
Dry throat, itchy throat, always phlegm in the throat? It doesn't have to be pharyngitis, it's probably these 3 diseases!

author:Chinese Medicine Shen Hong

If you have an uncomfortable throat, always have a dry throat and itchy throat, or feel that there is phlegm in your throat that can't go up or down, this is not necessarily pharyngitis, it is likely to be the following 3 diseases!

After all, the throat is the intersection of the meridians and veins of the viscera, so as long as there is any problem inside the viscera, the throat will be dry and itchy, and there will be a feeling of foreign body. Next, I will take you to a brief understanding!

Dry throat, itchy throat, always phlegm in the throat? It doesn't have to be pharyngitis, it's probably these 3 diseases!

First of all, there is a disease in the lungs!

The throat is the gateway of the lungs, when there is a problem with the lungs, for example, in the case of loss of lung yin, it is easy to have some dry and itchy throat, sore throat, uncontrollable want to cough, or frequent throat clearing, always cough up a small amount of yellow phlegm from time to time, etc., at the same time, it will also be accompanied by dry mouth and thirst, hot hands and feet, and night sweats.

Dry throat, itchy throat, always phlegm in the throat? It doesn't have to be pharyngitis, it's probably these 3 diseases!

Secondly, there is a disease in the liver!

If the liver is stagnant and can not promote the flow of the fluid, resulting in phlegm dampness, this phlegm and dampness go up with the liver qi, and when we come to the throat, we will have an obvious foreign body sensation in the throat, and we will feel that there is phlegm in the throat, and we can't cough it out or swallow it, and it will move up and down as you swallow saliva, and if you lose your temper one day, this foreign body feeling will be especially obvious, in addition, this kind of usually will be accompanied by some chest and flank fullness, poor mood, irritability, etc., the tongue is mainly swollen and red on both sides. This kind of need to soothe the liver and promote qi, you can understand the prescription Banxia Magnolia Soup.

Dry throat, itchy throat, always phlegm in the throat? It doesn't have to be pharyngitis, it's probably these 3 diseases!

Finally, there is a disease of the spleen and stomach

When the spleen and stomach are lost, the water and liquid transport is abnormal, and the phlegm and dampness are produced in our body, there will also be a lot of phlegm in the throat and eyes, and the vomit can not be finished, and it will usually be accompanied by obvious spleen and stomach problems, such as loss of appetite, do not want to eat, or eat a little full, begin to distend, and in severe cases, there will be nausea and nausea from time to time, belching, loose stools, etc., the tongue is mainly white and greasy and slippery with tongue coating, so the conditioning has to strengthen the spleen and stomach to dissolve phlegm and dampness, you can refer to Erchen pills.

Dry throat, itchy throat, always phlegm in the throat? It doesn't have to be pharyngitis, it's probably these 3 diseases!

Therefore, the uncomfortable throat is not only a problem of the throat itself, we must find out the root cause of our disease and treat the symptoms, otherwise we will use drugs indiscriminately, and it will be easy to have no effect, so the content shared today is here, and we will see you next time!