
The confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao escalated, the Philippine ship deliberately collided with the Chinese ship, the new regulations came into effect, and the Chinese side's disposal methods escalated

author:See the world in the vernacular

On the third day after the "new regulations" came into effect in the South China Sea, the Philippine ship forcibly intruded into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao and deliberately collided with a Chinese vessel. How did China deal with it? What will happen to the situation in the South China Sea?

The latest news, the Philippines is doing things in the direction of the South China Sea again. In the early morning of the 17th, a Philippine supply ship illegally entered the waters near Ren'ai Jiao, and the Chinese Coast Guard took control measures against it in accordance with the law. However, at 5:59 a.m., the Philippine ship ignored China's warnings and deliberately approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner, causing a collision between the two ships. The China Coast Guard has made it clear that the responsibility lies entirely with the Philippine side. The Philippine ship deliberately collided with the Chinese vessel, which can be said to be a very bad behavior, and there are two points worth noting about this matter:

The confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao escalated, the Philippine ship deliberately collided with the Chinese ship, the new regulations came into effect, and the Chinese side's disposal methods escalated

First, although the Chinese side did not name what the Philippine side was here to do in the briefing, considering that the disintegration of the beached warship was imminent, and the Philippine side deliberately chose to do so in the early hours of the morning, it obviously thought that it would be easier for the Philippine side to break through China's blockade at Ren'ai Jiao and facilitate its delivery of supplies to the beached warship. It can be seen that the Philippine side's action can be described as an organized and premeditated plan. Moreover, the Philippine transport ship deliberately rammed into the Chinese ship in disregard of China's warnings, which means that the confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao has escalated, which is not good news for the next development of the situation in the South China Sea. The Philippine side's initiative to "touch porcelain" is obviously trying to create an image of itself as a "victim", and it later used public opinion to smear and attack China, which shows its sinister intentions.

The confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao escalated, the Philippine ship deliberately collided with the Chinese ship, the new regulations came into effect, and the Chinese side's disposal methods escalated

Second, since the 15th of this month, the "Provisions on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Coast Guard Agencies" issued by the China Coast Guard has been officially implemented. According to the rules, the China Coast Guard has the right to detain foreign nationals who illegally cross the border for one to two months. Now that the new regulations have only come into effect on the third day, the Philippine side can't wait to invade China's Ren'ai Jiao, which has the meaning of "defying the law". So how did the Chinese coast guard deal with the Philippine personnel and ships this time? It is uncertain whether China has direct control over it, but according to the information released by the China Coast Guard, the Chinese side has used the word "control" instead of the previous words such as "eviction", and has upgraded from warning to control, which may also mean that China's handling methods have been upgraded.

The confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao escalated, the Philippine ship deliberately collided with the Chinese ship, the new regulations came into effect, and the Chinese side's disposal methods escalated

Prior to this, China has repeatedly made clear its position that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, including Ren'ai Jiao, and its adjacent waters, and that the Philippines should immediately stop its infringement and provocation. But what did the Philippine side do? While China is showing goodwill, the Philippines is recklessly taking advantage of China's forbearance. Recently, the Philippine side has been conducting very intensive operations in the South China Sea, not only dispatching its largest coast guard vessel, the Magbanua, to stay at Xianbin Reef, but also forcibly crossing Ren'ai Jiao once in early June in an attempt to illegally replenish the "beached" ship. Not only that, but the Philippines has also submitted an application to the United Nations for the so-called extension of the continental shelf, trying to extend the original 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic waters to as much as 350 nautical miles. The various measures taken by the Philippine side have sent a signal that the Philippines is unwilling to give up its illusions about the islands in the South China Sea, indicating that it will confront the South China Sea to the end.

In view of the fact that the Philippines is bent on going its own way and has a tendency to go all the way to the black, at this time, China can take corresponding measures against those Filipino personnel who maliciously infringe on the aggression and provoke in accordance with the "new rules" in the South China Sea.