
In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

author:Chigyo Union

Che Yaoxian, a hot-blooded man from Dayi, Sichuan, his life can be described as magnificent and full of legends. He served in the Sichuan Army in his early years, and that military career not only exercised his will, but also made him deeply understand the crisis of the country and the nation. However, he was not satisfied with military life, and deep down, he had even greater ideals and ambitions. Therefore, he resolutely decided to abandon the army and engage in business, which not only changed his personal fate, but also affected the trend of history to a certain extent.

After marrying his wife, Huang San, the two ran a restaurant called "Hard Meal" together. This restaurant not only carried their entrepreneurial dream, but also became an important base for Che Yaoxian's revolutionary activities. In the "Hard Meal", Che Yaoxian, with his bold personality and excellent organizational skills, made a large number of like-minded friends, who discussed national affairs and plotted revolutionary plans together.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

The restaurant has gradually become famous in Chengdu, not only because of its unique Sichuan cuisine, which attracts many diners, but also because a group of enthusiastic young people often gather here, and their topics are always inseparable from the future of the country and the fate of the nation. Inside, with portraits of revolutionary martyrs on the walls and progressive books and newspapers on the tables, the restaurant has become a center for the exchange of revolutionary ideas.

Che Yaoxian used the platform of "Hard Meal" to actively carry out revolutionary propaganda work. He often held lectures in restaurants to promote revolutionary ideas to diners and stimulate their patriotic fervor. At the same time, he also met many people with lofty ideals through restaurants, which brought fresh blood to the revolutionary ranks. These people got to know each other in the "hard meal", planned revolutionary actions together, and worked hard to overthrow the old regime and establish a new China.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

Behind the "Hard Meal" restaurant, there are many lesser-known stories. Cha Yaoxian and Huang Sam often used the cover of the restaurant to relay information and provide a safe contact point for the revolutionary comrades. Their restaurant was not only a place to serve good food, but also a secret stronghold of the revolution. Many important meetings and decisions were born here, which had a profound impact on the course of the revolution that followed.

In this way, the "Hard Meal" restaurant became famous in Chengdu and became a symbol of the revolution. The deeds of Che Yaoxian and Huang San have also been widely praised by later generations, and they have used their practical actions to interpret what is true patriotism and revolutionary spirit. The "Hard Meal" restaurant has also become an indelible red memory in the history of Chengdu.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

The "Hard Meal" restaurant, which he ran with his heart, was not only a place to serve food, but also an important base for his revolutionary activities. Cha Yaoxian skillfully used the daily operation of the restaurant to carry information to the party organization, liaise with comrades, and even hold small meetings in secret. He is well aware of the importance of his identity and mission, and always maintains a high degree of vigilance and caution.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

In every corner of the restaurant, there is an anti-Japanese atmosphere. Che Yaoxian took advantage of the restaurant's large customer flow and fast information dissemination to skillfully promote the anti-Japanese concept. He hung anti-Japanese slogans on the walls of his restaurants, and even cleverly embedded anti-Japanese propaganda in his menus. Whenever the guests dined, he would always lose no time in instilling anti-Japanese ideas in them and arousing their patriotic enthusiasm.

However, the good times were short-lived. March 18, 1940, this day is unforgettable for Che Yaoxian. Due to the accidental exposure of his identity and his active participation in anti-Japanese propaganda activities, he attracted the attention of Kuomintang agents. On that day, he was discussing anti-Japanese matters with several party members and comrades in the restaurant, when suddenly, a group of Kuomintang spies stormed the restaurant and arrested him.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

At that moment, Che Yaoxian had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that his efforts for the revolutionary cause might be interrupted by this, but he was convinced that even if he was arrested, the flame of revolution would still burn in the hearts of the people. He did not resist, but was silently taken away, leaving behind the diners and comrades with a stunned face.

At the moment of arrest, Che Yaoxian's eyes revealed firmness and fearlessness. He knew that his destiny was inextricably linked to the revolutionary cause, and that he was ready for whatever awaited him in front of him. And his secret identity and anti-Japanese propaganda activities have also become the most important chapter in his life, forever engraved in the long river of history.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

With the arrest of Che Yaoxian, the "Endeavor Meal" restaurant has also lost its former bustle and hustle. However, Cha Yaoxian's contribution to the revolutionary cause and his firm belief will forever inspire those who come after him. His story has become an indelible red memory in the history of Chengdu, always reminding people not to forget history and cherish peace.

After Che Yaoxian's arrest, Huang San's life fell into a huge predicament. Not only does she have to deal with the psychological stress of her husband's sudden disappearance, but she also has to take on the responsibility of running a restaurant and taking care of her children on her own. However, this strong woman was not defeated by the predicament, and she resolutely carried the pillars of the family.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

Every day, Ms. Huang San wakes up early to prepare the ingredients for the restaurant to welcome the new day. She strives to maintain the character and quality of the restaurant, hoping to continue her husband's career in this way. At the same time, she has to take care of several children to ensure that they can grow up healthy. Between her busy work and taking care of her family, Huang San asked about her husband's whereabouts, looking forward to meeting again one day.

However, the blows of fate followed. When Cha Yaoxian's mother learned of her son's arrest, she was devastated and her physical condition deteriorated dramatically. Miss Huang tried her best to comfort her mother-in-law, but the old man's mood could not be calmed down. In the end, Cha Yaoxian's mother died with hatred because she couldn't bear the blow of her son's arrest. This news was undoubtedly worse for Miss Huang San, she was grief-stricken, but life did not give her much time to grieve.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

Despite the huge difficulties she faced, Ms. Huang refused to accept the organization's help. She firmly believes that she can support herself with her hands and create a warm home for her children. She wakes up early and works late to keep the restaurant running while taking care of the children's lives and studies. Thanks to her persistence and hard work, the restaurant has gradually regained its former vitality, and the children have also thrived under her care.

Time flies, and many years have passed in the blink of an eye. Under the pressure of life, Huang San's body gradually became problematic. However, she still supported the family until 1954, when Huang San died of illness at the age of 58. Her life was full of ups and downs and hardships, but she always maintained her perseverance and supported a family with maternal love and perseverance. Her story has become a legend in people's hearts, inspiring those who come after her to forge ahead in the face of adversity and stick to their beliefs and ideals.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

Although Miss Huang San passed away, the spiritual wealth she left behind will always be engraved in people's hearts. Her tenacity, courage and self-reliance have become a banner that leads people on the path of life.

After Cha Yaoxian was arrested and imprisoned, he remained in prison, but his revolutionary beliefs were as firm as a rock and never wavered. In that dark and damp cell, he was not only a prisoner, but also a staunch revolutionary and an indomitable fighter. In the face of the coercion and temptation of the Kuomintang, he always maintained a sober mind and a firm stand, and interpreted his loyalty to the revolution with practical actions.

While in prison, Che Yaoxian secretly organized a struggle group composed of party members, who used every possible opportunity to carry out revolutionary propaganda and rebellion work. He knew that even in prison, he could not give up any opportunity to fight. He encouraged the comrades in prison to maintain their confidence, to believe in the party, and to believe that the revolution would eventually be victorious. In the dead of night, they would gather together to exchange revolutionary ideas in a whisper, to plan tactics of struggle, and to work towards a common goal.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

In addition to organizing the struggle, Che Yaoxian also used his time in prison to write "Sichuan Military History" and other works. He knew very well that history is the best textbook, and by summing up historical experience, it can provide valuable reference for future revolutionary struggles. In the process of writing, he devoted a great deal of effort and wisdom to accurately and objectively record the military history of the Sichuan region. These works not only enriched the cultural life in prison, but also provided valuable historical materials for later researchers.

However, the harsh reality didn't give Cha Yaoxian much time. On August 18, 1946, on this day, Che Yaoxian and Luo Shiwen were escorted to Songlinpo, Chongqing. At that moment, they may have had a premonition of the coming fate, but their eyes were full of determination and fearlessness. Eventually, they were secretly killed, their bodies burned, and not even their ashes remained.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

The sacrifices of Che Yaoxian and Luo Shiwen were huge losses in the revolutionary struggle. But their spirit will forever inspire later revolutionaries. Their firm conviction, indomitable fighting spirit and dedication have become valuable assets in the course of the revolution. Their stories and spirit will forever be remembered in the history of the revolution and inspire people to strive for a better future.

In Che Yaoxian's body, we see the firm belief and selfless dedication of a revolutionary. His whole life was an infinite loyalty and persistent pursuit of the revolutionary cause. His spirit will forever shine on the road of revolution and inspire future generations to work hard for the great cause of national independence and people's liberation.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

The "Hard Meal" restaurant, in the torrent of history, has long been more than just an ordinary restaurant. It witnessed how the flame of revolution was quietly sown in that turbulent era, and how it inspired the revolutionary feelings of countless enthusiastic young people. This restaurant, with its unique status and historical value, has become an important witness to the history of the revolution.

In those turbulent times, the "Hard Meal" restaurant was an important place for revolutionaries to exchange ideas and plan actions. Many important revolutionary decisions were made at the dinner table here. As a result, the restaurant has left its mark on the history of the Revolution.

Nowadays, the "Hard Meal" restaurant is listed as a party history education base, and has become an important bridge connecting the past and the future and inheriting the revolutionary spirit. Countless descendants came here to learn about the magnificent revolutionary history and feel the great sacrifices and hard work made by our ancestors for national liberation and people's happiness through visiting and studying.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

In order to allow more people to experience this history firsthand, Chengdu has rebuilt the original appearance of "Hard Meal". The restoration project strictly follows the original historical appearance, and strives to restore the atmosphere and details of that era. From the signboard outside the door to the furnishings inside the store, there is a strong sense of history in every place.

As a cultural relics protection unit, the "Hard Meal" restaurant not only carries the memory of revolutionary history, but also shoulders the important task of inheriting the revolutionary spirit. Here, people can deeply feel the firm conviction, fearless courage and indomitable fighting spirit of the revolutionary forefathers. This spirit is exactly what we need to inherit and carry forward today.

Whenever someone steps into this restaurant, it seems that they can hear the cries and shouts of that era, and feel the enthusiasm of fighting for ideals and beliefs. This sense of history and the influence of the revolutionary spirit deeply touched every visitor.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent

The "Hard Meal" restaurant has become a red landmark, it is not only a restaurant, but also a witness of a history and a spiritual inheritance. Here, we can not only look back on those eventful years, but also draw strength from them and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In 1940, the owner of a restaurant was taken away by spies, and his wife waited for 9 years to find out that her husband was a red agent