
The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

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Whenever we make up our minds to save money, we always find that the money in our wallets is unknowingly spent again.

Have you ever wondered if it could be some "consumables" that seem affordable but actually cost you more money?

Here's what to look at: These three types of products that are easy to fall into the trap of the "IQ tax" help you see what is not worth buying.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

First of all, the "fast-acting" products in beauty and skincare.

When buying skin care products, many consumers are often attracted by various advertisements for "fast-acting whitening" and "quick acne".

These products are often expensive, and the effect of the hype seems to be immediate, but in fact there may be a huge "IQ tax" hidden.

For example, a serum that claims to be able to whiten the skin in a week can cost thousands of yuan, but in fact it contains only some high-concentration chemical whitening agents, which may cause irritation and damage to the skin.

In a real-life case, Ms. Li from Shanghai once bought a serum called "fast-acting whitening", and although her complexion was brightened after a week of use, her skin became sensitive and fragile, and she had to spend more money on repair products.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

Experts point out that skincare is a long-term process, and that what really works should be gentle, gradual and not rely on fast-acting ingredients.

The second category is "high-tech" household cleaning products. In modern life, more and more high-tech products are entering our homes, especially all kinds of smart cleaning products, such as intelligent sweeping robots, automatic window cleaning machines, etc.

These product claims are very powerful and seem to make our housework easier. However, the actual experience is often disappointing.

Take a high-end sweeping robot priced at 3000 yuan as an example, the advertisement claims that it can intelligently identify the layout of the room, automatically avoid obstacles, and realize the cleaning of the whole house without dead ends.

However, after purchase, Mr. Zhang, a consumer, found that in actual use, this sweeping robot is often stuck at the foot of the furniture, unable to complete the room cleaning, and even needs manual intervention to rescue.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

Compared with traditional vacuum cleaners and hand cleaning tools, this high-tech product is not only expensive, but also not necessarily better, but it makes Mr. Zhang spend more money.

The third category is "healthy" food and health products.

With the improvement of people's health awareness, all kinds of food and health care products under the banner of health emerge in an endless stream.

Many people spend a lot of money on various "high-end" health products, such as organic foods, functional drinks, and expensive health supplements, for the sake of their health.

In fact, the actual effectiveness of these products is often exaggerated, and the huge cost of money does not necessarily lead to the corresponding health benefits.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

For example, an imported fish oil capsule that costs thousands of yuan per box advertises that it can effectively lower cholesterol and protect cardiovascular health, but in reality, the effect of such products is often difficult to quantify, and not everyone is suitable for long-term use.

Nutrition experts point out that a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and moderate exercise are the best ways to stay healthy, rather than relying on a variety of expensive supplements.

So, why do we fall so often into these "IQ tax" traps?

On the one hand, it is because the well-designed advertising and marketing of merchants use people's psychological needs for quick results and high technology to create a false consumer demand.

On the other hand, it is also because we lack rational judgment and scientific understanding of the real effect of the product when we consume.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

In real life, how can we avoid these "IQ taxes"?

First of all, it is necessary to cultivate a rational concept of consumption, do not believe in advertising, and do more homework to understand the real effect of the product and user evaluation. Second, learn to distinguish between necessities and dispensable "consumables".

Finally, and most importantly, it is necessary to improve one's scientific literacy and health awareness, and not be confused by various "gimmicks" on the market.

Through these examples and analysis, we can see that "fast-acting" beauty and skin care products, high-tech household cleaning products, and "healthy" food and health supplements;

Although it seems to bring great convenience and benefits, it actually hides a huge consumption trap.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"

In our daily life, we should be more rational and cautious, avoid falling into the trap of "IQ tax", and truly save money and consume rationally.

Remember, the more you want to save money, the more you have to be cautious about those "consumables" that seem to help you save money, and be more rational and sober, and less blind and impulsive.

Only in this way can we be invincible in the complex consumer market and make every penny worthwhile.

The more you want to save, the more you spend! Buy less of these 3 types of consumables, and buy them to find that it is an "IQ tax"
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Wind

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