
After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions

After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions

Dean Yuan Zhou

2024-06-18 17:29Posted in Hubei Military Commentator

According to the Global Times, the G7 summit was held in Italy on June 13, and the United States pushed the G7 to try to collectively attack China. The United States is trying to warn China's small banks that are engaged in financial settlement business with Russia, and trying to draw Europe into building a united front against China's so-called "overcapacity". The U.S. has tried to make a lot of moves at the G7 summit, but in contrast to the problems that are becoming more prominent within the G7. The European edition of the US media "Political News Network" commented that this summit is closer to the "Last Supper" than a demonstration of Western power. The US media CNN commented that the meeting became a window for G7 leaders to go to Italy to avoid the domestic political crisis. The British media asked rhetorically, does the G7 still have strength?

The collective anxiety of the American and British media reflects the decline of the overall strength of the G7. The United States is not the host country of the G7 summit, but the various issues that are the focus of the media are basically formulated by the United States, and similar situations have almost become the usual practice of American diplomacy.

After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions

On matters related to Russia and China, the differences within the G7 are quite obvious. In using Russia's frozen assets to support the war in Ukraine, the United States is trying to push Europe to the front line and profit from it. About 300 billion euros of Russian assets have been frozen, and the relevant assets are mainly located in the EU region. The United States has asked the European Union to embezzle the interest generated by Russia's frozen assets and use the relevant interest as collateral to seek loans from American banks to send them to Ukraine to support the U.S.-led war against Russia. This move by the US side is a naked use of European countries. At present, the United States and Europe are advancing related matters, and this kind of behavior in which Europe has suffered major losses and the United States has benefited shows that Europe is not eroded by the sovereignty of a few countries.

On the issue of China, the United States has tried to tie Europe to the chariot of waging a trade war with China, and has achieved some success, while the complaints of European countries and enterprises can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions

In recent years, the G7 has played up the China threat as a way to show its cohesion. In the joint communiqué of last year's G7 summit, China was mentioned 20 times, covering various issues that could be hyped. At present, the G7 is sliding towards 1+6, and its multilateral mechanism is becoming more and more unworthy of its name, showing that the other six countries are bound by the United States. The United States uses its sphere of influence in finance, public opinion, and intelligence to pressure countries in the Western system to carry out US deployments.

On June 12, the European Commission announced that if the follow-up negotiations between China and the EU fail, the EU will impose additional tariffs of up to 38.1% on Chinese electric vehicles from July 4. In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China have stated that they will implement various necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises. The Chinese side has also revealed through media channels that EU pork, dairy products, brandy, and large-displacement vehicles are all on China's countermeasure list.

After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions

If the EU decides to launch additional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicle companies on July 4, there is no shortage of areas for China to take countermeasures against the EU. Also on the 12th, the U.S. Treasury Department launched sanctions against more than 300 companies, banks and dozens of individuals in Russia, China and other countries on the grounds of hurting the Russian economy. The United Kingdom and Japan echoed the United States, and on the 13th, the United Kingdom launched 50 sanctions involving many countries on similar grounds as the United States, and 5 Chinese entities were affected.

Japan, on the sidelines of the G7 summit, announced that it was drawing up a list of sanctions related to Russia that would include Chinese companies. If Japan takes action, it will be the first time that Japan has imposed sanctions on Chinese companies due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China has not added fuel to the fire, insisted on promoting peace talks, and did not send weapons to the conflict. G7 leaders, including Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, and Fumio Kishida, are in constant trouble in their domestic politics. G7's internal and external treatment actions cannot solve its own problems.

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  • After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions
  • After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions
  • After the EU raised taxes, the United States and Britain announced sanctions against China, and Japan also expressed its participation in the sanctions

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