
Huawei "does not talk about martial arts", and it fell to 1139 yuan in less than a month after its release, 6000mAh+HongmengOS

author:Tech Avi

The most important thing for low-cost mobile phones is not performance, but fluency, because low-cost mobile phones are limited by lower costs, and cannot be equipped with high-spec flagship processors, even if the main cost is used to carry mid-range processors, once the mobile phone is stuck, the card still has to be stuck when playing games, even if you don't play games, it will be stuck, on the contrary, if a low-cost mobile phone can have good fluency, then in the case of not playing games, its use experience is still very good, and Huawei mobile phones have an advantage in this regard.

Huawei "does not talk about martial arts", and it fell to 1139 yuan in less than a month after its release, 6000mAh+HongmengOS

Thanks to the self-developed Hongmeng system,The fluency of Huawei mobile phones is stronger than other Android mobile phones,Even Huawei's low-cost models can have good fluency for long-term use,So in the past few years, although Huawei's mobile phone business has been restricted,But the sales proportion of its models is still not low,Relying on the volume of low-cost mobile phones,Now Huawei's company618During a move also proves this,This time618During the period, Huawei company specially put a new machine on the shelves Huawei enjoy70S。

Huawei "does not talk about martial arts", and it fell to 1139 yuan in less than a month after its release, 6000mAh+HongmengOS

There was no press conference,There is no special publicity,This Huawei enjoy70SShe shelves directly,But it would be a big mistake to ignore its power because of this,Specifically on the shelves during the 618 period, such a new machine,It must be because it can sprint sales,It is a low-grade thousand-yuan machine in itself,The price is only 1199 yuan,Because of the lack of highlights of this kind of thousand-yuan machine,Even if the publicity effect is not good,But as long as ordinary consumers plan to buy a thousand-yuan machine and notice it,It is still possible to be attracted by it。

Huawei "does not talk about martial arts", and it fell to 1139 yuan in less than a month after its release, 6000mAh+HongmengOS

As Huawei's new mobile phone,Its system runs a new generation of HongmengOS4.0,Not only the interactive experience and security are better,The use is also smoother,In the high-end models,This is not very conspicuous,But in the low-end thousand-yuan machine,The advantage brought by this is great,Many other thousand-yuan machines will be stuck in less than a year,And it can maintain good fluency for a long time,Not only that, the battery life of this mobile phone is also a highlight。

Huawei "does not talk about martial arts", and it fell to 1139 yuan in less than a month after its release, 6000mAh+HongmengOS

This mobile phone is equipped with a 6000mAh large-capacity giant whale battery, with Huawei's power-saving algorithm optimization, and low-power Snapdragon 680 processor, its battery life is extremely strong, daily use can be done only two charges a week, in addition, this mobile phone is also equipped with a 6.75-inch AOD high brush eye protection screen, low blue light and no flicker is very friendly to the eyes, and its rear camera is also 50 million specifications, but such a new Huawei machine, at present, at the end of 618, it has fallen to a new low, and it is more competitive.

Huawei "does not talk about martial arts", and it fell to 1139 yuan in less than a month after its release, 6000mAh+HongmengOS

In order to sprint another wave of sales at the end of 618,Huawei"Don't talk about martial arts",The price of this new Huawei machine released less than a month has been reduced,The starting price has dropped to1139element,Although the decline is not large,But it was originally priced low,It is not easy to have this kind of concession,It is also very smooth with a large battery,Whether it is express delivery、Takeaway、Online car-hailing drivers buy it as a spare machine,Or buy it for the elders at home is a good choice。