
There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

author:Chigyo Union

In this era of rapid change and rapid development, our great motherland is like a bright star, rising on the global stage. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, the continuous prosperity of the economy, and the steady improvement of international status, the name of our country is increasingly mentioned and attracts attention from all over the world. At the same time, however, we are facing unprecedented challenges.

These challenges do not come from domestic difficulties, but from the outside world's skepticism and malicious attacks. With the deepening of globalization, various ideas and cultures have blended and collided on a global scale, and there are also some voices questioning the historical and cultural heritage of our country. Out of ignorance or prejudice, some people distort and belittle our traditional culture, historical sites, and even national spirit, trying to weaken our cultural self-confidence and affect our international image.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

First and foremost, we have a long history and culture. As an ancient country with a history of 5,000 years of civilization, we have a rich and colorful cultural heritage and a profound historical heritage. However, in the eyes of some, these precious cultural heritages have become the target of their attacks. Ignoring the wisdom and industriousness of our ancestors, and the uniqueness and diversity of our national culture, they one-sidedly emphasize the flaws and inadequacies of our culture, trying to devalue our country by devaluing our culture.

Secondly, there is our rich historical heritage. From the majestic Forbidden City, the magnificent Great Wall, to the exquisite ceramics and splendid silks, these are the precious treasures left to us by our ancestors. However, in the mouths of some, these historical sites have become their weapons against us. Ignoring the historical value and cultural significance contained in these historical sites, they one-sidedly emphasize the shortcomings in them, and even maliciously distort and falsify historical facts, in an attempt to weaken our national pride by denigrating our history.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

To make matters worse, some people are also trying to attack our national spirit. They ignore the excellent qualities of our nation, such as industriousness, bravery, wisdom, and unity, which have been formed in the long course of history, but one-sidedly emphasize our shortcomings and shortcomings, and try to shake our national cohesion and centripetal force by belittling our national spirit.

In the face of these challenges and doubts, we cannot sit idly by, let alone be swayed by them. We need to strengthen our cultural self-confidence, promote the national spirit, and actively respond to questions and attacks from the outside world. We should use facts and figures to prove our cultural superiority and historical value, and use our actions and achievements to demonstrate our national strength and national spirit. Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in the tide of globalization and win the respect and recognition of the world.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

In today's China, a strong sense of national pride swells in the hearts of citizens, which stems from our deep cultural self-confidence and long-standing cultural heritage. This pride is not only a love for our great motherland, but also a pride in our national history and culture.

China's history is like a magnificent river, flowing for more than 5,000 years. From ancient myths and legends, to the glory of Xia, Shang and Zhou, and then to the prosperity of Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, our ancestors left countless treasures in this ancient land with wisdom and sweat. These rich histories and cultures are not only the treasures of our nation, but also the cultural wealth of all mankind.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

Recently, however, some Western countries have tried to question and deny the authenticity of China's 5,000-year-old historical and cultural heritage. They ignore the rich cultural heritage left by our ancestors and the unique culture and spirit formed by our nation in the long course of history, but instead one-sidedly emphasize the so-called "blank period" in an attempt to weaken our cultural self-confidence and national pride.

These so-called "blank periods" actually refer to some periods in Chinese history where some historical events and cultural phenomena are difficult to be traced and proven due to the lack of historical documents or unclear records. However, this does not mean that the culture and history of these periods did not exist. On the contrary, it is these seemingly "blank" periods that give birth to the unique culture and spirit of our nation and inject new vitality and elements into our cultural heritage.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

We cannot turn a blind eye to these doubts and attacks, let alone be swayed by them. We need to strengthen our cultural self-confidence and respond positively to these doubts and attacks. We should use facts and figures to prove the authenticity and value of our 5,000-year-old history and culture, and use our actions and achievements to demonstrate the uniqueness and charm of our national culture.

We need to dig deep and organize our historical and cultural heritage, so that more people can understand and understand our culture. We need to strengthen cultural education, so that the younger generation can feel the charm and power of culture in the inheritance. We should actively promote cultural exchanges, let the world know more about our culture, and enhance our cultural influence.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

At the same time, we must also face up to the shortcomings and shortcomings in our history, accept criticism and suggestions with an open mind, and constantly promote our cultural progress and development. Only in this way can we maintain cultural self-confidence in the tide of globalization and win the respect and recognition of the world.

In the long history of China, historians have divided this magnificent course into four stages: the history of faith, the history of semi-faith, the legend and the myth, according to the richness and credibility of the historical materials. These four phases not only reflect the complexity and diversity of Chinese history, but also reveal the challenges and dilemmas in historical research.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

First of all, the period of faith history refers to those historical periods that have conclusive written records and have undergone rigorous research. These periods are rich in historical materials, such as the "Records of the Historians" and the "Book of Han" and other official historical classics, which reveal for us the development of ancient China in various aspects such as politics, economy, and culture. The history of the letter history stage is an important basis for us to study and understand ancient China.

However, with the passage of history, we have gradually entered the stage of semi-faith history. Although the history of this period is also documented, its credibility is greatly reduced due to the lack of historical data and uncertainty. For example, in the Shang and early Zhou dynasties, although there were some excavated artifacts such as oracle bone inscriptions and gold inscriptions, we still know very little about the detailed history of these periods. The history of the semi-faith history stage is not only full of mystery, but also provides us with space for research and exploration.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

Further back, we enter the legend stage. The history of this period relied mainly on oral legends and folk tales, and there was no conclusive written record. For example, regarding the history of the Xia Dynasty, we can only piece together a rough outline from the sporadic records and archaeological finds in some ancient documents. The history of the legendary stage, while lacking conclusive evidence, is imaginative and mysterious, providing us with a rich cultural heritage and a source of inspiration.

Finally, we come to the mythology stage. This stage of history has been completely detached from reality and has become the product of people's imagination and creation. For example, myths and legends about Pangu opening the world and Nuwa creating man, although they have nothing to do with real history, reflect the ancient people's exploration and thinking about the origin of the universe and the origin of mankind. The history of the mythological stage, although it does not have the value of historical research, provides us with a rich cultural heritage and spiritual wealth.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

However, in the long course of Chinese history, there is also a special stage known as the "blank period". This period refers to more than 1,500 years before the history of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, that is, the period between the establishment of the Xia Dynasty and the middle of the Shang Dynasty. Due to the lack of historical data and uncertainty, the history of this period has become a mystery in Chinese history. We still know very little about the political, economic, cultural and other developments during this period. Nevertheless, the history of the "blank period" is still of great research value, which provides us with clues and evidence to understand the development trajectory of early ancient China.

In the long picture scroll of ancient Chinese history, the "blank period" has always been a confusing and imaginative space. This period of more than 1,500 years, from the establishment of the Xia Dynasty to the rise of the Shang Dynasty in the middle of the Shang Dynasty, has always been obscured due to the lack of conclusive written records. However, as archaeology continues to evolve, a series of major archaeological discoveries have filled in part of the "blank period" of history, giving us a glimpse of what that distant era really looked like.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

First of all, the discovery of the Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscription is undoubtedly a key part of filling the history of the "blank period". These inscriptions, engraved on tortoise shells and animal bones, not only reveal to us information about the Shang Dynasty's politics, economy, culture and other aspects, but also provide us with precious clues related to the "blank period". Through the interpretation of the oracle bone inscriptions, we can understand the sacrificial activities, war records, and details of social life during the Shang Dynasty. These findings give us a clearer understanding of the history in the "blank period".

However, the discovery of the oracle did not happen overnight. In the long history, these precious cultural relics have undergone countless wars and changes, and finally have been rediscovered. The excavation of these oracle bone inscriptions not only fills the historical gap of the "blank period" for us, but also gives us a deep respect for the ancient Chinese civilization.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

In addition to the oracle bone inscriptions, archaeological discoveries such as the Erlitou site in Luoyang also provide important evidence for the historical study of the "blank period". The Erlitou site is one of the important sites of the Xia and Shang dynasties in ancient China, and its chronological span covers the historical stage from the late Xia Dynasty to the early Shang Dynasty. Through the excavation and research of the site, we have been able to understand the urban planning, building techniques, and various aspects of social life during the Xia Dynasty. These discoveries not only prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty, but also provide an important basis for us to speculate on the historical and cultural development in the "blank period".

In the Erlitou site, archaeologists have found a large number of bronze, jade, pottery and other cultural relics, which not only show the level of craftsmanship in ancient China, but also reveal for us the religious beliefs, aesthetic concepts and other cultural characteristics of the society at that time. Through the analysis of these cultural relics, we can infer the historical and cultural development in the "blank period", as well as the exchange and integration between different cultures.

There is a "blank period" of 1,500 years in Chinese history, and there is no historical record of what happened during this period

In short, with the continuous development of archaeology, we have been able to fill in part of the history of the "blank period", which has given us a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the history of ancient China. These archaeological discoveries not only reveal the true appearance of ancient China for us, but also provide an important historical basis for us to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

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