
This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

author:Dinghaishen needle

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Dinghaishen needle

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This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong


Zhang Jizhong, who is full of children and grandchildren, is a white-haired old man who seems to have not come out of his obsession with beauty.

In a public setting, can his naked obsessive gaze evoke the echoes of the past?

How much did he pay for love?

In contrast, is the price worth it now?

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

The cause of everything: the 72-year-old man's old injuries have not healed

On July 19, 2022, at the high-profile film festival, a scene of incense attracted the attention of everyone present.

When model Wu Chunyi appeared, her graceful figure immediately became the focus.

Dressed in a sexy long dress, she showed an elegant and generous temperament, coupled with her slim figure, she suddenly became the focus of the scene.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

The 72-year-old famous director Zhang Jizhong couldn't help but be attracted, staring at Wu Chunyi up and down intently, and his attitude towards adultery was clearly revealed.

His eyes revealed an eager desire, as if he wanted to take in Wu Chunyi's eyes.

Wu Chunyi quickly realized Zhang Jizhong's hot gaze, she couldn't hide her shyness, and touched her hair uneasily, trying to hide the embarrassment in her heart.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

It is really despicable and ridiculous that an old man in his old age covets young women so unscrupulously and behaves so dissolutely.

However, thinking about Zhang Jizhong's past, perhaps all this is reasonable.

This old man, who was once known as a model of loving couples, fell out with his wife Fan Xinman for many years because of an affair and parted ways.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

The two started from scratch and got along with each other, but now they fall short because of his momentary greed.

Young and beautiful junior: Why did Zhang Jizhong give up Fan Xinman?

Back then, a junior named Du Xinglin broke into Zhang Jizhong's life and became the catalyst for their husband and wife relationship.

Du Xinglin was originally Zhang Jizhong's agent, pure and lovely, with a slim figure and a moving appearance.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

At first, Zhang Jizhong didn't think anything more than this beautiful and moving junior.

But with the increase of contact, Du Xinglin's charming demeanor and bright appearance gradually made him feel ape, and he couldn't help but be tempted by beauty and fall into it.

Once, Zhang Jizhong accidentally found out that Du Xinglin was pregnant, and he couldn't help but have such thoughts: "It would be great if this child was mine."

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

From that moment on, Zhang Jizhong's love for Du Xinglin snowballed day by day, and he began to pursue Du Xinglin tirelessly, even at the expense of violating ethics and abandoning his wife Fan Xinman, who had been with him for many years.

The price is heavy: What did Zhang Jizhong pay for Du Xinglin?

In order to marry Du Xinglin as his wife, Zhang Jizhong had to pay a high price.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

In the difficult divorce negotiations, he couldn't resist Fan Xinman's insistence, and had to give her up some valuable property, including multiple properties, car properties, and a listed company.

This expensive "breakup fee" coupled with the secular contradiction between the two made Zhang Jizhong lose his beloved wife, and Fan Xinman could not hide his resentment towards him.

Despite this, Fan Xinman still has unfinished complaints.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

She believes that she deserves more rewards for her efforts in this marriage, so she and Zhang Jizhong fell into a protracted property dispute, which has continued to this day, and the two parties are still resentful.

If you get a new life: Du Xinglin brought Zhang Jizhong a happy life

After marrying Du Xinglin as his wife, Zhang Jizhong's lifestyle has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

The young and beautiful Du Xinglin is like a breath of fresh living water, which makes him regain vitality and vitality in his old age.

She is gentle and considerate, considerate and considerate, carefully takes care of Zhang Jizhong's daily life, and always serves him by his side, keeping him away from loneliness and emptiness.

She plays the role of a good wife and mother, and takes care of the Zhang family's life in an orderly manner.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

With Du Xinglin's company, Zhang Jizhong finally lived a life of fine clothes and food and restored the glory of the year.

Even after paying a high price for Du Xinglin, Zhang Jizhong never regretted marrying her.

In his opinion, it was all worth it to be with such a delicate and virtuous woman for the rest of his life.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

He was happy and overjoyed with his decision.

Old wounds have not healed: Zhang Jizhong's obsession with beauty is still deep-rooted

However, although he seems to have entered a happy old age, Zhang Jizhong's obsession with young women is still deep-rooted and has not been restrained in the slightest.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

He openly looked at Wu Chunyi, who was decades younger than him, and ignored the eyes of the people around him, and coveted Wu Chunyi as a prey.

His eyes are like those of a hungry wolf walking in the night, watching every detail of his prey, without hiding his desire for beauty.

His behavior not only made Wu Chunyi feel ashamed, but also disappointed this old man who had experienced many vicissitudes.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

In the face of temptation, he is still wandering and does not know how to restrain.

In the pursuit of fame and fortune, he has lost his basic self-control.

It can be seen that his character is poor, and he indulges his selfish desires, which is really hopeless.

People are not old-hearted, Zhang Jizhong is so shameless this time, which is embarrassing.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

Once upon a time, he paid a heavy price for Du Xinglin, and let his wife Fan Xinman share the family property they worked hard together.

Now it seems that that effort can't save him from his obsession with beauty.

In the face of young women, he still kept his mouth shut.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong


Zhang Jizhong was originally a sensational divorce case, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to divorce his wife Fan Xinman for the sake of the junior Du Xinglin, which is incredible.

His obsession with young women still lingers today, and it's really painful.

The pride of the past is full of pride, but that's it.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

In the face of temptation, he is still profligate and shameless.

It can be seen that his character is poor, and he indulges his selfish desires, which is really hopeless.

People are not old-hearted, and it is embarrassing that he is so shameless this time.

Even if he is fame and fortune, it seems that he can't save his obsession with beauty.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save 72-year-old Zhang Jizhong

This old man, who was once known as a model of loving couples, finally fell to this point because of the indulgence of love, and now he has become a negative teaching material for people, making people ask themselves whether those former love are just empty appearances?

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