
I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate

author:Begonia said healthy pension

After the age of 60, most of the women are wrinkled and yellow, the level of estrogen is also very low, and all parts of the body are worn, but some lesbians are still healthy and beautiful when they are 60 years old, mainly because they have done the following things:

First, don't eat and drink nonsense

After the age of 60, we can't eat as much as we want, we can eat as much as we want, we can eat whatever we want, we must be modest, we must be regular and quantitative, and we must be nutritious, eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, iron, calcium, etc., when we are older, our digestive function is reduced, we can't eat too much, eat too many things, and it will become fat or waste if we hoard in the body, so it's okay to eat seven or eight full.

I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate

Second, don't sit for long periods of time

After the age of 60, we should exercise appropriately, not sit for a long time, and carry out a moderate intensity exercise that we like and can adhere to, such as brisk walking, square dancing, tai chi, etc., we can prepare dumbbells at home, and lift when we are fine, so as to reduce muscle loss, eat and exercise to be healthy, flexible, and not obese. After the age of 60, you must remember that you must not be lazy and must maintain the amount of exercise.

I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate

Third, don't be too frugal

There is a good saying on the Internet, "thrift comes out of all diseases", save the disease and wait, the elderly after the age of 60 should not be too thrifty, it is indeed not conducive to health, first of all, we have to eat protein-rich foods, such as eggs, milk, fish, shrimp, lean meat, etc., to maintain these high-quality protein, sufficient supply, our muscles will not lose too fast, we should not be reluctant to eat, do not eat moldy or overnight leftovers, do not buy some vegetables at special prices for thrift, The elderly must ensure the supply of nutrients every day.

I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate

Fourth, you can't do anything too quickly

After the age of 60, it is an old man, it looks like he is not old, in fact, all aspects of the body function has declined, either this pain, or that pain, so pay attention to maintenance, usually do not get up too fast, do not drink water too fast, eat to chew slowly, even talk too fast, can not lose temper.

At the age of 60, we must slow down the pace of life, eat slowly, drink water in small sips, speak carefully, and try to minimize the behavior of chasing buses, because we should be slow at this age. Good for health.

I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate

Fifth, refuse to be tired

If a person is too tired, there will be trouble, especially after the age of 60, can not let the body to overdraft life, some people do too much work when they are young and overdraft their lives, when you are older, it is easy to get sick in the future, after overdrawing the body, you have to pay it back when you are older.

I remember when I was studying as an undergraduate, I would sit at my desk and study after dinner, and I wouldn't even wander around at night. In order to save time and read more books, I didn't know how to eat less at that time, I ate quite full, and I didn't exercise, and soon found out that my blood sugar was not normal, and after finding out that my blood sugar was high, I strengthened my exercise, went to dance, went to the gym, went to play ball, and my blood sugar slowly stabilized.

Therefore, after the age of 60, you can't be overworked, you must combine movement and static, and don't overdraft your body, which is health.

Sixth, put an end to eating and drinking too casually

After the age of 60, we should pay attention to health, for eating, drinking all aspects, to stop, not too casual, if we like to eat high-fat food, after eating is to bring short-term happiness, or like to drink, after drinking feeling slightly drunk, it does feel good, but in the long run is not good for the body, and these happiness are also temporary, the highest form of raising the face is high-level happiness.

I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate

After the age of 60, we had better read more books, drink tea, learn some things that we wanted to learn before and didn't have time to learn, self-cultivation, the ancients said: there are poems and books in the belly, temperament is the foundation of women's beauty, but temperament is cultivated, is from the accumulation of knowledge.

So after the age of 60, beautiful looks and temperament come from connotation, do you say this is the truth?

I found that the secret to a woman's health and beauty at the age of 60 is not to do the following things, which is quite accurate