
In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

author:Daily Encyclopedia Health

Zhai Zhigang, the great astronaut, was born in Longjiang County, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, on the northeastern border of China. This land has given birth to countless brave and tenacious children, and Zhai Zhigang is one of the bright stars. His birth background is ordinary but unique, he was born in an ordinary family, he is the eldest in the family, and he is the last in the line and has not been extra spoiled because of this, on the contrary, his childhood life is full of his mother Jia Guizhi's hard work and selfless care.

Longjiang County, a small county town located in the western part of the Songnen Plain, has four distinct seasons and picturesque scenery. However, for Zhai Zhigang, this is the harbor of his dream. His family is not wealthy, but his mother, Jia Guizhi, always uses her hard-working hands and endless wisdom to create a warm and loving home for her children. Under the influence of his mother, Zhai Zhigang learned the importance of perseverance and hard work since he was a child.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

In Zhai Zhigang's childhood memories, his mother was always busy. During the day, she has to take care of the household and take care of the family; In the evenings, she also sews and mends under the lamps and prepares clothes for the children. However, no matter how hard it is, the mother always saves the best for her children, especially her youngest son, Zhai Zhigang. She knows that education is crucial to a child's growth, so she does her best to support Zhai Zhigang in pursuing his dreams.

Zhai Zhigang has been full of endless curiosity and yearning for the universe since he was a child. When night fell, he would always look up at the starry sky, imagining that one day he would be able to set foot in that mysterious realm himself. This dream took root in his heart and gradually grew stronger. And his mother, Jia Guizhi, is a staunch supporter of his dream. She told Zhai Zhigang: "As long as you have a dream, you must be brave to pursue it." No matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, you have to believe that you can overcome everything. ”

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

With the encouragement of his mother, Zhai Zhigang worked hard to learn various knowledge and lay a solid foundation for becoming an astronaut. He loves science and has developed a strong interest in physics, chemistry and other subjects. Whenever he encountered difficulties and setbacks, he would think of his mother's encouragement and support, and then grit his teeth and move on. On the road of growth, he constantly enriched himself, tempered his will, and accumulated experience.

Over time, Zhai Zhigang's talent was gradually recognized. He was selected as an astronaut candidate with excellent grades and outstanding performance. In the rigorous selection and training, he showed tenacious perseverance and firm faith. He is well aware that he has a great mission and responsibility, so he studies and trains harder. With the love and support of his mother, he is moving towards his dream step by step.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

Zhai Zhigang's growth path is full of family warmth and support. He was born in an ordinary family in Longjiang County, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, with many brothers and sisters, and he is the eldest in the family. As his parents were busy making ends meet, most of his early childhood was accompanied and raised by his eldest sister. The eldest sister cared for him like a mother, took care of his daily life, and gave him endless love and warmth.

Under the care of the eldest sister, Zhai Zhigang spent a happy and fulfilling childhood. However, as he grew older, he gradually became aware of the responsibilities and responsibilities of his family. When he returned to his parents, he found that his siblings were all sharing various household chores for the family. This family atmosphere deeply influenced him and made him realize that he also needed to do his part for the family.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

In the family, Zhai Zhigang and his siblings share various household chores. Whether it's cooking, laundry, or cleaning, they all work together to get it done. This tacit understanding and spirit of cooperation not only makes the family more harmonious, but also cultivates Zhai Zhigang's sense of responsibility and independence.

Despite the family's financial difficulties, her mother, Jia Guizhi, understands the importance of education. She firmly believes that only through knowledge can destiny be changed, so she insists that children receive an education. No matter how difficult life is, she will do everything in her power to send her children to school.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

Zhai Zhigang is also well aware of his mother's expectations and hard work. He understands that only by studying hard can he live up to his mother's expectations. As a result, he worked hard in school and excelled in his grades. Whenever he gets good grades, his mother is proud and proud of him.

With the support of his mother, Zhai Zhigang gradually showed a strong interest in science. He developed a great passion for physics, chemistry and other disciplines, and worked hard to study them. This thirst and pursuit of knowledge made him stand out in school and won praise from his teachers and classmates.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

As he grew older, Zhai Zhigang gradually understood his dream of becoming an astronaut. He knows that it takes a lot of hard work and sweat to realize this dream, but he is willing to fight for it for the rest of his life. With the encouragement and support of his mother, he strengthened his faith and determination.

On the road of pursuing his dreams, Zhai Zhigang constantly enriches himself, tempers his will, and accumulates experience. He believes that as long as he persists in his efforts, he will be able to achieve his dreams.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

Zhai Zhigang, who later became a legend in the history of China's aerospace industry, buried his infinite yearning for flight as early as his youth. After the college entrance examination, he was faced with an important decision in his life, and this choice eventually led him to the path of piloting. Among many majors and schools, he resolutely chose Changchun No. 2 Flight Academy, which was the place where his dream set sail.

Changchun No. 2 Flight Academy, as an important base for the Chinese Air Force to train flight talents, has advanced flight equipment and first-class teachers. With full enthusiasm and longing, Zhai Zhigang stepped into this college full of challenges and opportunities. It was here that he began his own path of flight and began his endless pursuit of the blue sky.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

The days in the academy were full and intense, and Zhai Zhigang not only had to learn various flight theories, but also underwent rigorous physical training. He knows that as a pilot, physical fitness is as important as mental fitness. Therefore, he is strict with himself and strives to be the best in all his training.

Under the experience of flying academy, Zhai Zhigang gradually showed his flying talent and potential. He has mastered a variety of flying techniques and has developed an in-depth understanding of the performance and operation of aircraft. After graduating, he successfully entered the Air Force and began his flying career.

In the Air Force, Zhai Zhigang grew rapidly and soon became the leader of the pilot ranks. He has flown a variety of domestically produced fighter jets, and every flight has shown his superb flying skills and extraordinary courage. In the execution of various tasks, he always successfully completed the tasks, won the praise of leaders and colleagues.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

Due to his outstanding performance in the field of flying, Zhai Zhigang was rated as a first-class pilot in the Air Force. This is a full affirmation of his flying skills and flying experience, and it is also a great encouragement for his future flying career. Behind the honor is his countless days and nights of hard work and unremitting efforts.

However, for Zhai Zhigang, honor is only part of his flying career. He knows that he still has a long way to go and needs to keep learning and improving. Therefore, he has always maintained a humble and cautious heart, constantly pursuing higher flying technology and a broader field of flight. His eyes have been cast on the wider blue sky, where his endless dreams and pursuits are held.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

In 1998, China's aerospace industry ushered in an important milestone, this year, Zhai Zhigang was successfully selected as the first batch of astronauts in the mainland with his excellent flying skills and firm will. This honor is not only a recognition of his personal ability, but also the best reward for his years of perseverance and hard work.

From the moment he was selected as an astronaut, Zhai Zhigang knew that he had a great mission and responsibility. He knows that becoming an astronaut requires not only superb flying skills, but also rigorous training and deep professional knowledge. Therefore, he devoted himself to aerospace training, showing a high level of professionalism and rigor.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

In aerospace training, Zhai Zhigang has always maintained a high degree of vigilance and concentration. He understands that every detail can make or break a mission, so he takes every training program very seriously. Whether it's flight simulation, physical training or mental testing, he gives his all to do his best.

In the flight simulation training, Zhai Zhigang showed his extraordinary flying talent and superb flying skills. He can quickly adapt to various complex flight environments, accurately judge the flight status, and make correct operations. His flight movements are smooth and accurate, and every simulated flight feels as if he is soaring through real space.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

In addition to flight training, Zhai Zhigang also focuses on physical training and psychological testing. He is well aware that astronauts need to have good physical and mental fitness to cope with various challenges in space. Therefore, he insists on doing high-intensity physical training every day to improve his physical fitness. At the same time, he actively participates in psychological tests and constantly adjusts his mindset to ensure that he can remain calm and stable during the mission.

In the training, Zhai Zhigang also showed a very high professional quality and rigorous attitude. He takes every training program very seriously and does not miss a single detail. He delved into various aerospace knowledge and technologies to continuously improve his professional level. His rigorous attitude has not only won praise from his coaches and teammates, but also made important contributions to the development of China's aerospace industry.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

Zhai Zhigang's road to being selected as an astronaut was not all smooth sailing. He has put in a lot of hard work and sweat to get to where he is today. But he always believed in his dreams and beliefs, and continued to move forward on the road of pursuing the aerospace industry. His story is not only a microcosm of China's aerospace industry, but also an example and inspiration for countless dreamers.

Zhai Zhigang, a shining star in the aerospace field, has an obscure but crucial supporter behind his success - his mother Jia Guizhi. Jia Guizhi is an ordinary and great mother, who has laid a solid foundation for Zhai Zhigang's growth and success with her lifelong hard work and selfless love.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

On Zhai Zhigang's growth path, his mother has always been his strongest backing. Since he was a child, Zhai Zhigang has been determined to become an astronaut, but this seemingly unattainable dream is so real and possible in the eyes of his mother. Jia Guizhi has not read much, but she knows the importance of education and what a dream means to children. Therefore, she did everything she could to support Zhai Zhigang to pursue his dream.

Whenever Zhai Zhigang encountered difficulties in his studies or training, his mother was always the first to stand up and encourage him. She told Zhai Zhigang: "Child, as long as you work hard, nothing is impossible." This sentence is like a beacon that illuminates Zhai Zhigang's path forward, and also makes him more determined and brave in the face of challenges.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

On Zhai Zhigang's road to becoming an astronaut, his mother's support is everywhere. She not only provided Zhai Zhigang with material support, but more importantly, spiritual encouragement. She told Zhai Zhigang that no matter where he goes, no matter what difficulties he encounters, he must believe in himself and believe that he can become an excellent astronaut.

However, fate brought a huge blow to Zhai Zhigang. While he was busy with the aerospace industry and fighting for the honor of his country, his mother was seriously ill. When Zhai Zhigang learned the news, he was out on a mission and could not return to his mother immediately. He was anxious, but he had no choice but to silently pray that his mother would survive the difficult time.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

However, fate did not favor this great mother. During Zhai Zhigang's mission, his mother unfortunately passed away. This bad news was like a hammer, smashing into Zhai Zhigang's heart. He couldn't accept this fact, and he couldn't forgive himself for not seeing his mother for the last time. This regret has become an eternal pain in Zhai Zhigang's heart, and it has also become his motivation to work and study harder.

The death of his mother made Zhai Zhigang cherish his current life and work even more. He knows that his success is inseparable from his mother's support and encouragement. Therefore, he worked and studied harder, hoping to comfort his mother's soul in heaven with his achievements. At the same time, he also hopes that his story can inspire more people to chase their dreams and work hard.

In 03, Zhai Zhigang returned home after completing his mission, but found that his mother had died and could not kneel in front of the portrait

The year 2003 was a milestone year for China's aerospace history. In this year, the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft was successfully launched, marking China as the third country in the world after the Soviet Union and the United States to have the ability to independently send humans into space. In this historic space mission, Zhai Zhigang's name is closely associated with Yang Liwei, and they were jointly selected as a candidate for the Shenzhou 5 astronauts, making indelible contributions to China's aerospace industry.

The selection process for Shenzhou 5 is extremely strict, requiring layers of screening and rigorous assessment. Zhai Zhigang successfully entered the shortlist with his outstanding performance and excellent flying skills in the Air Force. He knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is the best proof of his years of hard work. Therefore, he worked harder to devote himself to training and constantly improve his professionalism and comprehensive ability.

During the training of Shenzhou 5, Zhai Zhigang showed a high level of professionalism and rigorous attitude. He is well aware that every action and decision he makes can affect the success or failure of the entire mission. As a result, he takes every training program extremely seriously and constantly pushes his limits. He actively participates in various tasks such as flight simulation training, physical training, and psychological testing, and constantly improves his adaptability and coping skills.

The training with Yang Liwei also benefited Zhai Zhigang a lot. Although the two of them have very different personalities, they are both working towards the same goal. During the training, they encouraged and supported each other and got through many difficult moments together. This tacit understanding and spirit of cooperation also laid a solid foundation for their future cooperation.

Although Zhai Zhigang did not become the first astronaut of Shenzhou 5 in the end, he was not discouraged. On the contrary, he has strengthened his determination to fight for the aerospace industry. He knows that every failure is a path to success. As a result, he continues to devote himself to training and constantly improve his abilities and level.

The successful launch of Shenzhou 5 is not only a major breakthrough in China's space industry, but also an important experience in Zhai Zhigang's life. He has made contributions to the motherland's aerospace industry with his sweat and efforts, and has also added a strong stroke to his life. In the days to come, he will continue to contribute to China's aerospace industry and write a more brilliant chapter.