
Adenoidal hypertrophy is more than just surgery! A TCM prescription is once and for all, and no recurrence will be repeated

author:Liu Xiaoying, Director of Pediatrics

As the pace of life accelerates, more and more children are troubled by adenoid hypertrophy.

For the sake of their children's health, parents often choose surgery, but surgery is not a one-time solution and there are certain risks.

Adenoidal hypertrophy is more than just surgery! A TCM prescription is once and for all, and no recurrence will be repeated

Here are two of the more common types of recurrences:

1) If the patient's physical fitness is poor, especially if the child's immune system is not fully developed,

2) if there are still foci of inflammation and infection in the adenoid area,

Director Liu has a secret recipe for regulating adenoids

Tell me a real medical case:

Some time ago, a parent brought his child to the outpatient clinic of Liu Xiaoying, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the parents reported that 75% of the children with adenoid blockage chose surgery. After the operation, the child is recovering well!

Adenoidal hypertrophy is more than just surgery! A TCM prescription is once and for all, and no recurrence will be repeated

Director Liu pointed out that

Director Liu also mentioned that recurrence after surgery is not uncommon.

She believes that adenoids are closely related to the lungs, spleen and liver, and the loss of lungs and spleen deficiency and liver depression jointly lead to adenoid hypertrophy, nasal congestion, snoring, mouth breathing and other symptoms.

Therefore, according to the differentiation after the physical examination, Director Liu used an exclusive secret recipe -

Adenoidal hypertrophy is more than just surgery! A TCM prescription is once and for all, and no recurrence will be repeated

Recently, Director Liu also received a 5-year-old child with adenoid hypertrophy, Liu Moufan, who often snores and has difficulty breathing at night because of adenoid hypertrophy, resulting in a serious decline in sleep quality. Parents have considered surgery, but have been hesitant to do so because they are worried about the risks of surgery and the young age of their children.

After two months of treatment, Liu Moufan's symptoms have been significantly improved, snoring and dyspnea at night have been greatly reduced, and the quality of sleep has also been significantly improved.

Parents said,

Director Liu emphasized

Director Liu finally emphasized that adenoid hypertrophy is one of the common diseases in children, but surgical treatment is not the only option. Through TCM conditioning and treatment, it is possible to achieve a one-and-done effect and avoid the pain and risk of surgery.

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