
Is it inappropriate for two people to quarrel frequently?

author:Uncle Coffee intercedes
Is it inappropriate for two people to quarrel frequently?


First of all, why do couples or husbands and wives quarrel with each other?

Sometimes it's not a big deal, maybe it doesn't have to be noisy in normal times, but at a certain time, because of a bad mood, and then I feel that what I see and how I look at it is not smooth, so I get angry inexplicably, and the quarrel at this time is nothing more than the need for a cathartic outlet;

Sometimes it is indeed because of a certain thing that touches the bottom limit of the other party's unacceptable and unbearable, but they still don't know their mistakes and don't admit their mistakes, even if they admit their mistakes, they may not be accepted by the other party, so they are scared, done, and consumed;

Sometimes it's because of the small frictions and small collisions of trivial things in daily life, they want to prove that they are right, they don't admit defeat, don't bow their heads, don't give in, and they have to fight for who is right and who is wrong.

In fact, occasional quarrels are extremely normal, how can there be couples and husbands and wives who do not quarrel, but the degree is different. In a sense, quarrels are also beneficial, a complementary form of normal communication, exchange, and interaction between two people. However, "frequent quarrels" are definitely not normal.

Is it inappropriate for two people to quarrel frequently?

The so-called "frequent quarrels" are generally like what we commonly call "every three or five times", "big quarrels are three, six or nine, and small quarrels are every day", whether it is a big or small matter, it is easy to cause disputes, whether it is a big conflict or a small disagreement, it may lead to disputes. In this way, it accumulates over time, hurts feelings, hurts vitality, and harms feelings and marriages.

And the reason that can lead to "frequent quarrels" between two people is often -

Because the personalities of the two people are not compatible. For example, two people are relatively strong, for example, two people are more irritable, for example, two people are unruly, for example, both people are "one tendon", do not know how to compromise, do not understand tolerance, ignore feelings, and do not have the realm of "sea and sky";

Because the three views of two people do not agree. Many things are in their own way, they don't recognize each other, you don't understand me, I don't understand you, even if you can understand it, you don't agree with each other, you don't tolerate each other, you don't like each other, it must be all kinds of opposites, far from each other, water and fire are incompatible, and the roads are different and do not conspire with each other;

Because there is no love between two people. No longer think about each other, no longer fetters by the original original intention and the sea oath, no longer care about each other's feelings and feelings, and even not afraid of "the fish dies and the net is broken", and would rather break off the righteousness.

If two people "quarrel frequently" like this, the future direction will definitely fall apart. Is this the future we are looking forward to? Therefore, the "frequent quarrels" of two people is a signal of "inappropriateness", that is, it is inappropriate.

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Is it inappropriate for two people to quarrel frequently?




