
"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

author:Chigyo Union

Somewhere in the tech world, a tragedy is quietly unfolding. The founder of the mobile phone application WePhone, Su Xiangmao, an outstanding entrepreneur who once led the trend of Internet communication, chose the most decisive way one day and ended his life. This news shocked the entire tech circle and also aroused widespread public concern about the reasons behind it.

Su Xiangmao's death did not come without warning. In the suicide note he left behind, he mentioned the name of his ex-wife Zhai Xinxin and bluntly said that he was forced to death by her. This suicide note, like a key, opens the public's imagination of the complex interpersonal relationship behind this tragedy.

The story of Su Xiangmao and Zhai Xinxin was once a good story in the entrepreneurial circle. The combination of the two is seen as the perfect combination of technology and beauty. However, the marriage was not as happy as the outside world imagined. Over time, the contradictions between the two gradually emerged, which eventually led to the breakdown of the marriage.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

In the suicide note, Su Xiangmao described in detail the persecution of his ex-wife Zhai Xinxin. He mentioned that Zhai Xinxin not only squeezed him financially, but also tortured him endlessly mentally. She asked him to keep investing in his entrepreneurial projects, but he pulled away at a critical moment, leaving him in trouble. She also often used divorce as a threat to force him to make various reluctant decisions. These pressures, like a mountain, pressed on his shoulders, making him unable to breathe.

What's even more distressing is that Su Xiangmao also revealed in his suicide note that Zhai Xinxin's mental torture to him was far more than that. She often verbally insulted and belittled him, making him feel worthless. This kind of mental suppression made Su Xiangmao fall into deep inferiority and despair. He began to doubt his own worth and his ability to cope with these difficulties.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

In this context, Su Xiangmao chose the extreme way out of suicide. He can no longer endure the persecution and torture of his ex-wife, and he can no longer face the pain and despair in his heart. He chose to leave this world as a way to escape it all.

Su Xiangmao's death not only made his family and friends sad, but also shocked the entire technology community. People began to reflect on why such a good entrepreneur would embark on such a dead end? Is there a deeper social problem behind this?

This tragedy has reminded us that people need to be treated with the respect and love they deserve, both in the workplace and at home. At the same time, we should also pay attention to those in distress and give them the necessary help and support. Only in this way can we avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

Su Xiangmao, a child from a remote rural area in Fujian, grew up full of hardships and struggles. Despite the poverty of the family, his parents knew the importance of education, and they did everything they could to give Su Xiangmao a chance to change his fate.

In that barren land of Fujian, Su Xiangmao has shown extraordinary perseverance and intelligence since he was a child. He knows that only by studying hard can he get out of this land and change his destiny. Therefore, he studied hard, got excellent grades, and became a "genius boy" in the village.

In order to better study, Su Xiangmao resolutely decided to leave his hometown and go to Beijing to study. During his time at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, he studied harder and constantly enriched his knowledge and skills. His talent and diligence have been recognized by his teachers and classmates, and he has gradually become a bright new star on campus.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

After graduation, Su Xiangmao successfully entered a well-known Internet company with his solid professional foundation and excellent ability. However, instead of being satisfied with the status quo, he decided to start his own company with a dream of starting a business. So, he quit his stable job and began the arduous road of entrepreneurship.

In the early days of entrepreneurship, Su Xiangmao faced many difficulties such as shortage of funds and lack of talents. But with his firm belief and unremitting efforts, he successfully founded Beijing Trolling Technology Co., Ltd. After the company was founded, he led the team to develop a mobile app called WePhone. With its unique features and convenient operation experience, this app quickly emerged in the market and attracted the attention and love of a large number of users.

The success of WePhone has made Su Xiangmao's career flourish, and he has become a boss worth tens of millions. However, instead of being complacent, he worked harder to improve the product and enhance the user experience. Under his leadership, WePhone grew in terms of user numbers, eventually reaching more than 30 million users.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

In the process, Su Xiangmao has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and innovative spirit. He always adheres to the principle of customer first, and constantly optimizes products to meet the needs of users. At the same time, he also pays attention to team building and talent training, which has injected a steady stream of power into the company's development.

Today, Su Xiangmao has become a high-profile entrepreneur and entrepreneur. His success story inspires countless young people to pursue their dreams and challenge themselves to create a better future.

Su Xiangmao, a scientific and technological talent from rural Fujian, has made remarkable achievements in his career, but he is a blank in his emotional life. Over the years, he has devoted himself to the development of the WePhone app, neglecting the needs of personal emotions. However, as he grew older, the urging of his family gradually increased, and they hoped that he could find his own happiness as soon as possible.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

Under the constant urging of his family, Su Xiangmao began to seriously consider his emotional problems. He decided to try to find a suitable partner through dating websites. After some comparison and selection, he finally chose to register as a member on the Jiayuan marriage website.

On the Jiayuan of the century, Su Xiangmao met Zhai Xinxin. Zhai Xinxin's sweet smile and gentle temperament deeply attracted him, and Zhai Xinxin also expressed a strong interest in Su Xiangmao's talent and career achievements. The two soon began to communicate frequently online, sharing each other's lives and dreams.

After only two days of acquaintance, Su Xiangmao and Zhai Xinxin decided to establish a relationship. For Su Xiangmao, this decision is both an impulse and a desire for love. He believes that he has found the partner with whom he can spend his life.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

In order to express his love for Zhai Xinxin, Su Xiangmao decided to give her a special gift. He chose a Tesla luxury car worth 1.08 million as a testimony of the love between the two. In Su Xiangmao's view, this car is not only a means of transportation, but also a manifestation of his deep affection for Zhai Xinxin.

When Zhai Xinxin received this gift, she was both surprised and moved. She knew that this car meant a lot to Su Xiangmao, and she also understood her place in his heart. The two sat in the car hand in hand, enjoying this sudden happiness and sweetness.

However, the progress of this relationship is unusually fast, which makes people a little worried. After all, the two have known each other for too short a time, and they don't know each other well enough. But Su Xiangmao didn't care about this, he firmly believed that he had found true love and was willing to give everything for this relationship.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

In the following days, the relationship between Su Xiangmao and Zhai Xinxin became deeper and deeper. They have had many wonderful times together, but they have also faced various challenges in life together. However, it is still unknown how the future of this relationship will develop. But no matter what, Su Xiangmao is ready and willing to spend every moment of the future with Zhai Xinxin.

In the bustling city of Beijing, the encounter between Zhai Xinxin and Su Xiangmao seems to be destined for an unusual fate. Su Xiangmao, as the founder of the WePhone app, has been busy with his career, but his love life is blank. And Zhai Xinxin, beautiful and charming, seems to have developed a strong interest in this talented person in the technology world.

Zhai Xinxin took the initiative to approach Su Xiangmao, and her gentleness, thoughtfulness and enthusiasm made Su Xiangmao feel unprecedented warmth. The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, as if they had found the other half of each other's lives. However, behind this seemingly beautiful relationship, there is an unknown truth.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

As time passed, Zhai Xinxin showed unusual concern for Su Xiangmao's financial situation. She always seems to inquire about Su Xiangmao's assets, investment plans, and the company's operations, consciously or unconsciously. Although Su Xiangmao didn't notice anything unusual, he still revealed his economic information and career plan to Zhai Xinxin without reservation.

However, when Su Xiangmao gradually realized that Zhai Xinxin might use his feelings to obtain his financial information, his heart began to feel uneasy. He began to suspect that Zhai Xinxin was close to his true purpose, and also began to re-examine the purity of this relationship. He tried to communicate with Zhai Xinxin, hoping that she could explain all this, but Zhai Xinxin always avoided the important and trivialized, which made Su Xiangmao more determined in his guess.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

Under Zhai Xinxin's "persecution", Su Xiangmao felt more and more desperate. He couldn't stand this feeling of being used and deceived, and he couldn't imagine that the woman he once loved dearly would betray him like this. He began to fall into deep self-blame and pain, feeling that he had not only lost his love, but also lost his trust and courage in life.

Driven by despair, Su Xiangmao chose the extreme way out of suicide. He left a suicide note, accusing Zhai Xinxin of betrayal and deception, and also expressing his guilt and reluctance to his family and friends. His death shocked and saddened everyone, and also made people reflect on the truth of the relationship and the social issues behind it.

However, even though Su Xiangmao has left this world, his story continues. In the process of trying to find the truth, his family and friends also discovered more secrets about Zhai Xinxin. These secrets not only reveal Zhai Xinxin's true face, but also make people more deeply aware of the complex relationship between feelings and money.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

Su Xiangmao's suicide incident was like a bombshell, which instantly aroused widespread attention and discussion in all walks of life. This once brilliant man in the science and technology industry chose such a decisive way to end his life because of a relationship, which can't help but make people deeply regret and shock.

As the incident deepened, Zhai Xinxin's behavior and motives gradually surfaced. She was not only questioned for using her feelings to obtain Su Xiangmao's economic information, but also accused of taking extreme measures in the relationship between the two and exerting huge mental pressure on Su Xiangmao. These actions of hers undoubtedly exacerbated Su Xiangmao's pain and despair, and eventually led him to the end of suicide.

Zhai Xinxin's actions sparked strong public condemnation and outrage. People have accused her of moral turpitude and lack of conscience, and some have even called for legal punishment against her. Her behavior not only hurt Su Xiangmao and his family, but also seriously damaged the moral bottom line and public order and good customs of society.

"Femme fatale" Zhai Xinxin forced her husband to death and demanded tens of millions of compensation, but she is still at large

At the same time, this incident has also had a profound impact on dating websites and social values. First of all, the security and reliability of dating sites as platforms that provide dating services have been seriously questioned. People began to worry about encountering unscrupulous people like Zhai Xinxin on dating websites, resulting in the loss of their feelings and property. Therefore, dating websites need to strengthen the review and management of members to ensure the safety and interests of users.

Secondly, this incident also provoked people to think about social values. In modern society, people tend to pay more attention to personal interests and pleasures, ignoring the importance of morality and responsibility. Zhai Xinxin's behavior is the embodiment of this value, she will do anything for her own interests, completely ignoring the feelings and interests of others. Such values can lead not only to the moral degradation of individuals, but also to society as a whole.

Therefore, we need to re-examine and shape social values. We should emphasize the importance of ethics and responsibility, and advocate values such as integrity, friendliness, and fairness. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the supervision and restraint of individual behavior to prevent similar incidents from happening again. Only in this way can we build a more harmonious, stable and beautiful society.

In short, Su Xiangmao's suicide is a harrowing tragedy. It allows us to see the complexity of the marriage market and the dark side of human nature, and also makes us reflect deeply on the importance of social values and personal responsibility.