
Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

author:A strong country is a sword

After seeing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu beaten by neighboring countries and his face was swollen and he almost didn't even know his own mother, Lai Qingde, the last generation of Taiwan independence elements who was considered by many people to have been in office for less than four years, was completely frightened, and now he can no longer think of any solution to specific problems except to slap his swollen face and become fat.

He had no choice but to use various occasions to frantically hype up the so-called argument that the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other, which is nothing more than hoping that the mainland will act as soon as possible, and then use the little residual blood left by the United States to hedge against the mainland.

However, watching the two major US aircraft carrier battle groups being driven by China's three 0.55 million tons to teach a lesson, Biden said weakly:

Do it yourself! Lao Tzu is important to save his life, don't look at me I'm 80 years old, but I haven't lived enough, I'll go with my tail between my legs first!

Bye-bye, first island chain!

Bye-bye, lackeys and ponies.

I am a swordsman, and I accompany my friends to witness the evolution of the world in a great change unseen in a century.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

Because the general pattern of today's world is changing too fast.

The whole world has become a big game of chess!

And we Chinese are fortunate to be one of the top chess players in this game, and the United States, once the world's only superpower, is certainly qualified to sit opposite us.

Therefore, if we want to solve our domestic affairs well, we must fundamentally shake the imperial hegemony of the United States and force them to make substantial concessions, otherwise we will only have endless troubles.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

In the past two days, I have watched many netizens talk about one thing with indignation, saying that on the past June 16, the special day of the centennial celebration of the Whampoa Military Academy, Lai Qingde made a lot of nonsense and said a lot of unpleasant things.

Many netizens feel very angry, thinking that such people should be taught a lesson, but after reading this article, I believe that every friend will have a calm and relaxed conclusion, they have long been grasshoppers after the autumn, and they will not be able to jump for a few days.

In the words of General Dong Jun, Minister of National Defense, there are too many ways to solve this problem, and dealing with Taiwan Island can be as easy as catching a turtle in the middle.

However, our focus is not here, we are a major country that is responsible for the overall situation, and we want to maintain peace and stability in the entire Asia-Pacific region, not just for the sake of our own family.

Therefore, we will never fall for the United States, but make the Americans pay a heavy price through all-round games.

Here's the specific thing.

On the occasion of the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy, Lai Ching-de, leader of the Taiwan region, personally went to Kaohsiung's Fengshan area to attend the celebration ceremony in order to show his attention.

Then, he took advantage of such an occasion to repeat his current set of stinky theories, accusing the mainland's strong rise of causing peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait to be undermined.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

The reason why he made such a statement was nothing more than because this year's G-7 summit was held in Italy two days ago.

At this meeting, the G7 made a lot of demands on China in a very perverted way.

On the one hand, these Western powers beg China to stand with them to jointly engage in Russia, and on the other hand, they are pointing fingers at China's domestic affairs, not allowing China to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait through strength, not allowing China to "bully" the Philippines, still less allowing China to carry out industrial upgrading, not allowing China to continue to develop high technology, and not even allowing China to improve our national defense and military strength.

What a fucking shame!

But two minimum principles have been forgotten.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

These territories and territorial waters have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, and our ancestors operated in this vast sea area long before many countries in Southeast Asia were uncivilized.

The South China Sea and Taiwan Strait issue should not be a problem, either according to the Western rules-based order or according to existing international law, but it has been repeatedly talked about by these hooligans.

They just can't see China's goodness and want to consume China with it.

The wishful thinking of Westerners can be heard by us from a distance of 108,000 miles.

They shouted in the depths of their hearts;

Lai Qingde! Marcos Jr! You should hurry up, like Ozawa.

We will cheer you on until you are the last man.

And a large sum of usury has been prepared for you to trap you and fool you.

I'm sorry, but I'm here to support you!

Please rest assured about this, hurry up.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

This is the consistent method of the bandit countries in the United States and the West, who have always harbored sinister intentions towards the vast number of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, but who have packaged themselves as dogs with a so-called value system that they themselves have never abided by.

If they really abide by the so-called liberal and democratic things, they will not turn a blind eye to the monstrous suffering of the Palestinians, nor will they forcibly establish a new god-like racial group in the United States to trample all other ethnic groups under their feet, and they will not ignore the life and death of Ukrainians.

What is lamentable is that the Tsai Lai traitorous and glory-seeking clique opposite us regards these old United States as garbage to fool other people's doctrines as holy decrees, and also wants to further use this set of outdated ideological things to fool us, use that set of outdated ideological things to talk about things repeatedly, and are willing to become consumables for the United States and the West to suppress China.

Pitiful and shameful!

Some time ago, I watched a program of Taiwan's famous Guo Zhengliang, he was not worth it for the green camp politicians in his own program, he was originally from this camp, but later he completely changed his position.

Because Brother Liang has a reflection and speaks very well.

He said, ask yourself, every Chinese, of course, including Taiwanese, is envious of the Han and Tang dynasties in Chinese history, and now that we have such an opportunity to allow the entire Chinese nation to regain its former glory, why is that small group of people so stubborn? Don't want to be part of the rising ranks of this nation? Instead, they want to cut off their own way and would rather be liquidated by history and justice, which is really incomprehensible.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

Actually, the reason behind it is very simple.

It is easiest to understand this matter in the words of the old man Marx.

The economic base determines the superstructure!

Their coterie is nothing more than trying to get kickbacks by buying and selling obsolete weapons from the United States, and to gain more benefits from the tension that has been artificially inflamed.

Ozawa's team is the best illustration of this, whenever they feel that the front line is unfavorable, they will buy several villas in the United States and the West, and his personal wealth has skyrocketed to $1.5 billion in just two years.

Philippine President Pony was even more brazen when he visited the United States earlier this year:

As long as the United States and Japan promise to give their team $100 billion, they are willing to take risks and do it with China, as for the future of the Philippines and the peace and stability of all countries in the entire Asia-Pacific region, it is my pony's business?!

This is the common idea of many politicians who act as lackeys for the United States, which is really speechless and very bastard.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

Second, the United States is also hurting a lot now, because Israel, the American strategic egg, has been firmly pinched by China.

The reason why the United States has repeatedly talked about the Taiwan issue is because Taiwan is the core of our core interests, and they know that China will pay any price for the Taiwan issue, so they always hope to use the Taiwan Strait crisis to drag China down from the quagmire of war.

If such a thing happens, the American elite will wake up laughing in their dreams, this is what they dream of, and it is the only way for them to return to the top.

If a similar proxy war really occurs, the United States will immediately mobilize all Western countries to frantically target China, and adopt a policy far more crazy than the current encirclement and suppression of Russia to deal with China.

In this case, the surrounding spheres of influence will be ready to move, including those like Xiaobenzi and Ah San, and the Philippine pony will certainly not sit idly by.

This is the ultimate strategy of the United States in the long-term layout of China's periphery over the years, that is, their C-shaped encirclement and the siege strategy of the three major island chains.

I want to tie China and Russia tightly, and then go one step further.

Of course, the Cai Lai national scum clique also understands this, and they bet that we will take forbearant measures for the sake of development, and let them do whatever they want.

But this despicable and shameless little gang completely miscalculated, and didn't understand my boring big hand at all.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs


On the one hand, many people are concerned about the rapid reconciliation of the Arab and Islamic world in the Middle East after China successfully mediated the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Over the years, in order to fool Saudi Arabia into following its own, the United States has forcibly portrayed Iran as an old enemy of Saudi Arabia, and used Israel, the spokesman of hegemony, to scare the entire Middle East.

It's like they've made Russia a strategic competitor to Europe.

In order to become a dominant country, the United States will inevitably create an imaginary enemy, and Iran and Russia happen to be such passive actors.

However, under the adjustment of China's great wisdom and wisdom, the situation in the entire Middle East has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the Arab and Islamic world is obviously much more united, and they are no longer fooled by the Americans. Where are there so many contradictions and hatreds? Isn't it fragrant to make money together, eat, drink and be merry?

Lao Mei never imagined that this incident would quickly lead to the complete collapse of the pillars of the Empire State Building, the thickest pillar of the American Empire.

Saudi Arabia is unwilling to continue to sign an petrodollar agreement with the United States!

This has played a role in the US cause of global hegemony, and it is bound to rapidly weaken the relative global discourse power of the United States.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

The other aspect is even more critical.

At present, Yemen's Houthis, Lebanese Allah, Palestinian Hamas, and Iran behind them, as well as Russia behind Iran, have formed a strategic echo.

Not only did they shatter the myth of the invincibility of the IDF on the inside, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to temporarily raise the white flag and stop his butcher's knife.

On the outside line, it is even more remarkable, the slipper army actually launched a series of attacks on the US aircraft carrier, and the old United States did not have a temper at all, in the face of the more and more courageous the slipper army, the old United States had to be a turtle with a shrunken head, showing a huge strategic strength.

Lao Mei doesn't dare to end up easily now, because she is afraid of falling into the pit and making the big eastern countries standing on the shore laugh.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

However, through China's large-scale layout, the Middle East, the most critical pillar of the US global strategy, and it can be said that the US strategic ball, has been firmly pinched by us, putting the United States in a very troubled and painful situation.

Faced with the slightly embarrassing situation of the United States and Israel, the mysterious power in the East smiled and said to Lao Mei:

Aren't you crazy? Don't you always want to bully us with the Taiwan issue? Then Lao Tzu is going to let you experience this feeling!

Can you really let the entire Jewish people wander again for the sake of a small island thousands of miles away?

If you can't do it, just get out of the way!

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

All in all, we Chinese have a very good saying, do not do to others what you want, the whole world knows that China is a very kind and forgiving nation, if it were not for the United States repeatedly inciting Marcos Jr. and Cai Lai national scum to disgust us, we are very willing to work together with the United States to develop, who the has a grudge against money?

Since they don't want to give face, of course, we must hit them in the face fiercely, and let Americans feel the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Tzu's Art of War, and the Thirty-six Strategies that every Chinese can read since childhood through the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

As for Cai Lai's national scum, in the context of the Sino-US game, it is nothing more than an insignificant and small chess piece.

They are doomed to the end of their future under our tightening policy, and now it is nothing more than a day of rabid dog barking, let him go for the time being!

In the face of the mighty national righteousness, when the United States is about to be brought down by the vast number of BRICS countries, is this still a problem?

Fortunately, they have encountered a Chinese-style decision-maker with great wisdom and great benevolence, even if they want to act as cannon fodder like Zelensky, they have no chance, but they are destined to struggle in vain in the tighter and tighter net until they really change their minds.

This is really a blessing for the Chinese nation!

Because we already have the absolute strength to surrender without a fight.

Israel was beaten too hard, and the Cailai clique understood that the general trend had gone, so they could only bark at the dogs

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