
Parents test drive children in the store asked on the spot: Can you buy the best Tesla in the world?


At Tesla's 2023 shareholder meeting, Musk said: "We have a lot of lesser-known features. For example, the overheating protection function of the car allows Tesla to never have a child or pet die in the car due to overheating in the history of Tesla. ”

For Mr. Chen, the owner of the Model 3 performance version from Hangzhou, his two daughters are almost inseparable from Tesla!

In their spare time, in addition to watching cartoons and playing go-karts and other games on the big screen in the car, the sisters also cherish this big toy very much, and will also take matters into their own hands and scrub the wheels of their cars seriously.

Parents test drive children in the store asked on the spot: Can you buy the best Tesla in the world?

For more families, Tesla has even become a "hand-picked" car for their children.

The owner @一红apple recorded the moment of picking up the car and also shared a small story: "Test drive many brands, and the child likes Tesla the most." ”

Parents test drive children in the store asked on the spot: Can you buy the best Tesla in the world?

In a video posted by overseas blogger @Arcie, the child couldn't put down Tesla, and kept asking when he experienced it in the store: "Can you buy the best Tesla in the world?" ”

Parents test drive children in the store asked on the spot: Can you buy the best Tesla in the world?

Ms. Jiang, the owner of Model X, also felt the same way: "I have been driving a Tesla for 5 years, and when I mention that I want to change cars, my children will look at me with a puzzled face: Mom, you already have the best car in the world!" ”

Tesla's influence on children is subtle. In the video shared by overseas netizens, the child is charging the Tesla model with the charging pile model, "The children especially began to like Tesla very early, and when they grow up, they may not even know what a gas station is!" ”

Parents test drive children in the store asked on the spot: Can you buy the best Tesla in the world?

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