
On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!


The 51st anniversary of the establishment of the temple in Canada has been celebrated. On June 16, on this special day, Zhanshan Monastery held a grand celebration in the form of a vegetarian garden party, which attracted many devotees and tourists to participate. Zhanshan Monastery has been standing on this beautiful Canadian land for half a century, which is not only a commemoration of a Buddhist holy place, but also a testimony to the spread and development of Buddhist culture in North America.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

Early in the morning, the Daxiong Treasure Hall of Zhanshan Jingshe was already crowded with people, and cigarettes were curling. The sound of Sanskrit is full of solemnity and sacredness. The 102-year-old elder of the Founding Sect of Zhanshan Monastery came to the scene to pray for the public, which became one of the highlights of the event. The peaceful and loving countenance of the elders makes people feel endless blessings and care.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

The first part of the celebration is a blessing puja and a lion lighting ceremony. Venerable Tayi led all the Venerable Monks to conduct a solemn prayer ceremony to pray for world peace and peace for the country and the people. The lion dancing ceremony pushed the whole celebration to a climax. With the finishing touches of the mage and guests, the lion dance dances, symbolizing new life and hope. This scene not only makes people feel the charm of traditional culture, but also is full of beautiful expectations for the future.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

The ensuing celebration was equally colourful. The host first expressed his gratitude to this land, and then sang the "Song of the Three Jewels" to praise the Three Treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Venerable Ta Yi was filled with emotion when looking back on the development of Zhanshan Monastery and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all the supporters and participants. It is exciting to see that the new progress and achievements of Mount Wutai in Canada were also showcased at this celebration, which not only gave people a deeper understanding of Buddhist culture, but also inspired everyone's anticipation and hope for the future.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

The event was not only a grand event for Buddhists, but also attracted people of all races, colors and ages. Everyone gathered together to celebrate this special day and feel the charm of Buddhist culture. The arrival of the Elder of the Void further pushed the celebration to a climax. His influence reflects not only the deep roots of Buddhism in North America, but also its potential to thrive in a multicultural context.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

During the event, the Sichuan Opera performances were splendid, and the combination of traditional and modern programs was staged in turn, attracting countless audiences to stop and enjoy. The various vegetarian food stalls at the garden party are even more crowded, and everyone can enjoy the food while also experiencing the fun of healthy eating. This form of celebration that combines culture, entertainment and faith not only adds to the festive atmosphere of the festival, but also allows people to feel the profound connotation of Buddhist culture in a relaxed and happy environment.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

The vegetarian garden party at Zhanshan Monastery is not only a grand celebration, but also a feast of Buddhist culture. Through this form of activity, more people understand and feel the charm and profound connotation of Buddhist culture. In this process, everyone's hearts have also been calmed and harmonious, as if they have experienced a spiritual cleansing. In this beautiful atmosphere, it is expected that Buddhist culture can achieve greater development in the future and bring more spiritual connotation and wisdom to the world.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

Looking back on the past 51 years, Zhanshan Monastery is not only an important stronghold of Canadian Buddhism, but also an important bridge between Eastern and Western cultures. It bears witness to the devotion of countless believers and the sublimation of their hearts. Today's celebration is not only a tribute to the past, but also a vision for the future. With the continuous spread and deepening of Buddhist culture in North America, Zhanshan Monastery will continue to shine in this land, bringing spiritual comfort and wisdom enlightenment to more people.

On the 51st anniversary of the opening of the temple in Zhanshan Monastery, Canada, the 102-year-old Elder Xingkong prayed for the public!

No matter how many challenges and opportunities lie ahead, Cham Shan Monastery will continue to spread Buddhism, promote the spirit of compassion, and promote cultural exchange and integration. In multicultural Canada, this sacred place is not only a haven for Buddhists, but also a spiritual home for all those who love peace and wisdom. Let us look forward to continuing to write a new glorious chapter in the coming days and bring more peace and beauty to the world.

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