hands on his stomach, and his facial features were twisted together in pain, and it hurt to look at it.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

He hurriedly found the guard squad leader Xu Buqing, and said with a bitter face: "Squad leader Xu, my stomach hurts so much, it may be that the old problem from the past has been committed again." Could you please pour me some boiling water? I had to take my medicine slowly. ”

Xu Buqing looked at his painful appearance, and his heart softened, "Okay, I'll go and pour it for you." With that, he turned around and went to pour water.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

Seeing Xu Buqing leaving, Fan Jiman was secretly happy, and immediately ran to the toilet, thinking: "Haha, the opportunity is here!" He muttered quietly.

Then, he picked up the board where the basin was placed, put it on the bamboo fence wall, and tried to escape over the wall.

When he climbed over the wall for the first time, his feet slipped and the whole person fell down, and he snorted in pain: "Ouch, what bad luck!" ”

But he didn't give up, gritted his teeth, and put the plank on again, "This time I have to succeed in anything!" He cheered himself up, then leaped sharply and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

After a while, Xu Buqing came back with boiling water, "Fan Jiman, the water is here, take medicine quickly." He shouted and walked into the cell, but when he saw that there was still a figure in the cell!

"Oh my god, this is bad!" Xu Buqing chuckled in his heart, pulled his legs and ran out, shouting as he ran: "Come on, come on!" Fan Giman ran away! ”

The stakes were so high that he immediately reported to his superiors, and then led someone to take a car to find Fan Jiman, shouting while looking for it: "Fan Jiman!" Come out! ”

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

They went to Fan Jiman's house first, but there was no one at home, Xu Buqing was so angry that he snorted: "This kid, where did he go!" But then he was like he had evaporated from the world, and he couldn't find it no matter how he looked for it.

In the end, everyone returned to the detention center disappointed, Xu Buqing gritted his teeth and said, "Fan Jiman, don't let me see you again!" How dare you fool me! ”

In this way, Fan Jiman, who was imprisoned many times and escaped, escaped from the detention center again.

Fan Jiman, this man is not simple, he has been arrested and put in prison four times, but each time he escaped from the hands of death as if he had divine help. What's the secret behind this?

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

Fan Jiman, formerly known as Fan Xiancai, was born in 1906 in Majiachang, Liangshan County, Sichuan, which is what we now call Liangping District, Chongqing City.

When he was young, he had a dream, left his hometown, and went to Wuhan alone to study.

In Wuhan, with his hard work and talent, he was successfully admitted to the Central Military and Political School, which is the Wuhan branch of the famous Whampoa Military Academy!

In school, he not only learned skills, but also joined the Chinese Communist Youth League and became an aspiring young man.

As soon as the Northern Expedition began, he did not hesitate to join the battle, but unfortunately he was hung up in a fierce battle. Unexpectedly, this injury experience started his undercover career.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

After recovering from his injuries, he had to leave the battlefield and chose to return to his hometown in Sichuan, where he quietly raised a party organization team.

Since then, he has embarked on a long and challenging lurking path. This is also the work of the underground party.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

In 1929, he received the assignment from above and went to the Southwest American College and Chongqing High School to work among the students.

In the autumn of the same year, he went to Shanghai again and was in charge of liaison work in Xinxinli, Father Jin Road.

He is always busy in different places, just to do things better for the party and contribute his own strength.

But soon after, he was imprisoned for the first time in his life.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

In 1930, on the anniversary of May Day, Fan Giman embarked on a journey to Shanghai to attend an important conference.

But who would have thought that he would be put on a position by the traitors around him.

The police pounced like wolves, and Fan Jiman was arrested and put in a cell.

This Fan Jiman is really a hard bone. No matter how the enemy tortured him, he just gritted his teeth and didn't reveal a word.

The policemen and spies didn't get any useful information from him.

Fortunately, a friend worked hard in secret, and finally got him out of prison.

Although the person has come out, in the realm of Shanghai, his face has been remembered, and it is difficult to do underground work.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

So, Fan Jiman and his girlfriend Peng Yaluo discussed and decided to change places and go to Beiping.

Because of the previous incident, the party organization temporarily cut off contact with him for the sake of insurance.

When he arrived in Beiping, while studying, he inquired about the whereabouts of the party organization.

The hard work paid off, and in Beiping, he met his old classmate Xue Xun, and through her, Fan Jiman reconnected with the party organization and continued to work for the party. This Fan Jiman is really an indomitable person!

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

In addition to perseverance, Fan Jiman is a very powerful person, not only can fight, but also very cultured. He was admitted to Peking University and studied at the School of Arts, the School of Law, and the Department of Economics. He also participated in the activities of the "Left Alliance" and published his own collection of poems, "The Conch of Tides". Moreover, he can also speak the languages of many countries, and his social skills are also very strong, and he has taken many risks to deliver important news to the party organization. Not to mention, he was chivalrous and courageous, and accidentally rescued his friend's adventure.

What he didn't expect was that this risky rescue experience actually brought his intelligence career to a new level.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

One day, in the city of Beiping, Fan Jiman's ears moved, and he actually heard the news of the arrest of fellow villager Cao Ce.

Speaking of this Cao Ce, hey, he is not just an ordinary fellow, he is also the head of our Tianjin underground party organization, the secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee!

Fan Jiman slapped his thigh, where can he sit idly by, he has to think of a way to fish him out!

So, Fan Jiman turned his mind and found Chen Gongshu, an old buddy from the military school.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

This Chen Gongshu is now the editor-in-chief of the major publications in the Jiang Group, and he is very popular.

Fan Jiman found him and said anxiously: "Lao Cao is my relative, but this time he was wronged, Lao Chen, you have to pull your brother!" ”

When Chen Gongshu heard this, he agreed, but as the days passed, he just didn't see any movement.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

Fan Jiman wondered in his heart, is this Lao Chen waiting for any benefits? He simply asked directly: "Lao Chen, if there is anything you need my brother to serve, just ask!" ”

Chen Gongshu touched his chin, he knew that Fan Jiman was a talent, and he could speak foreign languages slippery.

In fact, he Chen Gongshu is the editor-in-chief of the scenery on the surface, but secretly he is a member of the Jiang family's secret service.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

He rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, you do me a favor and copy a document from the American Legation and translate it into Chinese for me." ”

When Fan Jiman heard this, he chuckled in his heart, didn't he make it clear that he wanted him to be a spy!

But now Cao Ce's affairs are burning his eyebrows, and he has no choice, so he can only agree to it.

It's just that he never expected that this translation job would help him discover an amazing secret.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

As soon as Fan Jiman opened those foreign language materials, yo, this is not an ordinary document! It was a surprise that there was diplomatic and military intelligence between the Kuomintang and Japan hidden in it!

He thought to himself, such a good thing, he had to translate it quickly, and by the way, he copied another copy and kept it. As soon as he said it, he quickly completed the translation and transcription.

Next, he found Xue Xun and Lao Du, and through them, handed over these valuable information to his superiors. At this moment, the organization had a good understanding of the movements of the Japanese army in North China and the North China branch of the Kuomintang.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

Fan Jiman's contribution is not small! Chen Gongshu read his translation and was full of praise, and helped him rescue his old friend Cao Ce by the way.

But the good times don't last long. About half a year later, a traitor came out and leaked Fan Jiman's secret.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

When Chen Gongshu heard this, he was furious and immediately arrested Fan Jiman. Hey, that's bad luck!

However, Fan Jiman's girlfriend Peng Yaluo is not a vegetarian. As soon as she heard the news, she immediately begged for help, and finally invited an officer from the Whampoa Department to help.

With everyone's efforts, Fan Jiman was finally rescued. What a blessing in disguise! This is also his second experience in prison.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

After being released from prison, Fan Jiman was not idle. While he went to teach at Sichuan Middle School in Peking to earn money to support his family, he also squeezed in time to study in the Department of Russian Economics of Peking University Law School.

This is really a desperate Saburo! But then again, he worked so hard so that he could better realize his revolutionary ideals. This kind of spirit is really worth learning from! It was also with this spirit that his position was promoted.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

In 1935, Fan Jiman became the acting stationmaster of the Beiping Station of the Military Command. At that time, Mao Renfeng was not famous.

Because of the convenience of his work, Fan Jiman easily collected a large amount of intelligence on Japan and the puppet army, and secretly handed it over to the party organization.

Although he was arrested several times in the years that followed, he continued to deliver key messages to the party.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

By the end of 1943, in order to make it easier to gather intelligence, Fan Jiman opened a bookstore in Shanghai.

At this time, his old friend Chen Gongshu approached him and asked him to help collect intelligence on the Japanese and the puppet army for the Kuomintang.

Fan Jiman readily agreed, and successfully transferred the information obtained to the party organization.

However, during one operation, he was accidentally captured by the Japanese gendarmerie and imprisoned.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

Fortunately, his wife came to his aid, and he was successfully rescued and released on bail by Chen Gongshu. It was also his third time in prison.

With these three prison escapes, it can be said that his work is still very dangerous. But he did not hesitate and continued to devote himself to the work of transmitting information to our party.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

In August 1945, Van Giman received another important task. He had to go to Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai to rescue two important people who were being detained. He did not go to great length, but simply disguised himself as a high-ranking official of the Kuomintang, and rescued one of them with ease.

After rescuing people, he had another plan, successfully broke into the Kuomintang, and even got the position of major general commissioner of the Ministry of National Defense. In this position, he quietly passed on a lot of important information to the party organization.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

However, this undercover job is not so easy to do. For 19 years, Fan Jiman lived every day. He had to be on the lookout for enemy surveillance, and he had to be ready to deal with any contingencies. If you want to say the most thrilling moment of his life, it is definitely the prison escape in the early morning of April 11, 1949. That night, he really risked his head and helped his comrades escape from prison.

The night before his execution, Fan Jiman learned that he was about to be executed.

Hey, this Fan Jiman is really not an ordinary person, as soon as he heard the news, he thought in his heart: "I can't just wait for death." ”

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

He looked around, suddenly saw a wooden plank, and immediately had a plan to use it to escape from prison.

As soon as he said that, he picked up the plank and began his escape.

But where is it so easy on this escape? Accidentally, he fell on his heel, and his whole face was broken, and blood flowed down his cheeks.

But Fan Jiman just had the strength to not admit defeat, he wiped a handful of blood from his face and continued to run forward.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

In this way, he relied on that faith and perseverance to shake off the pursuers and successfully escaped. This is also his fourth escape from prison.

After liberation, Van Gimann finally found a revolutionary organization. But his identity has always been a problem, and it is not so easy to recover.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

With great anticipation, he made a request to the organization: to restore his official status. Come to think of it, this identity is not only a name for him, but also a recognition and honor for his years of struggle.

But the problem in front of him is that his old superior, Liu Yiqiao, has been missing. This is a real headache, and it is not so easy to recover your identity without the proof of your superiors.

The organization then told Fan Jiman in great difficulty: "You have to go through the procedures again and go through the procedures for joining the organization." "Hey, it's like the helplessness of climbing a mountain after a hard climb, only to find that you have to climb it again.

When Fan Jiman heard this, his head shook like a rattle, and he firmly disagreed with this. He felt that how could his past efforts and sacrifices be easily erased because of some formalities?

The two sides were at a stalemate, and time passed year after year.

It wasn't until 1984 that things finally took a turn for the better. This year, for Fan Jiman, is undoubtedly an important turning point in his life.

Fan Jiman: 19 years of incubation, 4 times in prison, before his execution, he lied about stomach pain and escaped by borrowing a wooden toilet

They conducted an in-depth and meticulous investigation, read a large number of historical materials, interviewed many people in the know, and finally learned about Fan Jiman's thrilling revolutionary experience. It turned out that he was really a hero who was born and died for the revolution and made great contributions!

So, after careful consideration, the organization decided to restore Fan Jiman's identity. At this moment, his long-standing wish finally came true, and his identity was duly recognized.

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