
Which person is healthier compared to someone who farts every day or never farts? The change is unexpected

author:Shennong Baicaotang

In everyday life, farting is a natural physiological phenomenon, but people's attitudes towards it vary greatly; Some people find it embarrassing, others think it's a way for the body to naturally detoxify; However, have you ever wondered if there is some kind of connection between the frequency of farting and our health? Today, let's explore this topic together and uncover the health code hidden behind the fart;

Which person is healthier compared to someone who farts every day or never farts? The change is unexpected

The relationship between fart frequency and health

The frequency of farting is closely related to an individual's eating habits, digestion and gut health. In general, if a person eats a balanced diet and has a healthy digestive system, the frequency of farting will be relatively stable; But if there is a sudden increase or decrease in the frequency of farting, it may be a cause for concern;

Which person is healthier compared to someone who farts every day or never farts? The change is unexpected

Frequent farting may be due to the following reasons: Swallowing too much air, such as eating quickly, chewing gum, or smoking; Excessive intake of gas-prone foods such as beans, onions, cabbage, etc.; Imbalance of intestinal flora, leading to indigestion;

Rarely farting may be due to the following reasons: eating too light and ingesting less gas; intestinal peristalsis slows down, and gas discharge is not smooth; Certain conditions, such as intestinal obstruction, can cause obstruction of gas outflow;

Advice on healthy farting

After liberating the relationship between fart and health, we can adjust our living habits from the following aspects to achieve the purpose of healthy fart;

Eat a balanced diet

Maintain a balanced diet and avoid excessive intake of gas-prone foods; At the same time, increasing the intake of dietary fiber helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve digestion;

Which person is healthier compared to someone who farts every day or never farts? The change is unexpected

Eat slowly

Chew slowly and avoid swallowing too much air due to rapid eating; Also, avoid chewing gum and smoking to reduce air intake;

Exercise in moderation

Proper exercise can enhance intestinal peristalsis and promote gas discharge; 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, such as walking, jogging, or swimming, are all good options;

Maintain a good mindset

Stress and anxiety can affect gut function, leading to digestive problems; Relaxation through meditation, yoga or deep breathing can help improve gut health;

Drink your water

Adequate water intake aids in the digestion of food and intestinal motility; Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain your body's water balance;

Dietary considerations

When adjusting your eating habits, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Increase probiotic foods: such as yogurt, fermented foods, etc., to help maintain the balance of intestinal flora; Regular and quantitative: Regular eating habits help maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system;


Fart is a natural physiological phenomenon of the human body and should not be seen as embarrassing or indecent; By liberating the relationship between fart and health, and adopting appropriate lifestyle adjustments, we can better maintain our gut health; Remember, a healthy lifestyle is the key to maintaining good health; Let's pay attention to every little signal of the body and embrace a healthier life!

Fart is a normal physiological phenomenon that indicates that the digestive system is working normally; Farting every day indicates that the digestive system is functioning well, while not farting may mean that there is a problem with the digestive system, such as clogged food debris or indigestion; In the case of not farting, you should pay attention to the health of your digestive system and consult a doctor if necessary;