
Why is Father's Day so low in presence? Netizen: A festival that even merchants don't want to hype

author:Cheerful and generous orange soda

Every year on the third Sunday of June, Father's Day is celebrated. Compared with the excitement and importance of Mother's Day, this festival seems to be a little obscure. Why is Father's Day so low in presence? This issue has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens. Some people even say that Father's Day is a holiday that even merchants don't want to hype. This article will discuss the origin and history of Father's Day, marketing and commercial promotion, social expectations and role positioning of fathers, emotional identity and family significance, the influence of social media and online culture, and the possibilities and ways to enhance the presence of Father's Day.

Why is Father's Day so low in presence? Netizen: A festival that even merchants don't want to hype

First, let's review the origins and history of Father's Day. Father's Day can be traced back to 1910 and was proposed by Ms. Smart, an American. Because her father died in a mining accident and did not receive the attention and respect of society, she wanted to establish a holiday to commemorate the great fathers. However, Father's Day did not go well. It wasn't until 1972 that U.S. President Richard Nixon officially made Father's Day a national holiday. Compared with Mother's Day, which originated in 1908, the development of Father's Day is more difficult.

Why is Father's Day so low in presence? Netizen: A festival that even merchants don't want to hype

Second, let's take a look at Father's Day marketing and business promotion. Compared with the various promotional activities and commercial hype of Mother's Day, the commercial promotion of Father's Day is relatively small. There could be many reasons for this. On the one hand, fathers' status and influence in the consumer market are relatively low, and many businesses may find that marketing campaigns targeting Father's Day are not attractive enough. Father's Day, on the other hand, is not as explicitly driven by commercial interests as Mother's Day. Mother's Day is closely related to consumption areas such as flowers, jewelry, and food, while Father's Day has not formed an obvious consumption hotspot.

Furthermore, let's explore society's expectations and role positioning of fathers. Traditionally, fathers are seen as the pillars and leaders of the family, with the responsibility of providing for and protecting the family. However, in modern society, this traditional role positioning is changing. People are beginning to pay more attention to the emotional needs and family roles of fathers, and there is a call for fathers to be more involved in family life. This re-examination of the role of fathers may also have influenced the social attention paid to Father's Day.

Why is Father's Day so low in presence? Netizen: A festival that even merchants don't want to hype

In addition, the emotional identity and family meaning of Father's Day are also issues that we need to pay attention to. Compared with Mother's Day, people's selfless devotion to mothers and the praise of motherhood, Father's Day does not seem to form a similar resonance. This may have something to do with the role and status of fathers in the family. Fathers often silently take on family responsibilities and are not good at expressing their emotions. This makes Father's Day a certain difficulty in terms of emotional identity.

Under the influence of social media and online culture, the existence of Father's Day has also been affected to a certain extent. Compared to the popularity of Mother's Day on social media, the topic of Father's Day does not seem to have attracted widespread attention. This may have something to do with people's expectations and perceptions of fatherhood. In online culture, fathers are often portrayed as "hands-off shopkeepers" and "strict fathers", and this stereotype may have affected the social perception of Father's Day.

So, how to enhance the presence of Father's Day? First of all, we need to change the perception and expectation of fathers, emphasizing the importance and emotional needs of fathers in the family. Secondly, businesses and all sectors of society can increase the publicity and promotion of Father's Day, and increase the visibility of Father's Day through various activities and marketing strategies. Finally, we also need to create a good atmosphere of respect and love for fathers in the family, so that Father's Day can be a true family holiday.

In short, the reason why the existence of Father's Day is low may be closely related to the role of fathers in the family, social expectations of fathers, marketing and other factors. To enhance the presence of Father's Day, we need to start from various aspects, change the perception and expectation of fathers, strengthen publicity and promotion, and create a good atmosphere of respect and care for fathers. Let's work together to make Father's Day a true family holiday.

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