
Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

author:Squirrel Observer

The arrogant fat woman drove the embassy car illegally and clamored for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

Recently, a video about an embassy's license plate vehicle illegally parked and arrogantly shouting for diplomatic immunity spread quickly on the Internet, causing heated discussions among netizens. In the video, a vehicle with an embassy license plate is blatantly parked in the middle of the road, causing traffic jams and making it impossible for vehicles behind to pass. A passing male driver kindly reminded him, but was fiercely refuted and shouted by the woman in the car.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

It is reported that the embassy vehicle was parked in the middle of the road at that time, which seriously affected the traffic order. When the male driver passing by saw it, he stepped forward to remind him out of kindness, hoping that the other party could move the vehicle away as soon as possible.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

However, the woman in the car had an arrogant attitude, not only did not listen to the advice, but shouted loudly: "Do you know what an embassy car is?" Do you know what diplomatic immunity is? Fuck off......" Her arrogance shocked everyone present.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

After the video was exposed, netizens expressed their indignation and dissatisfaction. Some netizens said: "This fat woman is really arrogant, thinking that with diplomatic immunity, she can park illegally at will?" It's so ignorant! Some netizens pointed out: "Diplomatic immunity is a special right given to diplomats, but it is not a shield used to break the law and discipline." If the woman was not a diplomat, she would not have diplomatic immunity at all. ”

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

For this incident, we can't help but ask: how did this arrogant and domineering woman come to work in the embassy? Does she have the status and qualifications of a diplomat? If she were only the wife or relative of someone in the embassy, then she would not have diplomatic immunity at all, and her actions would be a blatant challenge to law and social order.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

In addition, we should also note that diplomatic immunity is not a panacea. Although diplomats enjoy certain special rights and treatment in the host country, they are still required to comply with the laws and regulations of the host country. If diplomats violate the laws of the host country, they are also liable for the corresponding legal responsibility. Therefore, the woman's arrogant behavior is not only a contempt for traffic rules, but also a violation of the dignity of the law.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

This incident has also provoked us to think about diplomatic immunity. Diplomatic immunity is a special right granted to diplomats under international law to safeguard their security and interests in the host State. However, this right should not be an excuse for violating the law. On the contrary, diplomats should be more conscious of abiding by the laws and regulations of the host country and setting a good image and example.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

At the same time, we should also see that this incident has also exposed some social problems. On the one hand, some people have a misunderstanding of the abuse of privileges and powers, believing that having privileges allows them to act arbitrarily and ignore the rules. This kind of thinking is wrong and dangerous.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

On the other hand, our society also needs to strengthen the publicity and education of laws and regulations, improve the public's legal awareness and quality, so that everyone can consciously abide by the law and maintain social order.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

For the handling of this incident, we also expect the relevant departments to investigate and deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations. If the woman does commit a crime, then she should be punished accordingly by law; If she only speaks wild words and does not act, then she should also be criticized and educated, so that she can realize her mistakes and correct them.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

In addition, we should also pay attention to the heated discussions and discussions caused by this incident on the Internet. This illustrates the public's concern and expectation for social justice and the rule of law. We should actively respond to the public's concerns and demands, strengthen our attention to and solve social problems, and promote social harmony, stability, development and progress.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

In short, the incident of the embassy vehicle illegally parked and the arrogant clamor of diplomatic immunity provokes us to think about the relationship between privilege, power and law. We should recognize that privilege and power are not an excuse for violating the law and discipline, but should be used to better serve society and safeguard the public interest.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

At the same time, we should also strengthen publicity and education on laws and regulations, improve the public's legal awareness and quality, so that everyone can become law-abiding citizens.

In response to this incident, the comments of netizens also showed diversified views. Some netizens said they understood the concept of diplomatic immunity, but believed that it did not mean that traffic rules could be ignored; Some netizens pointed out that even the vehicles and personnel of the embassy should abide by the laws of the country where they are located, otherwise it is disrespectful to the law; Some netizens ridiculed that this woman is so arrogant and domineering, is it because she feels that she can do whatever she wants with a "talisman"?

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

It is worth mentioning that some netizens also mentioned the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the mainland's specific provisions on diplomatic immunity. In their view, the fact that diplomatic immunity did exist did not mean that diplomats could violate the law at will. On the contrary, they should be more conscious of abiding by the law in order to maintain international law and the stability of international relations.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

In this incident, we have also seen the public's expectations for a society governed by the rule of law and the pursuit of fairness and justice. We believe that with the joint efforts of society, there will be fewer and fewer similar incidents, and the spirit of the rule of law will be more widely promoted and practiced.

Arrogant! The fat woman drove the embassy car and stopped illegally, clamoring for diplomatic immunity, and netizens were angry: Do you understand the law?

Finally, we also hope that the relevant departments can find out the truth as soon as possible, deal seriously with those involved, and strengthen the publicity and popularization of the relevant regulations on traffic management and diplomatic immunity, so as to raise public awareness and understanding of the relevant issues. At the same time, we also call on the general public to consciously abide by traffic rules and jointly maintain a good traffic order and social environment.

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