
Qi deficiency sweat is like rain, damp heat sweat is like oil, yin loss sweat is like stealing, 3 medicines to replenish yin and yang, dispel dampness and stop sweating

author:Chinese Medicine Shen Hong

Yang qi deficiency sweat is like rain, damp heat and heavy sweat are like oil, and yin fluid sweat is like stealing! Today, I will take you to briefly understand the difference between these 3 types of sweating!

Qi deficiency sweat is like rain, damp heat sweat is like oil, yin loss sweat is like stealing, 3 medicines to replenish yin and yang, dispel dampness and stop sweating

First of all, Yang Qi is deficient and sweats like rain

Because qi has the effect of solidifying the fluid, sweat is actually a kind of fluid in the human body, so in the case of qi deficiency, the fluid is not solid, there is more sweat, and it is also accompanied by some fatigue and energy, poor spirit and easy to catch a cold.

The further development of qi deficiency will hurt yang qi, so people with yang deficiency not only sweat a lot, but also tend to be accompanied by some fear of cold, cold hands and feet, stomach pain when eating cold, or even only sweating above the waist, the tongue is fat and pale white, this kind of need to replenish yang qi and fix sweat, the commonly used prescription is cinnamon branch plus astragalus decoction, you can learn about it.

Qi deficiency sweat is like rain, damp heat sweat is like oil, yin loss sweat is like stealing, 3 medicines to replenish yin and yang, dispel dampness and stop sweating

Secondly, damp heat and sweat are like oil

When there is damp heat in the body, hot gas fumigation liquid, it is also easy to sweat, but due to wet stickiness, and hot gas has been fumigated, so the sweat is sticky, and it is easy to dye the clothes yellow, accompanied by some blush and fever, irritability, dry mouth and bitter mouth, dizziness and tinnitus, irritability, yellow urine, red tongue, yellow moss, this kind of conditioning needs to clear dampness and heat, you can refer to the prescription gentian laxative liver decoction.

Qi deficiency sweat is like rain, damp heat sweat is like oil, yin loss sweat is like stealing, 3 medicines to replenish yin and yang, dispel dampness and stop sweating

In the end, yin and sweat are like stealing

In fact, it is only at night that sweating, just like a thief usually only appears at night, this is actually because after the loss of yin fluid, it will produce a deficiency of heat and fumigation of the jin liquid, forcing the fluid to leak out, so when sleeping at night, I love to sweat, and even wet the water or pillow in serious cases, usually accompanied by some dry mouth, hot hands and feet, etc., the color of the tongue is red, less moss, at this time, conditioning needs to nourish yin and reduce fire, the commonly used prescription is Angelica Liuhuang decoction, Chinese patent medicine can refer to the big yin pill.

Qi deficiency sweat is like rain, damp heat sweat is like oil, yin loss sweat is like stealing, 3 medicines to replenish yin and yang, dispel dampness and stop sweating

Then the above is a few of the content about sweating shared today, you can have a brief understanding, but if you are unwell, you must go to a professional medical institution offline in time for treatment, and do not blindly follow the trend of medication, otherwise your own indiscriminate use may be ineffective, or even aggravate the condition!