
"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million


During the three-year epidemic, many high school students were forced to study remotely at home, and it was in this environment that it was easy to slack off on herself, but Bai Xiangling, a girl from Jiangsu, gritted her teeth and persevered, relying on a total score of 430 points in three subjects, to become the champion of liberal arts in Jiangsu Province in 2020.

However, her "dream school" Tsinghua University and Peking University refused to extend an olive branch, but HKU took out a million-dollar scholarship to recruit this "most miserable female champion". So, what's the story? Let's talk about it today.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

Admitted to the provincial liberal arts champion

Bai Xiangling is from Huaiyin, Jiangsu, her parents are ordinary salarymen, and she only hopes that her daughter will study hard and get admitted to a good university in the future to start a family.

The college entrance examination for students in Jiangsu Province is highly competitive, and many parents choose to send their children to participate in various extracurricular cram schools.

The well-behaved and sensible Bai Xiangling knew that his family conditions were average, so since elementary school, he has worked extra hard in his studies and cultivated a sense of independent learning.

When parents see their daughter's hard work, they no longer urge her to study all the time, and focus their education on the cultivation of virtue and character, hoping that their daughter can live happily in the future.

In this relatively relaxed learning environment, Bai Xiangling has not relaxed and slackened, but has always been active in learning, hoping to be successful in the future and admitted to a prestigious university to repay his parents and family.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

Bai Xiangling's grades ranked at the top of the class when she was a child, and she is the standard "other people's daughter", and what is even more rare is that she not only studies hard, but also likes to read extracurricular books, especially literary works.

She has dabbled in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign famous novels, anthologies of essays, as well as books on popular science. In addition to her studies, Bai Xiangling's well-behaved character also made parents and teachers particularly reassuring.

In the blink of an eye, the high school entrance examination came, Bai Xiangling played well, and won the first place in the local rankings, and even Huaiyin Middle School, which can be called the strongest high school in the entire northern Jiangsu region.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, this school has been one of the 14 key high schools in Jiangsu Province, and it is the gathering place of many top students in the four districts and three counties. In the eyes of the locals, as long as the child is admitted to Huaiyin Middle School, it is a sure thing to enter the university.

In the year Bai Xiangling took the college entrance examination, there were thousands of candidates in Huaiyin Middle School, and the admission rate reached a terrifying 95%.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

At that time, two of the top three liberal arts in Jiangsu Province were from this high school, and when he first entered the key class of liberal arts in Huaiyin Middle School, Bai Xiangling also felt a short period of discomfort.

Because she had always been the top student in the class before, but in Huaiyin High School, which is full of talents, she could only barely rank in the middle.

However, Bai Xiangling was not discouraged, and quickly adjusted his mentality to keep up with the rhythm, and when the new crown epidemic broke out in 2020, students had to stay at home to participate in online teaching, which gave Bai Xiangling the opportunity to catch up.

The distance learning model requires students to be autonomous, without the supervision of teachers and the infection of their classmates, many people are secretly chatting and watching videos on computers and mobile phones, and abandoning their studies.

Even Bai Xiangling, who was active in learning when she was a child, had the idea of relaxing at first, but fortunately, her parents found out in time, and her mother told her earnestly:

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million
"Whether you relax or work hard, it will be reflected in the college entrance examination transcript in the end. There is no turning back in life, you follow the crowd and learn without effort like others, and in the end it is yourself who suffers. ”

Bai Xiangling suddenly woke up when he heard this, so he formulated an extraordinarily strict study plan, worked hard with 120% of his energy, not only spent an hour or two every day to sort out the key points of knowledge, but also brushed a large number of past questions for self-testing.

Learning is like a mirror, reflecting the individual's efforts clearly. Bai Xiangling's grades began to rise, and his confidence in the college entrance examination became more and more sufficient.

Before the exam, Bai Xiangling set a goal in his heart, he must be admitted to Nanjing University, a double first-class university ranked among the top ten in the country.

Jiangsu Province is different from other provinces, and the major courses only have three major courses: language, mathematics and English, so Bai Xiangling's learning focus is also on these three courses, and he selectively abandons the elective subjects of politics, history and geography.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University

On the day of the college entrance examination, Bai Xiangling almost jumped up with joy when he saw "180 points for Chinese plus additional points, 141 points for mathematics, 109 points for English, and a total score of 430 points" on the computer.

Because this score is placed in other provinces, it is equivalent to a high score of 670 points, not to mention Nanjing University, even Tsinghua University and Peking University can win it steadily.

The next day, the good news came again, and Huaiyin Middle School posted a good news to congratulate Bai Xiangling on winning the top prize in liberal arts in Jiangsu Province.

Bai Xiangling and her parents were very excited and began to discuss whether to apply for Tsinghua University or Peking University, but the three of them ignored a detail, Bai Xiangling's results in two elective courses were not outstanding, and he got an A in politics and only a B+ in history.

According to the past practice, the admissions offices of the two universities of Tsinghua University and Peking University will take the initiative to contact the top students of the college entrance examination in various provinces, and Bai Xiangling's family is waiting for the two schools in Qingbei to come to the door to grab people, who knows that there has been no movement for several days.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

At the same time, Wang Yadi, who ranked second in liberal arts, was approached by Tsinghua University and Peking University in turn, and such an abnormal phenomenon made Bai Xiangling puzzled and decided to go to the school to ask the teacher.

When she arrived at the school gate, she was dumbfounded, the admission sequence of the famous school on the list was the first, and Wang Yadi's name was written.

Bai Xiangling remembered that she had seen it in the application letter before that top universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University not only require high overall scores, but also must have A and A+ grades in elective courses.

To put it simply, not only Tsinghua University and Peking University have no drama, but even schools such as Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Zhejiang University will turn her away.

Bai Xiangling didn't know the bottom of his heart, so he ran to ask the head teacher: "Teacher, my history grade is B+, will it really have such a big impact?" ”

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

The head teacher patiently explained to her, saying that a university of this level at Tsinghua University and Peking University attaches great importance to comprehensive strength, and the historical results of B+ are basically out of play.

Bai Xiangling's whole person wilted after hearing this, and after ten years of hard study, he finally won the top prize, but how did he expect to end up like this? The college entrance examination is a major event that has attracted national attention, and Bai Xiangling's experience quickly spread all over the Internet and sparked heated discussions.

Some people think that Tsinghua University and Peking University are too strict to give up such outstanding talents because of the results of a course.

The teachers of Tsinghua University and Peking University, who are responsible for enrollment in Huai'an, responded that enrollment needs to be implemented in accordance with policy requirements, and if you want to apply for this school, you must take politics and history in liberal arts, and your grades must also reach A and A+.

Even Bai Xiangling's favorite Nanjing University also said: There is no way to admit this provincial champion of liberal arts, and the rules are the first in the enrollment process.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

The successive blows made Bai Xiangling really uncomfortable for a while, and the people around him comforted: "I can't go to 985 key universities, there are other good schools to choose." ”

She also adjusted her mentality in time, laughed at the evaluation of the "worst champion" on the Internet, and began to study other schools, and soon the University of Hong Kong came into view.

Enrolled in the University of Hong Kong

Since ancient times, the mainland has attached great importance to young talents, so the "most miserable champion" incident continues to ferment on the Internet, and the scope is becoming more and more widespread.

Soon, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nankai University, Beijing Normal University and other famous domestic universities expressed their willingness to admit Bai Xiangling exceptionally, and the most sincere of them was the University of Hong Kong.

They not only invited Bai Xiangling to study for free, but also provided more than one million yuan in scholarships. To be sure, HKU's international status is not low, and it even has the reputation of being an "Ivy League in Asia".

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

Linguistics, geography, education and other five strong disciplines, can even be ranked in the top ten in the world, scientific research strength is quite strong, in history Sun Yat-sen, Zhang Ailing and other celebrities have studied here.

At present, many academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, internationally renowned scientists, and political celebrities such as Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor are also HKU alumni.

It can be said that in addition to the annual tuition and miscellaneous fees of more than 240,000 yuan, which are too expensive for ordinary families to attend, this is simply a dream college for many students.

In the face of this sudden olive branch, Bai Xiangling's family was moved, more than one million for working-class families may not be able to earn it after working hard for several years.

Even if tuition and fees are not waived, this money will be enough to offset Bai Xiangling's expenses for the next four years, and it will also improve the living conditions of his family.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

What's more, this also represents HKU's full recognition of Bai Xiangling's talent and conduct, so after some careful consideration, Bai Xiangling decided to accept the interview invitation letter from HKU.

After receiving the other party's reply, the admissions office of HKU also breathed a sigh of relief, because before this, the top students in the mainland did not have a good attitude towards HKU, which may be related to the strict admissions process of HKU.

Since 1998, HKU has been particularly selective about the source of mainland students, and its admissions system does not cover all parts of the country, but only targets some of the best mainland students.

If you want to enter the study here, in addition to the top score in the college entrance examination, you must also pass the internal written test and interview. Because this school has an international reputation and has more employment options in the future, it has always been widely sought after.

But in 2013, a "abandonment of Hong Kong from the north" incident broke this pattern. Liu Dingning, the champion of liberal arts in Liaoning Province that year, had already received a scholarship of 720,000 yuan from the University of Hong Kong to study at the University of Hong Kong.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

Perhaps the obsession with being admitted to Peking University was too heavy, and soon after he chose to withdraw and refund his studies for another year, he was able to enter the Chinese Department of Peking University.

Peking University and Liu Dingning are happy, but HKU has become a different person inside and out, and has been disliked by top students in the mainland since then.

Even Hong Kong's top local students are slowly turning their attention to mainland universities, resulting in the deterioration of the quality of HKU's students.

As the top student in the college entrance examination, she naturally passed the written test easily, and showed off her proficient spoken English during the interview, which made the interview teachers frequently nod their heads in recognition.

Not long after returning home, Bai Xiangling received an admission letter from the Department of Finance of the University of Hong Kong, and officially entered the University of Hong Kong in the fall of 2020.

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

Although several years have passed since this incident, netizens have been resentful, commenting on why Qingbei cannot admit outstanding students exceptionally, and has to stick to the rules and regulations formulated by themselves, which may be the reason for the brain drain.

What do you think differently about this?


"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

"The most miserable female champion" Bai Xiangling: was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, but Hong Kong University rushed to ask for more than 1 million

People's Information2020-08-03 20:02"Jiangsu ranked first in liberal arts but missed Tsinghua University and Peking University, his mother responded: The University of Hong Kong invited more than 1 million scholarships"