
Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

author:A strong country is a sword

Italian Prime Minister Meloni looked at the trembling old Biden and said secretly in his heart:

Lao Mei is so weakened that there is only a mouth left to fan the flames and not see the good of others? Isn't it a big joke that a person who can't even say three sentences and doesn't even know where he is wants to be re-elected as president?

We in Italy have been tossing with you for two years, and we have not benefited anything, but have paid a lot of protection fees, so let's go to China!

If I had known today, why should I have done it in the first place?

Discuss the sword of a strong country, and accompany friends to witness the evolution of the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century.

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

The above-mentioned dynamic was reported by Bloomberg, a well-known American media, and many media and reporters around the world also learned about the news for the first time.

On June 15, as the G7 summit ended, Italian Prime Minister Meloni announced at a press conference after the summit that the Italian government had begun preparations for a visit to China, and that she herself planned to visit China in the coming weeks.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

You know, this was at the closing press conference of the G7 summit.

Italian Prime Minister Meloni made it clear that she would not give face to US President Biden and dismantle the US in front of the old Biden.

Friends who follow this summit know that this G7 summit is called the Last Supper, or an embarrassing summit by many people, because each country has its own different troubles, and the approval rating of the vast majority of G7 leaders has fallen below 30%.

In particular, Macron and Scholz, the two most heavyweight politicians in Europe today, have suffered heavy defeats in the process of parliamentary elections, and the parties they represent have ushered in a critical attack in their respective countries, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to continue.

But even at such a bad moment, they did not find a way to solve the problems within the G7, but instead put a lot of suggestions on China and Russia.

Let's put aside the Russian matter for the time being, this is a very and nonsense matter, standing from different angles, completely different conclusions can be drawn, and no one can convince anyone, so continue to let them consume until they can think clearly.

China has done its duty!

As for China, we are pitiful for the once mighty G7, and now it seems that we would not be able to hold meetings without China.

It's not really a mockery of them, it's a real situation, and this very funny phenomenon has been going on for many years, and the reasons behind it are very complex.

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

First of all, of course, envy, jealousy and hatred of China.

Their little mentality is simply not even.

Friends who understand the world pattern know that the G7 is a small circle of industrial powers, and the reason why they formed such a bureau in the first place is that they are all traditional powers, have a history of bullying other Asian, African and Latin American countries, and have a common value world view, the most important reason is that when they first established this small circle, they themselves occupied the majority of the world's industrial production power.

In the beginning, the industrial production capacity of the G7 accounted for almost 70% of the world's production capacity, and Japan at its peak alone could single out the industrial production of the vast majority of developing countries in the world combined, not counting the two traditional industrial powers, Germany and the United States.

So, at that time, of course, they had to be windy and rainy.

And more importantly, what they mastered at that time was high-end technology, not low-end industrial production, which could completely form a dimensionality reduction and blow crushing for the vast number of Asian, African and Latin American countries.

As long as the United States sends an aircraft carrier strike group at random, it can easily destroy a country of medium to upper intensity.

Iraq is a prime example of the past, they relied on selling oil to make a lot of money, and they were equipped with a very powerful army, but they were worthless in the face of American high-tech weapons, and American soldiers were as easy as playing a game, and quickly solved all their problems.

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

But the situation has long since changed dramatically, with China accounting for 35% of the world's total industrial production, almost as much as the next two to 10 combined.

In second place, the United States has only 12% of the world's industrial share.

Japan and Germany, the two former industrial superpowers, have long been unable to protect themselves under the situation of being continuously sucked and woolened by the United States, and even the overall development trend is about to be crushed by Russia.

The combined production capacity of the seven major industrial powers is not as strong as China's, and if Russia catches up again, how will they mix in the rivers and lakes in the future? What kind of face can they use such a meeting to point fingers at other countries?

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

China's strong industrial production capacity has blossomed everywhere

Before the G7 meeting, the American media gave them a rather heartbreaking statistic.

The host of the show was bragging to the audience about how powerful the United States was, but the guests slapped them in the face with cold numbers.

He said that the United States produces about 90,000 artillery shells a month, while China can produce 150,000 a day, which is still the standard.

In other words, the sum of the seven countries of the United States and the West is less than a fraction of China's, and this is the real sense of oppression that industrial production capacity will bring to the West.

Some politicians in the United States and the West have always slandered China for trading with Russia, but in the words of Mr. Gao Zhikai, a well-known Internet influencer, if China had not adhered to a fair and neutral stance in dealing with the problem, the war would not have lasted so long.

If China's industrial production capacity were to be fully transformed into military mobilization capacity, it would make the West completely hopeless.

Of course, the Western countries themselves understand this, and it is precisely because of this that they are always envious, jealous, and hateful of China, and always create all kinds of troubles for our peaceful development in defiance of conscience.

It's really hard for a swordsman to imagine what the world would be like if it didn't have a responsible power like China to maintain justice.

In all fairness, according to the current world pattern, whether China joins the US and Western camps or forms an alliance with Russia, the S3 season or nuclear war will have started a long time ago, will it wait until now? Will it give those trolls a chance to blow the air conditioner and scold their mothers?

They do not understand the hardships of Chinese and the simple feelings of Chinese who want to get rich together with the whole world, but only want to blindly stand in a high position and speak to the vast number of developing countries, which is 108,000 miles away from the realm of China.

Those who know me say that I am worried! Those who don't know what do I want? This is China today.

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

The second is that the United States is too bad.

It makes many Western politicians, including Italian Prime Minister Meruni, unbearable.

The above is a brief introduction to the game between China and the United States and the West as a whole, and it is precisely under the action of this external force that there has been a crazy dog-eat-dog involution situation within the United States and the West, which is unexpected by many Western countries, including Italy and France.

They originally wanted to follow the United States to bully others, and then by the way, they could eat and drink spicy food, or monopolize the high-end markets of other countries through neocolonial means.

However, with the rapid rise of China, this set of things is no longer good, and China's high-quality and low-cost products have formed a great hedge against the hegemony of the United States and the West.

In this environment, the United States first revealed their ugly nature, completely unpretended, although ostensibly with the G7 meeting, but Biden's inner monologue can be heard clearly by the whole world.

Their intrigues are deafening!

Old Biden stared at him in a daze on the surface, but he was still scheming in his heart, and said secretly in his heart:

Russian President Putin, this guy is too hard, we can't do it, let alone dare to do it, so send the driver to continue to rush forward! And then ruthlessly consume the European idiots, and let us be completely trapped.

Heard that Europe now wants to be anti-war? Just kidding, with von der Leyen as our internal response to the United States, what is there to be afraid of, they are just a plate of loose sand!

China is the most troublesome, the foreign exchange control is relatively strict, the industrial production capacity is too strong, and we have no way to get China's wool.

What makes me most unhappy is that China is now completely ahead of the United States in many fields, and we can't block their technology if we want to.

Then use high-end chips to disgust them, the most important thing is to maintain the right to speak, it seems that we are quite awesome!

Russia doesn't dare to do it, China can't do it, the real goal of our old United States, hehehe......

He looked at the other G7 allies and glanced at Blinken, who hurriedly brought the American allies to the table.

This is the inevitable end of following the Americans, who have always wanted their monopoly as a family, and whether you are an ally or a competitor at all, the United States will eat you to support their extravagant hegemonic expenses.

It is precisely for this reason that Kissinger, the late famous US politician, said that it is dangerous to be an adversary of the United States, but it is fatal to be an ally of the United States, and we must be ready to sacrifice at any time.

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

Finally, in the case of specific Europe, Meloni is a typical representative.

It's well worth mentioning.

On the one hand, after Italian Prime Minister Meloni took office, she was under tremendous pressure from the entire Western world, especially the repeated pressure from the old Biden on Italy, and her own policy at the beginning was also more extreme, like many European politicians, she was brainwashed by the value system of the United States more seriously, so she adopted a very irrational attitude towards China.

Plus an important factor that we Chinese should not avoid, as we all know, is the spillover effect of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

This has also made Italy's overall policy towards China increasingly extreme.

In the end, under the seduction of the old Biden, Meloni still did not adhere to the minimum principle of good for Italy, and withdrew from the Belt and Road plan around the G7 summit in Japan last year.

At the most critical and intense stage of the Sino-US game today, this will of course be regarded by the Americans as a model project for them to boast about.

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

However, in the past two years, more and more politicians in Europe have figured out one thing, Lao Mei is a big villain, a conspirator, and a beast that eats people and does not spit out bones.

They originally had too many opportunities to stop the Russian-Ukrainian war and then give the European people a happy and peaceful life, but the United States has been adding fuel to the fire for its own selfish interests, bringing a heavy burden to Europe and making Europe lose its future.

This is the new situation of the European Parliament elections that have just ended, and the anti-war faction has risen rapidly!

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

There is another point that is deeper and can only be understood and unspeakable, that is, the small number of traditional powers in the United States and the West, they simply look down on the yellow race, believing that only they are qualified to occupy the world's top discourse, and we Chinese are not worthy.

It is precisely because of this that we see a fundamental problem, after the end of World War II, Britain can easily accept the rise of the United States, and can smoothly hand over their scepter to the United States, but the United States and Western societies generally have a complex and contradictory mentality towards China, and they are not willing to see China's good, nor are they willing to accept the fact that China has risen, but they want to show us colors at every turn, or want to stand in the position of a high teacher to point fingers at us.

Their mentality adjustment will also require a long-term game process.

However, there is also a favorable factor for China now, which is that the performance of the United States is really disgusting!

They are in a mess at home, but they are not willing to solve their domestic affairs at all, but through their position in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, they tell the world that they can offend any country, any people, and even mess up the United States for the sake of the interests of the Jewish group.

This has deeply disgusted the whole of Europe, and it has also made Italian Prime Minister Meloni, who already has a big opinion of Russian President Putin, unbearable.

Because from the perspective of this strong woman, the United States and Russia are both powerful countries, and only China is a more rational country and a more trustworthy country.

It is precisely for this reason that at the press conference at the closing of the G7 summit, Meloni said in front of Western media: We want to put the security of the Indo-Pacific region and the global economic security in an important position, so I am completely open to dialogue with China.

This is exactly what we Chinese say, touch the south wall, and she will naturally come back!

Disgusted by the mediocre and shameless Biden, Meloni wanted to come to China again

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