
The elderly should eat less of the following cold dishes, otherwise it is not good for the body

author:Begonia said healthy pension

Many elderly people like to eat cold dishes, especially in summer, cold dishes are refreshing and delicious, and they are comfortable to eat, however, some cold dishes are potentially harmful to the health of the elderly, and may even lead to serious health problems.

First, cold fungus

Cold fungus is a very popular cold dish, and many people believe that it is refreshing and appetizing, can also replenish collagen, and can also replenish iron and laxative. However, there is also a substance called binoline in the fungus, which can easily cause skin allergies when exposed to light, especially in the elderly, whose immunity is weakened and more susceptible. Therefore, you should eat fungus freshly soaked and eaten, and do not eat overnight fungus.

The elderly should eat less of the following cold dishes, otherwise it is not good for the body

2. Cold cucumber

Cold cucumber is the most common cold dish on our table, and we generally love to eat it in summer, crisp and refreshing. However, cucumber is cold, the gastrointestinal function of the elderly is weakened, eating too much will easily cause diarrhea or stomach cold, resulting in diarrhea, stomach discomfort and other problems, the elderly eat too much cold food, especially cucumber and other raw and cold vegetables, the probability of suffering from gastrointestinal diseases is obviously higher than that of young people. Therefore, the elderly should eat less cucumbers and other raw and cold.

The elderly should eat less of the following cold dishes, otherwise it is not good for the body

Third, it is cold jellyfish shreds

Cold jellyfish shreds, is also a common cold dish, many people think that it is low-fat and high-protein suitable for the elderly to eat, however, although jellyfish skin is rich in collagen, but its sodium content is very high, which is a potential threat to the cardiovascular system of the elderly, especially with high blood pressure, heart disease of the elderly should be more cautious to eat, high sodium diet for the cardiovascular system is very harmful, too much sodium content leads to the retention of water in the body to increase the blood volume thereby increasing the burden on the heart, resulting in increased blood pressure. In particular, the cardiovascular function of the elderly is weakened and they are more susceptible to the influence of a high-sodium diet, and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly with a high-sodium diet is significantly higher than that in the elderly with a low-sodium diet.

The elderly should eat less of the following cold dishes, otherwise it is not good for the body

Fourth, cold tomatoes

Cold tomatoes are also a cold dish that everyone loves to eat, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, but for the elderly, tomato cold is also cold, and tomatoes have a sour taste, and the gastrointestinal function of the elderly is weakened, and they will feel uncomfortable after eating tomatoes. So try to fry the tomatoes as much as possible and eat.

The elderly should eat less of the following cold dishes, otherwise it is not good for the body

For the elderly, it is necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet, eat less cold, high-sodium and high-sugar foods, eat more warm and light foods, and maintain good eating habits.

The elderly must pay attention to their diet in the future, not just eat casually, pay attention to the reasonable combination of diet, pay more attention to their own diet, maintain good living habits, the elderly should not only pay attention to the taste of food, but also pay attention to the health problems that may be caused by it, so that we can prevent the slightest problem, in order to be able to live a long and healthy life.

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