
It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


Ever heard of a heartwarming little thing? Recently in Qingdao City, an 80-year-old lady waited at the bus stop in the early morning to give a special holiday gift to her "best bus driver"! It's really impressive.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

If you want to tell the ins and outs of this matter, you have to start at 8:30 in the morning. At that time, a female driver surnamed Lu was driving the No. 8 bus, and when she reached the intersection of Tai'an Road and Hubei Road, she suddenly noticed an old lady who was almost 80 years old walking briskly from the sidewalk. The old man held a small bag of things in one hand, beckoned Sister Lu to stop with the other, and shouted loudly, "I'm finally waiting for you."

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Sister Lu looked at it, isn't this the old passenger who often takes her car? Usually the old man is very amiable, and often praises her for driving steadily and providing good service. I didn't expect that I would make a special trip to give a gift to myself at this time, and Sister Lu liked it in her heart. Sure enough, the old lady took out a small bag of honeysuckle from her pocket, handed it in through the car window, and intimately instructed Sister Lu to soak in water and drink.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Sister Lu thanked her again and again, but the old lady had already turned around and left quickly. Sister Lu was very moved when she saw the old man's back, she didn't expect that she could receive such a precious "sincere gift" in an ordinary post serving the people.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Next, at about 10 o'clock in the morning, Sister Lu drove to Tai'an Road North Station, and as soon as she stopped, the old lady suddenly appeared again! This time, she carried a bag of things in her hand, walked up to Sister Lu and handed it over. When Sister Lu saw it, it turned out to be a well-wrapped bag of zongzi, and the old lady actually made a special trip to prepare a holiday gift for her.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Sister Lu smiled and refused and said, "No need Auntie, leave these to you to eat by yourself." But the old lady said categorically: "It's time for the Dragon Boat Festival, these zongzi are given to you, you must accept them!" “

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Seeing that the old man was so sincere and kind, Sister Lu thanked her again and again, and her heart was warm. It turned out that her warm service and patience all the time deeply touched this old passenger, and made her treat Sister Lu as a family member.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Such a small thing, to put it bluntly, is the most simple friendship between people. But it is such an ordinary little thing, but it is full of the most precious warmth in the world, which makes people feel a lot.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

I think that the bits and pieces of life often contain these touching little stories. They are like a ray of sunshine, warming our hearts and reminding us to nourish everyone around us with more love and care.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

For example, I've encountered similar heartwarming scenes at work. Once, an old lady insisted on stuffing the large bag she was carrying into my hand, which was full of all kinds of snacks she had made with her own hands. She smiled and said to me, "You guys have worked hard, and you should relax once in a while and try the pastries I make." “

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

At that moment, my heart was extremely warm. This kind of small care full of love can often give people great strength. Let us experience the feelings of both parties from the bottom of our hearts: as an elderly person, we are naturally full of gratitude to be able to receive such high-quality services; As a service worker, I will be extremely happy to be recognized after hard work. It is this mutual understanding and respect that builds a warm fate.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

But then again, it's not uncommon for us to see something like that. For example, during the Chinese New Year last year, many enthusiastic citizens made a special trip to send holiday greetings and some festival gifts to sanitation workers and taxi drivers to express their respect and gratitude for their hard work.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Another example is that in a service area of a certain highway, there was such a scene: a family of three was eating in the rest area, and suddenly found that their car broke down. At this time, an enthusiastic highway rescue worker arrived and quickly helped them fix the car. When the family paid the fee and were about to leave, they hugged the staff member in public, claiming that he was their "benefactor".

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Seeing these warm little things, I often wonder: Is our society more and more lacking this simple human touch? Blindly chasing fame and fortune, the relationship between people is becoming more and more estranged. In fact, each of us can care for others through small gestures, whether it is a smile, a word of praise to the service staff, or a small gift at the right time, we can convey our warmth and care.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Only in these interactions can we truly build a harmonious and warm social atmosphere. Just like the old saying goes, "Freezing three feet is not a day's cold", we should learn to warm the world with our hearts and hands and unpretentious love.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Life is so simple and beautiful. When you treat others with respect and understanding, they will naturally respond to you in the same way. Just like Sister Lu, she impressed the old man with her warm and patient service, which gave her a rare sense of trust in the bus driver.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

And the old man passed on the gratitude in his heart to Sister Lu in the most simple way. It is this kind of mutual care and respect that makes ordinary life full of humanity and builds a warm encounter.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

However, we cannot deny that this kind of warmth between people seems to be becoming less and less nowadays. Everyone is busy on the road, neglecting to communicate with others, and living life too rationally and utilitarianly.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

But should life be all about cold deals? I don't think so. Each of us should use our own strength to warm this society. As the old saying goes, "It's better to have a sincere heart than to find money." “

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

For example, a teacher who teaches and educates people should not simply teach, but treat every student with love; For example, the boss of the enterprise should not only care about the immediate interests, but should understand the hardships of the employees and give appropriate care; Another example is that we ordinary people, even in the simplest service industry, should serve others with enthusiasm and patience, rather than treating guests coldly.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

In fact, it is not difficult to care for others with your heart. A sincere compliment, a warm hug, and a sincere gift can bring joy and strength to others. Just like the honeysuckle and zongzi that the old lady gave to Sister Lu, although it is just a small heart, it is full of love and blessings for people.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Life is like water, it needs to be moistened with love in order to create warm ripples. Let's work together to warm the world with our own strength. With a sincere love, to nourish everyone around him, whether he is a relative, a friend, or a strange service staff.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

Only in this way will our society become more and more humane, and the relationship between people will become more and more harmonious. As the saying goes: "The blind date of people is important in sincerity." "As long as we treat others with sincerity, the world will be a warmer and better place.

It's so heartwarming! The octogenarian waits patiently at the intersection just to give a holiday gift to the female bus driver

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