
Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

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Petroleum reserves are known as the ballast stone of national energy security;

For the three major economic countries of China, the United States and Japan, oil reserves are not only related to energy security, but also an important guarantee for economic development.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

Let's start with Japan.

As a resource-poor island nation, Japan is highly dependent on imported oil.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

Therefore, oil reserves are particularly important for Japan.

According to the data, Japan's oil reserves are about 80 million tons, enough to support the country's demand for nearly 160 days.

In order to ensure the stability of oil supply, the Japanese government and companies have worked together to establish a sound oil reserve system.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

In Kobe, Yokohama, for example, these port cities are not only the main channels for oil imports, but also important bases for oil reserves.

Japan's oil reserves are spread throughout the country, forming an extensive and abundant oil safety net.

Let's look at the United States.

As the world's largest producer and consumer of oil, the United States has 91 million tons of oil reserves.

Established in 1975, the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the world's largest emergency petroleum reserve system.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

Its reserves are mainly located in four locations along the Gulf Coast:

Brienman, Freeport, Haynesville, Texas, and West Hack Bay, Louisiana.

The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve is not only used to deal with domestic and foreign oil supply disruptions, but also to play a stabilizing role in times of volatility in the global oil market.

For example, during the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, global oil demand plummeted, and the US government decided to use part of its oil reserves to calm market price fluctuations and ensure the stable operation of the domestic economy.

Finally, we look to China.

In recent years, China has made remarkable achievements in oil reserves.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

According to the data, China's oil reserves have reached about 90 million tons, close to the level of the United States.

This data not only shows China's strategic layout in energy security, but also reflects the country's confidence and confidence in coping with the volatility of the international energy market.

China's oil reserve system is divided into three levels:

National strategic reserves, enterprise commercial reserves and local reserves.

The national strategic reserves are mainly concentrated in coastal areas, such as Zhoushan, Qingdao and Dalian, which not only have large capacity, but also have advanced storage technology and facilities.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

China's oil reserves have grown rapidly thanks to the following:

The first is policy support.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy security, incorporates oil reserves into its national security strategy, and has introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage the construction and management of oil reserves.

The second is the increase in economic strength.

With the continuous development of China's economy, the state and enterprises have increased their investment in oil reserves, which has provided a solid financial guarantee for the expansion of the scale of reserves.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

The second is the deepening of international cooperation.

China actively participates in international energy cooperation and has improved the efficiency and safety of oil reserves by introducing advanced reserve technology and management experience.

From a regional point of view, Lianyungang City in Jiangsu Province is one of China's important oil reserve bases, and its reserve scale and storage capacity are among the best in the country.

In 2023, Lianyungang's oil reserves will reach 15 million tons, accounting for 30% of the province's total reserves.

This strategic layout not only effectively improves the local energy security capacity, but also contributes to the energy security of the whole country.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

In addition, Qingdao City in Shandong Province is also an important base for China's oil reserves.

As an open coastal city, Qingdao is not only an important oil import port, but also one of the main distribution places of the national strategic reserves.

In 2023, Qingdao's oil reserves will reach 12 million tons, providing a solid guarantee for the energy supply of the city and even the whole country.

For major energy consumers, oil reserves are not only a "safety cushion" for dealing with emergencies, but also a "ballast stone" for stabilizing economic development.

China, the United States, and Japan each have their own characteristics in terms of oil reserves, but they all reflect the high priority they place on energy security.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

By comparison, we can see that although China started late in terms of oil reserves, the speed and scale of its development are remarkable.

In the future, with the further improvement of China's petroleum reserve system, its status and influence in the international energy market will continue to improve.

China's achievements in oil reserves are not only a reflection of its economic strength, but also a reflection of the country's governance capacity and the level of international cooperation.

By strengthening its oil reserves, China has not only improved its ability to cope with fluctuations in the international energy market, but also provided an important guarantee for the stable operation of the domestic economy.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise

In the context of the ever-changing global energy landscape, China's oil reserve strategy will undoubtedly provide solid support and strong guarantee for future development.

In the future, with the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of management level, China's oil reserve system will be more efficient and safer.

Let us hope that oil reserves, an important cornerstone of national energy security, will continue to play an important role and provide a more solid guarantee for China's economic development and people's livelihood.

Comparison of oil reserves between China, the United States and Japan: Japan 80 million tons, the United States 91 million tons, China is a surprise
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Wind

Audit|Ancient Oasis

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