
Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

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Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

In the beautiful city of Chongqing, Lu Yi is a girl with a unique temperament. She has developed a strong interest in dance since she was a child, and her posture is graceful and light, elegant and moving, but at the same time she is tough and independent, and her personality is unique.

Lu Yi's mother was a scholar and attached great importance to her daughter's education. Since Lu Yi was four years old, she was sent to a professional dance training class by her mother, hoping that she would become an excellent dancer in the future.

In the days when he was playing in the fields with other children, Lu Yi had been immersed in the practice room all day long and practiced hard. Her mother's good intentions were finally not in vain, and years of hard work have brought Lu Yi's perfect figure and extreme body flexibility, and her dancing skills are also solid and profound.

His mother had a profound influence on Lu Yi's dancing skills and character cultivation. His mother taught Lu Yi to be humble and polite and low-key with a simple and natural style of life, which shaped Lu Yi's gentle, tranquil, quiet and intellectual character.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

Although Lu Yi was born with an outstanding face, she was never pretentious, and always showed her most natural and pure side. It is this innate temperament that makes her charismatic and unique among many suitors.

Dance is not only Lu Yi's way of dealing with life, but also her pursuit of beautiful things. The artistic talent inherited from his mother made Lu Yi unswervingly move forward on the road of dance.

She is eager to one day show her talent on the stage and let more people feel the unique charm of this ancient art.

While studying at the Beijing Dance Academy, Lu Yi was led by the coincidence of fate and walked into the door of the entertainment industry. That year, the famous director Tsui Hark came to the campus to look for a young actress with solid dance skills and asked her to be the heroine of his new film "Sanda".

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

When the news came out, the students of the entire school were enthusiastic, but they didn't expect that the god of fate had begun to favor Lu Yi, a low-key and introverted girl. In that class, the teacher improvised an assignment to improvise a dance.

Lu Yi was inspired and immediately performed an excellent set of Tai Chi on the stage with ease, which perfectly embodied the beauty of this ancient martial art.

However, who would have expected that at this moment, director Tsui Hark outside the window was witnessing Lu Yi's superb performance. Her skillful and free posture seems to outline a flexible and powerful body curve in the air, showing the grace and charm of Taijiquan vividly.

The director was deeply impressed by Lu Yi's strength, and immediately after the interview, he decided that she would be the heroine of the movie. Lu Yi is young, but it is really surprising that he can win the favor of Tsui Hark, a great director.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

But Lu Yi still maintained a humble and polite style, and accepted this precious opportunity gracefully and generously.

So, a seemingly accidental opportunity allowed Lu to get in touch with and step into the road of acting. During the filming of the film "Sanda", Lu Yi not only felt the profound skills of director Tsui Hark, but also was inspired by his love and enthusiasm for the acting career.

Since the release of that movie, Lu Yi's innocent and simple performance in it has been well received by the audience, which has strengthened her determination to step into the entertainment industry.

With his excellent temperament and excellent acting skills, Lu Yi quickly became popular in the film and television industry. In 2005, she was invited to join the drama "Flying Immortals", and had a lot of rivalry with the popular Xiaosheng Hu Ge.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

At the beginning, Hu Ge was deeply impressed by Lu Yi's fresh and refined appearance. Her perfect figure, silky skin, and bright eyes give people the feeling of a special orchid, exuding a unique charm.

However, with the in-depth development of the plot, Hu Ge began to be deeply attracted by Lu Yi's excellent acting skills in his heart.

Although Lu Yi is the first time to appear in a TV series, her ability to interpret the role is incredible. She successfully excavated Saikin's personality traits to the fullest, showing delicate and nuanced emotional embodiment everywhere.

Seeing Lu Yi's demeanor so devoted and focused, Hu Ge almost fell into a kind of infatuation, attracted and impressed by her strength.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

Because of his lack of experience, in a media interview, Lu Yi behaved a little jerky and nervous. In the face of reporters' questions, she became silent, and the smile on her face disappeared.

At this time, Hu Ge, as a partner, stepped forward and wittily resolved the embarrassment. He praised Lu Yi's studious and dedicated professional attitude in front of everyone, and generously admitted that he had a special affection for her.

A few years later, Lu Yi teamed up with another popular superstar Huo Jianhua again to star in the TV series "New One Cut Plum". In the play, they play a pair of sweet lovers, and there are many delicate and touching intimate scenes.

Huo Jianhua was also quickly attracted by Lu Yi's charming temperament, and he frequently showed her courtesy during the filming.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

When the two were playing against each other, they happened to be performing an affectionate confession. Huo Jianhua's acting skills are very good, his eyes are full of sincerity and affection, and he said to Lu Yi: "You will not marry in this life!" Although it was just a line, his eyes were full of sincere love, which was what he really felt in his heart.

This plot is so touching that many viewers privately hope that they can walk together in real life.

At the interview scene after the filming, the host jokingly asked Huo Jianhua if he was interested in Lu Yi. Unable to resist everyone's curious gaze, Huo Jianhua replied without hesitation: "That's right! I do have a special crush on her.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

As soon as Lu heard this, his face immediately turned red, and he smiled gracefully, saying, "I will be cautious, for fear of attracting attacks from your fanatical fans." ”

Lu Yi's charming temperament and strength are amazing, and his plastic surgery-level acting skills make the hearts of the two top male stars worth tens of millions of dollars. Her unique charm is irresistible, and countless suitors are obsessed with her.

Although Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua, the two top male gods, chased Lu Yi relentlessly, Lu Yi was never easily moved by the other party. In her eyes, those men with bright appearances are not necessarily suitable for herself, because she firmly believes that true love should be based on the inner fit and resonance of both parties.

Lu Yi finds true love in a chance encounter. It was an ordinary night, and Lu Yi went to eat hot pot with his friends.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

Who would have thought that this store was actually opened by actor friend Qian Yongchen. The moment they saw the key, the two seemed to be pulled by some magical power, and they fell into unrequited love when they looked at each other.

Although it was only a brief meeting, the two parties seemed to have determined that the other party was the bosom lover they had been waiting for. Qian Yongchen is handsome and chic, humble and polite, and more importantly, he and Lu Yi have an amazing tacit understanding in terms of living habits and values, which gives Lu Yi a sense of familiarity returning to his true self.

Through a short time of getting along and getting to know each other deeply, Lu Yi soon discovered that Qian Yongchen was the other half she longed for in her heart. And Qian Yongchen was also deeply attracted by Lu Yi's unique and charming temperament, and became deeply interested in her.

Witnessed by their friends, the two quickly confirmed their relationship and decided to cherish this fate for the rest of their lives.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

It is worth mentioning that the newlyweds only have a short 17 days to get along before entering the marriage hall. This seems to outsiders to be too hasty, but for Lu Yi and Qian Yongchen, the desire in their hearts and the echo of the two hearts are far more important than the length of time.

With the blessings of their relatives and friends, they were full of happiness and walked firmly to the red carpet.

Looking back on Lu Yi's emotional journey, it is not difficult to find her unique views and firm attitude towards love. Although Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua, two popular superstars, were affectionate to her, Lu Yi was never shaken by their fame.

She believes that true love cannot only value the appearance of men, and the appearance of glamour is not enough to become a condition for love, and true love must be based on the inner fit and resonance of both parties.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

As an independent woman, Lu Yi is always resolutely and persistently pursuing the life partner who can make her heart move. She would rather choose to wait alone than change herself and turn her back on her heart because of the pressure and short-term charm of the outside world.

It is this firmness and dedication to her independent personality that allows her to avoid being confused by superficial appearances, and wait for him to appear who is truly in tune with her heart.

After Lu Yi met Qian Yongchen, he found that he was a soul-to-heart bosom friend. They have an amazing overlap in many aspects such as living habits and values, which makes Lu Yi feel a sense of familiarity, as if he is destined to be with him and spend his life together.

After getting along for a short time, Lu Yi was even more sure that Qian Yongchen was the person she had been looking for. Witnessed by their friends, the two unreservedly delivered their sincerity and decided to cherish this fateful marriage.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

Lu Yi firmly believes in true love, so she believes that the degree of spiritual fit between two people is more important than the length of time. Therefore, although she and her husband were established and married in just 17 days, this did not affect the deep bond between them.

In the following years, the relationship between Lu Yi and Qian Yongchen became deeper and deeper, far from being comparable to superficial physical pleasures, but the most intimate friendship-like feelings at the spiritual level.

They used practical actions to explain what it means to truly love and know each other and grow old together.

Through the study of Lu Yi's artistic pursuit and emotional experience, we can see the charm exuded by her unique temperament. Her restrained and independent tenacity has won her many praises in the field of art, and she has finally found the love of her heart that best fits her.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

First of all, Lu Yi's pursuit of art is worthy of our admiration. Nurtured by her mother since she was a child, she is full of love for dance. Although she has been practicing in the hard practice room since she was a child, she never lost confidence and gave up the pursuit of dance, but persevered until she had excellent dancing skills, which attracted the attention of director Tsui Hark, and thus began her acting career.

Secondly, Lu Yi's humble and polite, tranquil and introverted personality makes her charming. She is outstandingly good-looking, but never pretentious, and always shows people with the most simple natural appearance.

It is her unpretentious temperament that makes her stand out from many suitors and win the favor of popular movie stars such as Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua.

Secondly, Lu Yi is rational and firm in his approach to love, and always insists on his inner choice. In the face of the pursuit of many stars, she has never been confused by fame, and has always adhered to her inner principles, until she finally met Qian Yongchen, who has the most fate.

Lv Yi: was once the goddess of Hu Ge's dreams, Huo Jianhua claimed that she would not marry, why did she marry an 18th-line actor in a flash

The two met late but hit it off at first sight, and Lu Yi finally won the love of his life, which can be called a winner in life.

In the end, Lu Yi's pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty never stopped. She proved with practical actions what it is to truly love and know each other and be with each other forever. Over the years, her relationship with Qian Yongchen has gone from shallow to deep, and has surpassed superficial desires and become a close friend with a blended heart.

It is this unique and charming temperament that has made Lu Yi repeatedly appreciated in his artistic pursuits and emotional journey, and finally found a lifelong partner who fits his soul and lives a happy life.

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