
Lack of yang energy, phlegm and dampness, easy to grow lipoma! A prescription warms and dissolves phlegm and eliminates lipomas

author:Jing Fang old Chinese medicine

People often ask me that she has a lot of pimples on her body, inside and outside the skin, there are a few to dozens of them, soft, no pain or itching, I don't feel anything, I feel wondering, what is this thing, is there something wrong with the body.

These pimples were originally normal adipose tissue, but it is indeed because of physical problems that these fats cannot be used, and they cannot be dissolved, and they appear in single or patches, which are called lipomas in surgery.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that these abnormal pimples are a kind of "phlegm", so they are called phlegm nuclei.

Lack of yang energy, phlegm and dampness, easy to grow lipoma! A prescription warms and dissolves phlegm and eliminates lipomas

So what's wrong?

First of all, we have to know that yang energy is the foundation of human survival, so it is said in the Neijing that those who are yang, if the sky and the sun, lose their place and lose their longevity, that is, yang energy is like the sun in the sky, if the yang energy is not sufficient, people's life span will be shortened unconsciously, that is to say, only strong yang energy can live a long life.

With Yang Qi, there is a place for Yin blood, because Yin Blood needs the impetus of Yang Qi. When the meridians on the human body are well developed and run well, each organ and tissue can receive enough qi and blood irrigation.

If the yang qi is deficient, then first of all, the ends of the limbs and the skin, the end of these strong crossbows, the blood is deficient, and what will be the consequences?

Lack of yang energy, phlegm and dampness, easy to grow lipoma! A prescription warms and dissolves phlegm and eliminates lipomas

At the same time, the meridians are also the pathway for the excretion of metabolites in the body, because the yang deficiency meridians are blocked, and the excess "phlegm drink" is also blocked in the blocked place, forming a tangible "phlegm nucleus", which is the process of lipoma formation.

There is a saying in "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" that "Yang Qi and Yin Form", which means that when Yang Qi is insufficient, phlegm and dampness can be formed and become lipomas.

These may be just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the body, and there may be a lot more in the depths of the body.

So what should be used to treat it?

It's very simple, it's okay to target the cause, isn't the root of the disease in yang deficiency, then warm yang, so that the passage of the meridians is opened, and then you also need to replenish qi and blood, and water can carry the boat, which is basically this idea.

Lack of yang energy, phlegm and dampness, easy to grow lipoma! A prescription warms and dissolves phlegm and eliminates lipomas

Some time ago, I treated several cases of lipoma, the effect is not bad, I used a recipe for Yang and soup, from Wang Weide's "Surgical Whole Life Collection", it was originally used to treat swollen and headless, red and painless sores, but also to treat joint swelling, pain and deformation, because this prescription fits the pathogenesis of lipoma, I moved flowers and trees.

Rehmannia rehmannia, deer horn gum, cinnamon, cannon ginger, white mustard seeds, raw ephedra, raw licorice.

Everyone knows that Rehmannia is the main medicine of Liuwei Rehmannia Pill, in fact, it can also replenish blood, and the blood tonic prescription Siwu Tang is also based on it, which can fill the essence and blood.

Deer antler gum is made of deer antler velvet, it is a product of flesh and blood, warm and replenish kidney yang, they are a monarch and a minister, supplement yin and yang, and also go directly to the kidney, kidney yin and kidney yang is the foundation of people.

Lack of yang energy, phlegm and dampness, easy to grow lipoma! A prescription warms and dissolves phlegm and eliminates lipomas

In addition, cinnamon warms the meridian and dissipates the cold, assists the antler gum to warm and nourish the lower yuan, and the ginger is mainly to warm the spleen and stomach, so that the yang energy of the foundation of the sky is stimulated, and the blood can run faster when it meets the heat, and there will be no stasis.

White mustard seed is a very good medicine, it is a spicy radish seed, originally it was to warm and dissolve cold phlegm, like Sanzi Yangqin soup has it, there is a "phlegm" solidified by glue, whether it is visible or not, it can be used, it is particularly outside the skin and flesh, so like lipoma, fibroma, breast hyperplasia, joint numbness, invincible.

The amount of ephedra is very small, but it does not mean that its effect is small, here it is used raw, which can play a role in dispersing, if the white mustard seed is to disintegrate the phlegm core from the inside, then ephedra is a bottom-up uprising.

Lack of yang energy, phlegm and dampness, easy to grow lipoma! A prescription warms and dissolves phlegm and eliminates lipomas

Ephedra and cinnamon are one for guarding qi and the other for blood, opening up the surface and the inside, and the meridians are naturally unimpeded.

From the overall point of view, this prescription is pioneered with warm tonic medicine, the sun comes out, the haze will naturally disperse, and then with a large number of yin nourishing medicine as the backing, the qi and blood are enough to say anything, but I am also afraid that too much Xinwen medicine will hurt the yin blood. Multiple ways and angles to achieve the purpose of expelling "phlegm".

Friends who have this problem should not forget that lipomas are fat after all, metabolism is one thing, and a light diet is also very important.